This document summarizes a study on using open and flexible learning strategies to address barriers to education for orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) affected by HIV/AIDS in Lesotho. The study tested an intervention incorporating open distance and flexible learning (ODFL) materials in 20 schools. Results found a significant improvement in math scores for students who used the ODFL materials, but no significant impacts on attendance, English scores, or overall dropout rates. The study concluded that ODFL strategies have potential to support at-risk students but need to be improved and better monitored, especially attendance for secondary OVCs.
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Using odfl to increase access to secondary schools in lesotho nyabanyaba
2. Project
SOFIE (Strengthening open and flexible learning to support
educational access in contexts of high prevalence rates in SADC
improving retention and
increasing access to learning
Focus group
Children affected by HIV and AIDS
Using open and flexible learning strategies
3. Many children experience absenteeism before dropout,
due to
Push out factors (in-school)
Overcrowding in schools
Teacher lack PSS and ability to cope with large classes
Lack of infrastructure
Curricular irrelevance
Pull out factors (out-of-school)
Early marriage
Impact of HIV and AIDS
ODFL strategies have potential to support at-risk
students (Pridmore, 2006)
Offering opportunities for re-entry
Improving teacher understanding and empathy towards at-risk
4. To what extent can barriers to access and attainment due to HIV and
AIDS be addressed using ODFL as a complement to conventional
DfID/Economic and Social Science Research funded
Institute of Education, London
Centre for Educational Research and Training, Malawi
Institute of Education, Lesotho
South African Institute of Distance Education
Followed a mixed method approach in distinct phases
Phase 1: Situational analysis desk studies of policy, practices
and factors influencing educational access
Phase 2: Multi-site, formative fieldwork of factors influencing
educational access
Phase3: Development, trial and evaluation school-based
intervention, incorporating ODFL
5. Pretest-Posttest Control Group design
20/20 Schools randomly assigned to either of two groups
Both groups were administered questionnaires and test papers
(Maths and English)
at the baseline (November 2008) and
following implementation (November 2009), but
only one group received the intervention package and training
Additional qualitative data collected at various stages
Mid-term monitoring visit in August 2009
Concurrent with post-intervention visits (November 2009)
District-level evaluation workshops held in January 2010.
7. School-in-a-box:
Club leader manual
Self -Study guides (English &
Form B Textbooks (English &
English readers
Supplementary readers on child rights,
child labour and gender violence.
HIV&AIDS board game Choices &
Writing materials
Wind-up Radio
School bag (rucksack)
Mathematical Instrument set
2 Notebooks, a pen and a pencil
8. Sample Sampled students' status
2% Single parents
800 15%
6% Paternal orphans
600 Maternal orphans
Male 53%
400 21% Double orphans
3% Abondoned
No data
Intervention Control
9. The attendance and progression rate for boys is worse than girls
in general, especially in rural areas.
Related to boys being called upon to look after animals.
However, girls experience more disruptions as they progress
a result of girls being called on to look after sick members of families
and siblings,
early marriage to escape the burden of poverty at home.
Disruptions also associated with the perceived low quality of
Inequitable access
Poor efficiency
Low quality
Inadequate output/completion
10. Control schools Intervention schools
Mean Mean
File number N Rank N Rank
SCR:/English score Baseline 1841 1667.63 1819 1708.43
End-of-intervention 1629 1812.21 1578 1688.13
Total 3470 3397
SCR:/Maths score Baseline 1842 1867.56 1818 1680.78
End-of-intervention 1596 1548.62 1559 1698.59
Total 3438 3377
P:/Absenteeism Baseline 1075 1226.67 1205 1332.71
End-of-intervention 1371 1221.01 1439 1313.95
Total 2446 2644
11. Slight decline in the scores for English,
Slight increase in the mathematics scores
Slight decline in the rate of absenteeism
None statistically significant
Difference in maths performance was statistically
12. Mean Sum of
ID:/Student status N Rank Ranks
S:/repeated Form A club member 224 149.5 33488
in 2008
non-club member 74 149.5 11063
Total 298
S:/Absenteeism club member 224 151.33 33899
non-club member 74 143.95 10652
Total 298
SCR:/English score club member 220 144.86 31869.5
non-club member 73 153.45 11201.5
Total 293
SCR:/Maths score club member 216 151.69 32764
non-club member 73 125.22 9141
Total 289
13. Club-members did significantly better than similar students in maths
Serious inequalities and obstacles remain
Conclusion about intervention
Had no impact to negative impact on English
No impact on attendance could be found (inadequate intervention)
Reduced dropout rates marginally
Had a significant impact on maths performance
Schools became better places for learning for OVCs
Reported impact on teacher empathy towards OVCs due to PSS training
Better societal understanding on situation of OVCs
14. Need for increased monitoring of attendance
Particularly for OVCs at secondary schooling
Lack of understanding and monitoring of childhood and their issues
Need for increased PSS support for OVCs
Points to the impact of HIV and vulnerability
Child-headed and grandparents households
Need to work through teacher formations in intervention
Successful link with Maths teachers association resulted in cooperation
Current and emerging socio-economic challenges call for more
research and development of ODFL to complement conventional
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