This document provides an overview of freedom of information laws in the UK, including:
1) Quotes from Tony Blair showing his changing view of FOI from supportive to critical.
2) Key details of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 such as the presumption of disclosure, categories of public bodies covered, exemptions, timelines, and appeal process.
3) Tips for making effective FOI requests, including being precise, working within cost limits, 'staging' requests, and using FOI to obtain further information rather than as the sole source.
2. Before...
The very fact of [the] introduction [of the Freedom
of Information Act] will signal a new relationship
between government and people: a relationship
which sees the public as legitimate stakeholders
in the running of the country, and sees elections
to serve the public as being given on trust.
Tony Blair, 1996
3. ...and after
Freedom of information. Three harmless words.
I look at those words as I write them, and feel
like shaking my head until it drops off. You idiot.
You naive, foolish irresponsible nincompoop.
There is really no description of stupidity, no
matter how vivid, that is adequate. I quake at
the imbecility of it.
Tony Blair, 2010
4. Freedom of Information Act 2000
Labour manifesto commitment in 1997
Came into force, along with Environmental
Information Regulations, in 2005
Covers England, Wales, Northern Ireland
Scotland has similar, but non-identical, law
Brought UK into line with 85 other countries
around world with some form of freedom of
information legislation
5. Principles
Assumption in favour of disclosure
'Purpose-blind' no need to give reason for
'Applicant-blind' all requests must be treated
6. Who is covered?
'Public bodies' more than 100,000 in total
Schedule 1 of the act contains a list of types of
It also contains a list of specific, named bodies
which are classed as 'public bodies'
Secretary of state has power to designate
further bodies
'Hybrid bodies' partially covered e.g. BBC,
GPs, dentists
7. Who is using it, and how often?
Number of requests believed to be rising by
between 5pc and 15pc a year
Local authorities get most requests around
200,000 a year
Report by The Constitution Unit found, in first
year of FOI, 43pc from individuals, 29pc from
businesses, 11pc from journalists
Latest figures show government departments
answered 56pc of requests in full
9. Recent developments
Justice Select Committee's report suggested
generally FOI 'working well'
But have proposed cost-ceiling reduction
Ministry of Justice has raised concerns: 'a tool
for journalists fishing for the next scandal'
MoJ commissioned a MORI study suggesting
cost limit should be reduced and charges
introduced, at least for 'serial requesters'
10. Making a request
Must be in writing (this includes emails)
Must specify what information is requested, and
give a preferred format for response
Must include an address for correspondence
Should be directed at FOI officer and make
clear it is a request under freedom of
information laws
11. The cost limit
贈600 for government departments (24 staff
贈450 for other public bodies (18 staff hours)
Can charge you for costs like photocopying and
Can offer you the chance to pay if the cost
exceeds the limit but don't have to, and
generally won't
12. Exemptions
Some are absolute meaning there is no
public-interest test
Most are qualified in which case the public
body must run a public-interest test
'Vexatious' requests will also be rejected
This term is not clearly defined, but bodies can
take into account the tone of the request,
whether the requester is
'obsessive'/harrassing/disruptive, and the
'value' in the request
13. Absolute exemptions
Already reasonably accessible
Security bodies/national security
Court records
Parliamentary privilege
Personal information of requester
Data protection act (person information of others),
However whether DPA applies is subject to public-
interest test ('fairness') & doesn't apply to the dead
Actionable confidentiality (from without)
14. Qualified exemptions
Intended for future publication
Prejudice defence/armed forces/international
Prejudice law enforcement/investigations
Audit functions
Government policy/conduct of public affairs
Communications with Royal Family
Endangering health/safety
Trade secrets
15. Third-party information
ICO published a note in relation to MPs' exes
Three stage test:set by information tribunal
ONE: Is there legitimate public interest?
TWO: Is disclosure necessary for that interest?
THREE: Is there yet an excessive negative
impact on individuals concerned?
