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Utilization and possibilities of
art information in a data-driven society
-Characteristics of well-known Japanese oil painters
8 December,2020
Tetsuro KAMURA
Art Media Centre, Tokyo University of the Arts
2.Generate basis data and relationship indicators
3.Cluster analysis of Japanese oil painters' network
4.Analyze characteristics of well-known Japanese oil painters
1. Introduction
Background on a global level
1.The art market has been growing worldwide.
2.Open Access is implemented in the art-related field overseas.
3.Develop and using artworks or artists related authority data in
overseas museums.
4.Interdisciplinary research and information services
using relevant data of art.
5.Attempt to use diverse open data in the art market.
Issues in Japan
1. No usable artist and vocabulary data.
2. Insufficient data to purchase decisions and evaluations of
3. A new method of valuing and evaluating artworks or artists is
required using digital data.
4. Creating new social value is required using various data in the
art field.
Reveal the importance of reusable data
infrastructure development in the art sector by
utilizing information technology and distribution
Integration of arts and academic information Integration of arts information and business
2. Academic Research 3.Art Market
Create Innovation and Revitalizing the Art Community
Collection Info
Image Thumbnail
Provenance Info
Reference Info
Exhibition Info
Artist Info
R&D Institution
Research Data
Research method
Data from
Gallery and
Auction House
Artist, Art works
Price list
Gallery Map
Image Thumbnail
Artworks sales and support
Information Service
Corporate patrons and funds
Appreciation of Art
Exhibit & Creation
Exhibit & Creation
Art market data
Open Data
Art & Culture data
from government
[Education & Research]
Data-driven research
Supporting Arts Education
Manage reliable art data
[Interdisciplinary approach]
Data distribution and management
Business development of study results
Support for museum field
1.Artists Data
Compare artworks, price, images,
and several information.
Artists Support
Intellectual pursuit
Exhibit Planning
Art experience Consumption, Investment
Sales Services
Infrastructure of
Art Information
Collect / Archive / Share
Acquisition of
evaluation and value
Use for
art business
Reviews from
new knowledge
Meaning in
Culture and Society
Use for
Art Criticism
Market Data
Publish Data
The image of vitalize of the Japan’s art community
Art information has potential
use of data in the community.
We think that will be needed art-
related information pieces,
artists, and valuations based on
numerical data in the near future.
We assume building a system
that can objectively use
information owned by all
organizations and people
involved with arts.
Today’s research topics
1. Characteristics analysis using Japanese oil painters
attribute information and web services data.
2. Reveal a reality of Japanese artist valuation amount
used as one of the evaluation indicators.
3. Clarify highly rated artist elements from analysis data.
Target genre
Japanese oil painters
- Oil paintings are always in art museum globally.
- Data utilization possibilities with overseas.
If Japanese art museums publish open data
2. Generate basis data and relationship indicators
2-1. Generate raw data
2-2. Extract well-known artists
2-3. Create relationship indicators
2-4. Other components of artist value
2-1: Generate raw data
Use two Japanese art yearbooks
Artist Information
Attribute Contents
Name Name of artist
Pronunciation of
kanji characters
A = Romanization
B = Katakana characters
Evaluation Price Masterpiece per the size1 (JP yen)
Association Name of art association
Alma mater University, Art school
Birthplace Prefecture
Current location Address (Residency)
Year of birth Japanese Calendar
Basic information of yearbooks
Number of artists 2,476 2,958
Total(A+B) 5,434
Duplicate artists 704
Number of unique 1,772 2,254
Number of unique
(704 + 1772 + 2254)
Describtive information of artist
0 17.9x13.9 17.9x11.8 17.9x10.0
1 22.1x16.6 22.1x13.9 22.1x11.8
2 24.0x19.0 24.0x16.1 24.0x13.9
3 27.3x22.0 27.3x19.0 27.3x16.1
4 33.4x24.3 33.4x21.2 33.4x19.1
5 35.0x27.3 35.0x24.3 35.0x22.1
6 40.9x21.8 40.9x27.3 40.9x24.3
8 45.5x37.9 45.5x33.3 45.5x27.3
10 53.0x45.5 53.0x40.9 53.0x33.3
12 60.6x50.0 60.6x45.5 60.6x40.9
15 65.2x53.0 65.2x50.0 65.2x45.5
20 72.7x60.6 72.7x53.0 72.7x50.0
25 80.3x65.2 80.3x60.0 80.3x53.0
30 90.9x72.7 90.9x65.2 90.9x60.6
40 100.0x80.3 100.0x72.7 100.0x65.2
50 116.7x90.9 116.7x80.3 116.7x72.7
60 130.3x97.0 130.3x89.4 130.3x80.3
80 145.5x112.1 145.5x97.0 145.5x89.4
100 162.1x130.3 162.1x112.1 162.1x97.0
120 193.9x130.3 193.9x112.1 193.9x97.0
150 227.3x181.8 227.3x162.1 227.3x145.4
200 259.1x193.9 259.1x181.8 259.1x162.1
300 290.9x218.2 290.9x197.0 290.9x181.8
500 333.3x248.5 333.3x128.2 333.3x197.0
Artist Assessment system (Known as GO system)
- We have 0 to 500 Japanese sizes standard for paintings.
