FOSS is becoming more widely used in libraries of all kinds. Open-source discovery layers and open-source LMSs can help libraries open up metadata and gain more control over library systems.
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Using Free and Open Source Software to open data
1. Using Free and Open
Source Software to
open data
#ILI2015Simon Barron
5. Free software is a matter of
liberty, not price. To understand
the concept, you should think of
free as in free speech, not as
in free beer.
Stallman, R., 2002. Free Software Definition in Free software, free
society: selected essays of Richard M. Stallman. Boston, MA: GNU Press.
6. ...while proprietary software suppliers
enjoy the benefits of OSS themselves
theyre not so keen on passing those
freedoms onto us, libraries that buy their
software and support services.
Preater, A., 2012. Free and Open Source Software and distributed
innovation on Ginformation Systems blog, 2012-12-01 <http://www.
17. Logo courtesy of the SobekCM Repository Community.
21. Lawson, S., Sanders, K., Smith, L., 2015.
Commodification of the Information Profession: A
Critique of Higher Education Under Neoliberalism.
Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 3
(1): eP1182
For more info, please read:
22. Coleman, G., 2009. Code is Speech: Legal Tinkering, Expertise, and Protest among Free and Open Source
Software Developers. Cultural Anthropology, 24(3): 420-454 <
DiBona, C., Ockman, S., & Stone, M., eds. 1999. Open sources: voices from the open source revolution.
London: OReilly & Associates.
Lawson, S., Sanders, K., Smith, L., 2015. Commodification of the Information Profession: A Critique of
Higher Education Under Neoliberalism. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 3(1):
eP1182 <>
Marx, K., 1973. The fragment on machines in Marx, K., 1973. Grundrisse (trans. M. Nicolaus),
Harmondsworth: Penguin, pp. 690-712.
Preater, A., 2012. Free and Open Source Software and distributed innovation on Ginformation Systems
blog, 2012-12-01 <
Stallman, R., 2002. Free software, free society: selected essays of Richard M. Stallman. Boston, MA.: GNU