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Using software effectively to
 support student outcomes in
        = Simon Evans, @Dragon09 =
 Considering the eLearning planning framework
 Use of blogging in the classroom
 Some IWB tools to try
 Some software to try
 Organising and taking part in a global forum
The e-Learning Planning Framework will provide [see right]:
       ! a road map that enables schools/teachers to identify
           where they are, the practical steps they can take to
           improve their practice, and connects them to relevant
           information or services to support them in doing this.

eLearning planning framework
           The framework provides processes and practices that
           internationally have been shown to be critical factors in
           lifting schools e-learning capability.
       ! Examples and resources to illustrate what the
           framework might look like in practice.
       ! A suggested guide to how to use the framework for self-review.

                                                                          The diagram [left
                                                                          schools and teac
                                                                          capability to enab
                                                                          learn with and t
                                                                          within their own

                                                                          Schools and teac
                                                                          some or all of the
                                                                          through to Empo
                                                                          decisions are dri
                                                                          rather than the te

Five dimensions
Leadership and strategic direction
Professional learning
Teaching and Learning
Technologies and Infrastructure
Beyond the classroom
Teaching and Learning
Technologies       Technologies        Learning           Student-
supplement         begin to meet       activities         centred,
teacher-directed   needs and           integrate          authentic,
activities.        support higher-     technologies       higher-order,
                   order, collaborat   appropriately to   collaborative
                   ive learning.       support            teaching and
                                       authentic,         learning is
                                       higher- order,     enhanced by
                                       collaborative      ubiquitous
                                       learning.          technologies.
Blogging in the classroom
       Implementing individual blogs for students using Blogger

Class blog
While students are thinking of their
   audience throughout all stages of the
literacy cycle, blogging has become a key
      part of the presentation stage.
                             Sarah Gleeson
Some IWB tools to try

What have you been trying in your school?
 Drag and drop
 Sound recording
 Record and playback
Some software to try
What have you been trying in your school?
   Comic Master
   Photostory/ moviemaker
Using software effectively to support student outcomes in literacy
Organising and taking part
in a global forum

    Setting SMART goals
    Planning the forum
    Participating in the hot
Using software effectively to support student outcomes in literacy
Participating in the forum
Using software effectively to support student outcomes in literacy
 How would you adapt these concepts and
  ideas for your students?
 How could these idea be extended?
Making a start with Skype

Software for Learning link

Starting with Skype

More Related Content

Using software effectively to support student outcomes in literacy

  • 1. Using software effectively to support student outcomes in literacy http://educatingthedragon.blogspot.co.nz/ = Simon Evans, @Dragon09 =
  • 2. Objectives: Considering the eLearning planning framework Use of blogging in the classroom Some IWB tools to try Some software to try Organising and taking part in a global forum
  • 3. The e-Learning Planning Framework will provide [see right]: ! a road map that enables schools/teachers to identify where they are, the practical steps they can take to improve their practice, and connects them to relevant information or services to support them in doing this. eLearning planning framework The framework provides processes and practices that internationally have been shown to be critical factors in lifting schools e-learning capability. ! Examples and resources to illustrate what the framework might look like in practice. ! A suggested guide to how to use the framework for self-review. The diagram [left schools and teac capability to enab learn with and t within their own network. Schools and teac some or all of the through to Empo decisions are dri rather than the te "!
  • 4. Five dimensions Leadership and strategic direction Professional learning Teaching and Learning Technologies and Infrastructure Beyond the classroom
  • 5. Teaching and Learning Technologies Technologies Learning Student- supplement begin to meet activities centred, teacher-directed needs and integrate authentic, activities. support higher- technologies higher-order, order, collaborat appropriately to collaborative ive learning. support teaching and authentic, learning is higher- order, enhanced by collaborative ubiquitous learning. technologies.
  • 6. Blogging in the classroom Implementing individual blogs for students using Blogger Class blog
  • 7. While students are thinking of their audience throughout all stages of the literacy cycle, blogging has become a key part of the presentation stage. Sarah Gleeson
  • 8. Some IWB tools to try What have you been trying in your school? Story-boarding Drag and drop Layering Sound recording Record and playback
  • 9. Some software to try What have you been trying in your school? Kidblog Comic Master Samorost2 Photostory/ moviemaker Fakebook
  • 11. Organising and taking part in a global forum Setting SMART goals Planning the forum Participating in the hot seat.
  • 15. How would you adapt these concepts and ideas for your students? How could these idea be extended?
  • 16. Making a start with Skype Software for Learning link Starting with Skype

