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(12) United States DeSIgn Patent (10) Patent N0.: US D714,618 S
Zalzalah (45) Date of Patent: 4* Oct. 7, 2014
(54) HEX SPOOL FOR HOSE i i galtelfs etal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~, , arre ....................... ..
(71) Applicant: Jim Zalzalah, Oregon, IL (US) g i VKqugggZIIFelet 31' 'D5593080 s * 1/2008 Boote """""""""""H 1... 138/354
(72) Inventor: Jim Zalzalah, Oregon, IL (US) 13568,722 s * 5/2008 King ..... .. 138/354
D587,101 S * 2/2009 Morgan .... .. D8/356
(73) Assignee: Plews, Inc., Dixon, IL (US) 135871102 S * 2/2009 Morgan ~~~~~~ 138/356
D597,403 S * 8/2009 H0 etal. D8/396
** T _ 14Y D613,4l2 S * 4/2010 DeCarlo . .. D24/l86
( ) erm- ears D619,940 s * 7/2010 Strang ....... .. .. 1312/159
D620,78l S * 8/2010 Weckworth D8/356
(21) App1.N6.: 29/456,289 13628,218 s * 11/2010 Tommassini .. 1315/138
D655,598 S * 3/2012 Hsu ........... .. D8/356
(22) Filed: May 30 2013 D674,27l S * 1/2013 Rodwin .... .. D8/356
¡¯ D680,4l9 S * 4/2013 Greenetal. D8/354
(51) LOC (10) Cl. .............................................. .. 08-05 13682,071 s * 5/2013 Persaud et a1. ............... .. D8/356
(52) US. Cl. * . .
USPC ......................................................... .. D8/356 med by exammer
(58) Field Of ClaSSi?cation searCh Primary Examiner * Cynthia Underwood
USPC .................. D8/356,396, 367, 354, 349, 373; (74) Attorney] Agent! or FirmiReinhan Boemer Van
136/246; D6/323; 248/3014304, 339, Demen PC
248/2053 ' '
See application ?le for complete search history. (57) CLAIM
_ I claim the ornamental design for the hex spool for hose, as
(56) References Clted shown and described.
450 378 A * 4/1891 R b' .................... .. 451/461 . . .
13423001 A * 6/1920 5211:1120?¡° u 429/121 FIG. 1 1s aper'spectlve V1ew ofthe hex spool for hose for the
13140317 5 * 2/1945 A11en ......... .. 138/397 PNWIII119191111011Z
2,790,570 A * 4/1957 Hodges et a1. .. 215/260 FIG. 2 is a side View ofthe hex spool for hose;
2 i igumff et al~ ~ FIG. 3 is a front View ofthe hex spool for hose;
, , ur ........... .. . - - _
3,308,703 A * 3/1967 Sauer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 83/676 g ls abjfk YleW off?le?lex Spoollffor?losef¡¯
3,363,216 A * 1/1968 Benedetto .. 439/147 - _15a51 ewewo t e ex SP00 or oses _ _
13308933 5 * 7/1990 Hube et 31, 138/356 FlG.61satopV1ewofthehex spool forhose showmgthe s1de
D315,667 S * 3/1991 Johnson D8/354 Opposite that shown in FIG, 2; and,
5,027,478 A : 7/1991 $911? ~~ 24/16 R FIG. 7 is a bottom View ofthe hex spool for hose.