Decision upheld by High Court on appeal
17. The time limit
20 working days before the authority must
reveal if it has the information
Must either give it to you or issue refusal notice
Clock starts day after request received unless
need to clarify request
Refusal notice must specify exemption(s)
If exemption(s) qualified, can take 'reasonable'
extra time to consider public interest
18. Right of appeal
Initially should request an internal review
generally contesting public-interest case
ICO has suggested this should take maximum
of 40 days, usually no more than 20
Next step is to challenge independently through
the ICO
Most complaints that go to the ICO are
informally resolved
19. Authorities must be helpful
Authorities should... provide assistance to the
applicant to enable him or her to describe
more clearly the information requested...
Appropriate assistance in this instance might
include providing an outline of the different
kinds of information which might meet the
terms of the request.
Code of practice issued under S45 of the act
20. Tip 1: know your exemptions
There's no point asking for something you know
you have no chance of getting
But you can get information relating to a
person's role (e.g. council leader's claims for
trips abroad)
Be prepared to make a strong public-interest
argument search for and quote relevant
Be prepared to negotiate
21. Tip 2: be precise
Most FOI officers want to do their job but that
isn't second-guessing what you want
Define terms: e.g. if asking for correspondence,
clarify this means all letters, memos, reports
and emails
Set a clear time period and be clear if the
public body works in calendar or financial years
22. Tip 3: work with the cost limit
Plan your request. Ask for all correspondence
between x and y for last five years, you won't
get it. Ask for all emails between x and y with 'z'
in the subject heading, you will
Find out if the information is kept in a specific
format (e.g. a spreadsheet) and ask for it
Build in some flexibility e.g. 'last 12-month
period for which figures are readily available'
Ask the FOI officer to suggest a solution if they
say your request goes over the cost limit
23. Tip 4: 'stage' your requests
Give a maximal version but make clear you
would accept less to avoid the cost ceiling
For example: All data about x for the last five
calendar years; or, if that breaches the cost
limit, then the last three calendar years; or, if
that breaches the cost limit, then the last
calendar year
Can stage in other ways, too e.g. All letters
between x, y, z; or at least between x and y
24. Tip 5: don't give them an 'out'
If you think certain documents might contain
elements that would fall foul of an exemption
(e.g. names, commercial information), point out
that you are prepared to consider some degree
of redaction. (You can also do this after a RN)
Suggest alternatives e.g. if won't give names
of police officers, ask for ranks, division, male
or female, etc. (This will give you a better story
and make it easier for you to track down the
information through other sources)
25. Tip 6: pitfalls of statistics
Many statistics available elsewhere ONS,
Hansard, local government sites
Should be monitored as a matter of course
Don't pass off old statistics as new
Don't just ask for figures get details, too
If possible, ask for 'raw-data' documents (such
as spreadsheets) rather than a pr辿cis
If you are asking for statistics, be ambitious
30. Tip 7: FOI is just the start
Information must be put in context and the story
must be developed
Case studies
Expert interpretation
Graphical representation
35. Tip 8: documents and dossiers
Think about major events try to get hold of
relevant letters, reports and other documents
In many cases these are filed in one place so
asking for them may NOT fall foul of the cost
Government departments seem better at
providing these than local authorities
Do your research so you know what is new and
what is not
38. Tip 9: know your FOI officer
They are not the enemy they have a job to do
and being prepared to be flexible and negotiate
helps both parties
Should be lines of communication often by
modifying a request slightly, or limiting its
scope, will get the result you want
39. Tip 10: know what you want
Are there specific documents that you know
Plan your questions carefully with a journalistic
nose for a story. What is the intro likely to be?
What other information are you likely to need
beyond the headline data? Make sure you ask
for this at the same time
41. Tip 11: steal good ideas
Previous FOI requests can be found in various
places many can be adapted for reuse
Public bodies often keep a list of FOIs they
have answered online
David Higgerson's FOI blog has a weekly
selection of the best FOI requests
Google news searches for 'freedom of
44. 'Timeless classics'
Crimes against police stations/officers
Personal information breaches
Restaurant inspections for football clubs
Gun licences to kids
Police call-outs to hospitals
Compo claims against schools etc
Confiscations from courts/prisons
Paedos 'on the run'
45. Tip 12: the limits of FOI
Using FOI doesn't make you an investigative
If you get information through the act you
should mention it but shock-horror 'obtained
under FOI...' intros are a clich辿
Contacts are still the best means of identifying
and obtaining controversial documents
Press officers will often issue information
We don't want to be getting everything from FOI