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Welcome to the Software for Learning presentation. I dont want to spend the time just now showing you around the Software for Learning site. But rather I want to focus on a few snapshots of learning that have been shared by New Zealand teachers over the past 12 months. I hope that through these well be able to join the dots a little and make the connections between using software effectively to support positive student outcomes. I also hope well be able to consider our own practice. What might or might not work in our own classrooms and schools. How we can adapt, adopt and change to meet the needs of own students.
  • #3: Our focus today will be on the teacher stories, or Snapshots we like to call them. There are over 70 such stories on the site but were going to focus on just three of them youll be glad to know. using video to demonstrate understanding of mathematics strategies Looks at using Youtube to support student learning. Increasing student engagement through a constructivist approach Looks at how a school leverages myPortfolio.Organising and taking part in a global forum Considers how Skoodle can have students engage directly with known artists, illustrators and authors.
  • #10: Our focus today will be on the teacher stories, or Snapshots we like to call them. There are over 70 such stories on the site but were going to focus on just three of them youll be glad to know. using video to demonstrate understanding of mathematics strategies Looks at using Youtube to support student learning. Increasing student engagement through a constructivist approach Looks at how a school leverages myPortfolio.Organising and taking part in a global forum Considers how Skoodle can have students engage directly with known artists, illustrators and authors.
  • #12: Skoodle, formerly Super Clubs Plus hosts a authors forum and Newmarket had been involved with this project previously. It is these connections that led the illustrator of BroTown be asked to attend the school for the day as they hosted a Global Hot seat. The point of difference here was the fact that having Art attend resonated with these students. 30 students were chosen from the school to help host the event and they were involved in every aspect of planning and delivering the event. The students were involved in the planning for the global forum which gave them a purpose for reading and writing. They carried out research on Ant Sang and his career path in order to create a profile poster to help advertise the event. A focus during this activity was using symbols and texts where students learned how choices of language, symbol, or text affect peoples understanding and the ways in which they respond. The students worked with Virginia on reading skills such as using key words, inferring, making connections, evaluating, reorganising, reacting, and collating information when doing the online research.
  • #13: Newmarket is a culturally diverse school of 300 students. They, like so many schools are trying to raise Maori and Pasifika student achievement.The Assistant Principal interviewed a number of students, trying to make deeper links with them and their families. During the course of the interviews a recurring theme appeared. BroTown, the TV series. Instead of saying thats nice dear and moving onto a topic about the Rocky shore or some such the Class teacher decided to run with the idea.
  • #14: The students were involved in the planning for the global forum which gave them a purpose for reading and writing. They carried out research on Ant Sang and his career path in order to create a profile poster to help advertise the event. A focus during this activity was using symbols and texts where students learned how choices of language, symbol, or text affect peoples understanding and the ways in which they respond. The students worked with Virginia on reading skills such as using key words, inferring, making connections, evaluating, reorganising, reacting, and collating information when doing the online research.
  • #15: For one hour the children asked their questions using Author in the Hot Seat forum. The running of the session was a team effort. Sonya provided technical support and guidance as she managed the Skype session with Solway School and communicated using chat with SuperClubsPLUS Australia. Virginia acted as scribe and had to work quickly to keep up with the 176 online questions.
  • #16: I would like you to consider for a few moments one or other of these questions. Whichever floats your boat. Then well feedback together as a group.
  • #17: I would like you to consider for a few moments one or other of these questions. Whichever floats your boat. Then well feedback together as a group.
  • #18: I would like you to consider for a few moments one or other of these questions. Whichever floats your boat. Then well feedback together as a group.