The document provides instructions for using a cane when walking, going upstairs, and going downstairs. When walking, adjust the cane to wrist level and hold it on the side of your good leg. Step forward with your injured leg and cane together, then bring your good leg ahead. When going upstairs, grasp the handrail and bring your injured leg and cane together up to each step. When going downstairs, place the cane on the first step down and step down with your injured leg first, bringing your good leg to the same step and repeating until the bottom.
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Using a Cane
1. 1
Using a Cane
Walking with a Cane
1. Adjust the cane length so that when you are
standing, the handle
of the cane is at the level of your wrist.
2. Hold the cane on the side of your good leg unless
your physical
therapist has told you otherwise.
2. 3. Begin by stepping forward with your injured or
weak leg and cane, keeping the two in line with each
4. Step forward with your good leg, bringing it ahead
of your injured
or weak leg and cane.
3. Going Upstairs with a Cane
Take your time and go slowly. Have someone stand
behind you to help the
first time.
1. Grasp the handrail with your free hand. Begin by
raising your good leg up to the first step.
4. 2. Bring your injured or weak leg and cane
together up to the same step. Keep your
leg and cane in line with each other.
5. Going Downstairs with a Cane
Take your time and go slowly. Have someone stand in
front of you to help
the first time.
1. Put your feet near the steps and place your
cane on the first step down.
6. 2. Step down first with your injured or weak leg.
Bring your good leg to the same step.
7. 3. Repeat until you are at the bottom of the stairs.
When using a cane to go up and down stairs, it is
helpful to remember, Up
with the good and down with the bad.