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Connecting YouTube Channels to
     Their Fan Audiences

The Fan Audience Problem on YouTube

                              Messaging is limited
     Can only post 1000
                               to 1-to-1 plain text
     character plan text
                              messages. Good luck
      bulletins that fans
                               messaging EVERY
          might miss

      Email alerts for fans
                               New videos appear in
    arent customized and
                                 a fans feed when
    lump your content with
                              theyre uploadedand
     everything else a fan
                                      thats it!
        subscribes to

What do you do?
                              Post on Facebook?

          Only 16% of fans will actually see your content in their feed


   Only fans reading Twitter at the right time will see your tweet. Content gets
                                  lost in the feed

                              Share on Google+?

                   Smaller fan audiences than other networks

                                     Pin it?

   Still relies on time-sensitive feed and only reaching one audience segment

         So what should you use? Email.
Why Email Solves These Problems

              Direct content-     Data and
              rich channel to    analytics on
                 all fans at    fans and their
                    once           actions

                                                 Best method
  Fan list that                                   for driving
 you own and                                       traffic to
    control                                        YouTube

Email and YouTube Cycle

                          Open an
                        email with a
       fans excitedly
                         new video
        new content

          You get
         increased       Fans visit
        video views     YouTube to
            and          watch the
        advertising        video
          revenue                      5
How the experts build their lists
     AND their channels

A custom Facebook tab is setup for email
collection, while the Cover photo still focuses on key
                   YouTube content

The custom Facebook tab:
 Has a clear signup call to
  action  Get My
 Features YouTube-
  sourced video content at
  the top
 Contained other
  engaging featured like
  photos and comments
 Displays a Twitter feed
  for maximum social
 Easy to setup
 Designed with a
  major focus on fan
  list growth
 Customized list
  segments for
  different content
 Video promoting the
  list  engaging
  content drives

Email Campaigns:
 Hyper-targeted by
  multiple pieces of
  video content
 Call to action to
  directly subscribe
  to the YouTube
 Social icons at top
  also help build
  other networks

A custom Facebook tab is setup for email collection,
with another tab for driving merch sales. The cover
       photo promotes key YouTube content.

The custom tab:
 Features email signup
  at top of page
 Highlights ecommerce
  in a more visual way
  than YouTube allows
 Still includes frequently
  updated video content
   video is the focus so
  include it everywhere!

Email Campaign:
 Contains more text-
  based information than
  other channels can
 Video is highlighted
  both in text at bottom
  and with a screenshot
  in sidebar
 Merch promotion below
  video content
 Social icons cross-
  promote other
Social Digest:
  Automated content curation
  Uses existing content from
   social networks
  Emails fans weekly or biweekly
  Highlights most engaging
   content, like YouTube videos
 Social Digest is the free, automated solution to the I
never know what to send and dont have enough time
                     email problem

Content creators that email regularly see:
 More list growth
 Higher levels of engagement
 More traffic to social content that was lost in the

 Lots of content!
 Highlights new videos
  at top (most important)
 Interviews with actors
  in series  exclusive
  email-only content
  drives fans to open
  and engage
 Instagram supplies
  more visuals
 Image-driven store
  makes merch more
  appealing to fans
No website? No problem!
 Fan Action Pages let your fans signup for your list
at an easily linkable URL: yourname.fanbridge.com

Are you a YouTube channel looking to grow your fan

     Learn more about how FanBridge can help you:

More Tips for YouTube:
Getting more views from your email campaigns
Using Facebook to increase YouTube traffic
Collect email signups with playlist introductions

More Related Content

Using Email to Build Fan Audiences on YouTube

  • 1. Connecting YouTube Channels to Their Fan Audiences 1
  • 2. The Fan Audience Problem on YouTube Messaging is limited Can only post 1000 to 1-to-1 plain text character plan text messages. Good luck bulletins that fans messaging EVERY might miss fan Email alerts for fans New videos appear in arent customized and a fans feed when lump your content with theyre uploadedand everything else a fan thats it! subscribes to 2
  • 3. What do you do? Post on Facebook? Only 16% of fans will actually see your content in their feed Tweet? Only fans reading Twitter at the right time will see your tweet. Content gets lost in the feed Share on Google+? Smaller fan audiences than other networks Pin it? Still relies on time-sensitive feed and only reaching one audience segment So what should you use? Email. 3
  • 4. Why Email Solves These Problems Direct content- Data and rich channel to analytics on all fans at fans and their once actions Best method Fan list that for driving you own and traffic to control YouTube channels Email 4
  • 5. Email and YouTube Cycle Grows creator-to-fan Open an relationship; email with a fans excitedly new video anticipate new content You get increased Fans visit video views YouTube to and watch the advertising video revenue 5
  • 6. How the experts build their lists AND their channels 6
  • 7. A custom Facebook tab is setup for email collection, while the Cover photo still focuses on key YouTube content 7
  • 8. The custom Facebook tab: Has a clear signup call to action Get My Newsletter Features YouTube- sourced video content at the top Contained other engaging featured like photos and comments Displays a Twitter feed for maximum social reach Easy to setup 8
  • 9. Website: Designed with a major focus on fan list growth Customized list segments for different content genres Video promoting the list engaging content drives signups! 9
  • 10. Email Campaigns: Hyper-targeted by interest Incorporates multiple pieces of video content Call to action to directly subscribe to the YouTube channel Social icons at top also help build other networks 10
  • 11. 11
  • 12. A custom Facebook tab is setup for email collection, with another tab for driving merch sales. The cover photo promotes key YouTube content. 12
  • 13. The custom tab: Features email signup at top of page Highlights ecommerce in a more visual way than YouTube allows Still includes frequently updated video content video is the focus so include it everywhere! 13
  • 14. Email Campaign: Contains more text- based information than other channels can effectively accommodate Video is highlighted both in text at bottom and with a screenshot in sidebar Merch promotion below video content Social icons cross- promote other networks 14
  • 15. Social Digest: Automated content curation Uses existing content from social networks Emails fans weekly or biweekly Highlights most engaging content, like YouTube videos Social Digest is the free, automated solution to the I never know what to send and dont have enough time email problem Content creators that email regularly see: More list growth Higher levels of engagement More traffic to social content that was lost in the feed 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. Newsletter: Lots of content! Highlights new videos at top (most important) Interviews with actors in series exclusive email-only content drives fans to open and engage Instagram supplies more visuals Image-driven store makes merch more appealing to fans 17
  • 18. No website? No problem! Fan Action Pages let your fans signup for your list at an easily linkable URL: yourname.fanbridge.com 18
  • 19. Are you a YouTube channel looking to grow your fan audience? Learn more about how FanBridge can help you: http://www.fanbridge.com/youtube More Tips for YouTube: Getting more views from your email campaigns Using Facebook to increase YouTube traffic Collect email signups with playlist introductions 19