- Mostly art associations or galleries evaluate a size one
price to the artist.
- Using masterpiece per the size one.
Evaluation Price = One of the assessment indicator
TANAKA‘s evaluation price = 10,000yen.
(Evaluation value = Size one price)
If created size five artwork, its price is an estimate 50,000yen.
Age Book A Book B
Blank 205 257
20 1 7
30 15 45
40 44 88
50 152 248
60 483 764
70 720 970
80 658 503
90 194 76
100 4 0
2476 2958
5434(Include duplicate data)
Main layer
Book A Book B
Blank 327 228
0 0 0
Under100,000 1345 1323
100,000 668 1320
200,000 66 45
300,000 22 15
400,000 13 7
500,000 5 7
600,000 2 3
700,000 0 2
800,000 11 0
900,000 2 2
1,000,000 9 3
2,000,000 2 3
3,000,000 2 0
4,000,000 2 0
Total 2476 2958
Compare evaluation price and age between two
books $1= 105yen, 1= 126yen (5 Dec. 2020)
2-2: Extract well-known artists
? Scraped data from Japanese art auction company’s web.
? Auction terms : 2010 to 2018.
? Auction bidding price data: 22137 records.
? Artist name text matching.
? Defined 248 artists in the marketplace as famous.
Generate data
248 names
2-3: Create relationship indicators
- Searched a combination of each artist's names using search engine.
- Using the number of search results as a relationship indicator between artists.
Fujiwara and Yamada‘s
indicator is 62.
Indicator value of relation.
+”Fujiwara” +”Yamada”
2-4: Other components for artist valuation
Took the number of occurrences of an artist name use SPARQL API
- LODAC Museum project
130000 artworks, 8800 artists name information collected from 52 muse
- Getty ULAN LOD
- DBpedia Japanese
- Wikidata
Web Services Occurrences
LODAC Museum 109
Getty ULAN LOD 8
DBpedia Japanese 75
Wikidata 68
3. Cluster analysis of Japanese oil painters' network
A statistic of artist network
Means 0.5684 0.0032 0.7648 0.3948 57.7661
Std Error 0.0054 0.0007 0.0130 0.0190 3.2730
Median 0.5458 0.0001 0.8055 0.3367 43.5
Std Dev 0.0860 0.0112 0.2053 0.3003 51.5441
Variance 0.0074 0.0001 0.0421 0.0901 2656.8033
Min 0.3945 0 0 0.0078 1
Max 0.9047 0.1095 1 1 221
No. of Obs 248 248 248 248 248
Undirected graph, Nodes: 248, Edges: 7163
Nodes use attribute data such as evaluation prices and association.
Edges use related indicators.
Details \ Cluster A B C D E
Nodes 90 57 44 36 21
Edges 597 807 492 418 127
Degree(Avg.) 13 28 22 23 12
Graph Density 0.149 0.506 0.52 0.663 0.605
Evaluation(Avg.) ?250,000 ?310,000 ?200,000 ?240,000 ?600,000
Evaluation(Median) ?110,000 ?160,000 ?120,000 ?160,000 ?120,000
Evaluation price and
Japanese oil painters' network
? Using the Louvain algorithm
? Colour : Cluster
? Node Size: Betweenness centrality
? Label: Name – Evaluation price
Characteristics of cluster A
? The most number of nodes among the five.
