The document discusses the balanced scorecard (BSC) framework created by Kaplan and Norton in the 1990s. The BSC is used for strategic management and organizational performance measurement. It balances operations between financial and non-financial aspects and links performance to strategy. The BSC translates vision into objectives across four perspectives - financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and growth. It helps communicate strategy, track key performance indicators, and align budgets and processes with strategic goals. Potential benefits include a holistic strategic focus, competency building, and stakeholder communication. Criticisms are that it requires significant time and effort and may not be suitable for smaller companies.
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Using the balanced_score_card
1. Using the balanced Score
Card as a strategic
management system
By Robert Kaplan & David Norton
Presented by: Felix Sie
2. Agenda
• Background of BSC
• Objectives
• BSC - What is it?
• How does it work?
• Benefits of BSC
• Criticisms of BSC
• Key Learning and Conclusion
3. Background
• Developed by Dr. Robert Kaplan and Dr. David Norton between 1990 - 1993
• Used for Strategic Management & Organizational performance measurement
• A study in 1997 by Kurtzman found 64 percent of respondents used some form of
BSC with various types of perspectives
4. Objectives
Balance Scorecard is a framework for coordinating and fine-tuning a
company’s operations and processes so that they are aligned with strategy
5. BSC- What is it?
6. How does it work?
7. BSC - In practice!
Translating the vision:
• What are we trying to achieve through the vision?
Communicating and linking
• Does each business unit understand its role and how does their individual
goals tie into the organization’s score card?
Business planning
• Is organization’s budget and other processes aligned with the strategic plan? –
bring strategy and budget together to achieve the goals
Feedback and learning
• Did we achieve our goals? If not then why?
8. Benefits of using BSC
It helps to balance operations between financial and non-financial aspects
Build the company’s competencies in a systematic way
Communicate the organization’s strategy to stakeholders and customers
Track only what matters
Link performance to compensation
9. Criticisms of the BSC
• It requires lots of time and planning sessions to layout what matters for
your organization
• Can be challenging for smaller companies to use – if they are still
struggling to find what matters
• It can be challenging to bring everyone on board to use the scorecard
10. Key Learning & Conclusion
• The tool provides a holistic approach for obtaining a balance in an organization
• For start-ups and emerging companies the BSC might not be applicable until
companies learn about what matters
• By its nature, it helps an organization to align its processes and focus on achieving
long-term goals