#12: User-centered metrics are measurements of key aspects of product performance from the perspectives of the users.page view 是不是可以很好的衡量用户体验?7day active users 是不是可以很好的衡量用户体验?
#14: H = happiness -用户的主观态度是什么? E = engagement – 用户 A = adoption - at what rate are new users of the product being acquired? R = retention – 黏性 T = task success – 用户是否能够成功的完成任务?是不是足够高效?
#19: Among these dimensions of engagement:Frequency: how often the user visits GmailIntensity: amount of activity during a visit (e.g. events)Depth: usage of key features (e.g. sending mail)更多维度: 在淘宝上花的钱 / 在QQ上发的消息数
#33: 1, ? background information sharing2, 6 participants, each participant generate 3 ideas within 3 minutes. 3, passing around, Rotate idea sheet every 3 minutes, until the original idea sheet get back to the starter. 4, generate new ideas based on others
#34: sort a large number of ideas, process variables, concepts, and opinions into naturally related groups.describe ideas with phrases or sentences. Aim for 5-10 groups. If one group is much larger than others, consider splitting it.? Minimize the discussion while sorting -- discuss while developing the header cards. Ultimately reach agreement on placement, if for no other reason than exhaustion.
#35: Prioritizatization Matrix. To prioritize sorted groups require deep understanding on problem situation. Dimensions:What is your favorite? difficulty of implementation value to company value to users long term or short team goal a couple of real use cases that need to be supported
#36: Focused on the selected group. Enhance it with more ideas. And pick
#37: Focused on the selected group. Enhance it with more ideas. And pick