¡®Se ,, " The broken lines used in the several Views are for illustrative
133583545 S * 5/1995 Price 138/356 purposes only and form no part ofthe claimed design.
D372,4l9 S * 8/1996 Ikegami ......... .. D8/382
5,702,845 A * 12/1997 Kawakami et a1. ......... .. 429/224 1 Claim, 4 Drawing Sheets
US. Patent 0a. 7, 2014 Sheet 1 0f4 US D714,618 S
US. Patent 0a. 7, 2014 Sheet 2 0f4 US D714,618 S
US. Patent 0a. 7, 2014 Sheet 3 0f4 US D714,618 S
US. Patent 0a. 7, 2014 Sheet 4 0f4 US D714,618 S

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  • 1. USOOD714618S (12) United States DeSIgn Patent (10) Patent N0.: US D714,618 S Zalzalah (45) Date of Patent: 4* Oct. 7, 2014 (54) HEX SPOOL FOR HOSE i i galtelfs etal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~, , arre ....................... .. (71) Applicant: Jim Zalzalah, Oregon, IL (US) g i VKqugggZIIFelet 31' 'D5593080 s * 1/2008 Boote """""""""""H 1... 138/354 (72) Inventor: Jim Zalzalah, Oregon, IL (US) 13568,722 s * 5/2008 King ..... .. 138/354 D587,101 S * 2/2009 Morgan .... .. D8/356 (73) Assignee: Plews, Inc., Dixon, IL (US) 135871102 S * 2/2009 Morgan ~~~~~~ 138/356 D597,403 S * 8/2009 H0 etal. D8/396 ** T _ 14Y D613,4l2 S * 4/2010 DeCarlo . .. D24/l86 ( ) erm- ears D619,940 s * 7/2010 Strang ....... .. .. 1312/159 D620,78l S * 8/2010 Weckworth D8/356 (21) App1.N6.: 29/456,289 13628,218 s * 11/2010 Tommassini .. 1315/138 D655,598 S * 3/2012 Hsu ........... .. D8/356 (22) Filed: May 30 2013 D674,27l S * 1/2013 Rodwin .... .. D8/356 ¡¯ D680,4l9 S * 4/2013 Greenetal. D8/354 (51) LOC (10) Cl. .............................................. .. 08-05 13682,071 s * 5/2013 Persaud et a1. ............... .. D8/356 (52) US. Cl. * . . USPC ......................................................... .. D8/356 med by exammer (58) Field Of ClaSSi?cation searCh Primary Examiner * Cynthia Underwood USPC .................. D8/356,396, 367, 354, 349, 373; (74) Attorney] Agent! or FirmiReinhan Boemer Van 136/246; D6/323; 248/3014304, 339, Demen PC 248/2053 ' ' See application ?le for complete search history. (57) CLAIM _ I claim the ornamental design for the hex spool for hose, as (56) References Clted shown and described. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS DESCRIPTION 450 378 A * 4/1891 R b' .................... .. 451/461 . . . 13423001 A * 6/1920 5211:1120?¡° u 429/121 FIG. 1 1s aper'spectlve V1ew ofthe hex spool for hose for the 13140317 5 * 2/1945 A11en ......... .. 138/397 PNWIII119191111011Z 2,790,570 A * 4/1957 Hodges et a1. .. 215/260 FIG. 2 is a side View ofthe hex spool for hose; 2 i igumff et al~ ~ FIG. 3 is a front View ofthe hex spool for hose; , , ur ........... .. . - - _ 3,308,703 A * 3/1967 Sauer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 83/676 g ls abjfk YleW off?le?lex Spoollffor?losef¡¯ 3,363,216 A * 1/1968 Benedetto .. 439/147 - _15a51 ewewo t e ex SP00 or oses _ _ 13308933 5 * 7/1990 Hube et 31, 138/356 FlG.61satopV1ewofthehex spool forhose showmgthe s1de D315,667 S * 3/1991 Johnson D8/354 Opposite that shown in FIG, 2; and, 5,027,478 A : 7/1991 $911? ~~ 24/16 R FIG. 7 is a bottom View ofthe hex spool for hose. ¡®Se ,, " The broken lines used in the several Views are for illustrative 133583545 S * 5/1995 Price 138/356 purposes only and form no part ofthe claimed design. D372,4l9 S * 8/1996 Ikegami ......... .. D8/382 5,702,845 A * 12/1997 Kawakami et a1. ......... .. 429/224 1 Claim, 4 Drawing Sheets
  • 2. US. Patent 0a. 7, 2014 Sheet 1 0f4 US D714,618 S
  • 3. US. Patent 0a. 7, 2014 Sheet 2 0f4 US D714,618 S FIG.2
  • 4. US. Patent 0a. 7, 2014 Sheet 3 0f4 US D714,618 S FIG.5 FIG.4
  • 5. US. Patent 0a. 7, 2014 Sheet 4 0f4 US D714,618 S FIG6 FIG.7