? The number of edges and
the average degree are smaller than others.
? The lowest graph density value.
? Less in communication with each other.
Number of Nodes 90
Edges 597
Degree(Avg.) 13
Graph Density 0.149
Evaluation Price(Avg.) ?250,000
Evaluation Price(Median) ?110,000
Characteristics of cluster B
Number of Nodes 57
Edges 807
Degree(Avg.) 28
Graph Density 0.506
Evaluation Price(Avg.) ?310,000
Evaluation Price(Median)? ?160,000
? The highest number of edges among the five.
? A high value of the average degree.
? The highest median evaluation price.
? A lively communication with each other.
Characteristics of cluster C
Number of Nodes 44
Edges 492
Degree(Avg.) 22
Graph Density 0.52
Evaluation Price(Avg.) ?200,000
Evaluation Price(Median)? ?120,000
? Number of nodes, edges and degree are
third out of all clusters.
? A lot of artists are widely scattered.
? The lowest evaluation price of median of the five.
Characteristics of cluster D
Number of Nodes 35
Edges 417
Degree(Avg.) 23
Graph Density 0.663
Evaluation Price(Avg.) ?240,000
Evaluation Price(Median)? ?160,000
? Edges and Degree are high value.
? The highest graph density of the five.
? A dense activity each other.
? The highest median evaluation price.
(Same as cluster B)
Characteristics of cluster E
? Node, Edges and Degree are lowest of all.
? Located far from the center of artist network.
? The highest average evaluation price.
? 3 and 4million yen artists in the cluster.
Number of Nodes 21
Edges 127
Degree(Avg.) 12
Graph Density 0.605
Evaluation Price(Avg.) ?600,000
Evaluation Price(Median)? ?120,000
4. Analyze characteristics of well-known Japanese oil painters
Revealed elements of the evaluation price and
built a model explaining characteristics.
Categories Explanatory variables
①Evaluation price
②Auction price
③Auction volume
Personal connection
④Alma maters
Relationship indicators
⑥Closeness Centrality
⑧Eigenvector centrality
⑩Weighted degree
Web search
Academic components
?LODAC Museum
?Getty ULAN
Personal data
Build a model of evaluation price
Variable Coefficient SD t p<2.2e-16
Intercept -0.1529 0.0612 -2.496 0.013344 *
?Age × ?DBpedia 0.011 0.0033 3.46 0.000654***
?Age × ⑨Degree 7.36E-05 1.66E-05 4.443 1.43E-05***
?DBpedia × ?Address -0.0105 3.60E-03 -2.888 0.004284**
?DBpedia × ?LODAC Museum 1.408 0.2221 6.341 1.37E-09***
?DBpedia × ⑨Degree -0.0073 0.0019 -3.866 0.000147***
?LODAC Museum × ?Google search result -2.96E-05 6.54E-06 -4.526 1.00E-05***
?Google search result × ②Auction Price -1.43E-05 2.10E-06 -6.821 9.38E-11***
⑦Betweenness × ⑧Eigenvector centrality 3.28E+02 5.05E+01 6.487 6.12E-10***
⑦Betweenness × ④Alma mater -12.34 1.774 -6.955 4.34E-11***
④Alma mater × ②Auction Price 0.042 0.0038 10.927 <2.00E-16***
③Auction volume × ?Age 0.0023 0.0003 7.64 7.50E-13***
③Auction volume × ?Google 9.96E-07 4.22E-07 2.359 0.019231*
③Auction volume × ?Bing 1.59E-06 6.28E-07 2.538 0.011878*
③Auction volume × ⑨Degree 0.0023 0.0003 8.696 9.73E-16***
③Auction volume × ⑦Betweenness -2.643 0.6465 -4.089 6.17E-05***
③Auction volume × ④Association -0.0162 0.0013 -12.014 <2.00E-16***
0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.?
R2 : 0.7339, Adjust R2 : 0.7137
Create characteristics of well-known artists model using multiple regression analysis.
Relationships between the measured and predicted values of
evaluation price of artis
Excluded from the
R2 Difference
②Auction price 0.5832 0.1507
③Auction volume 0.4118 0.3221
④Alma maters 0.5827 0.1512
⑤Associations 0.5518 0.1821
⑦Betweenness 0.6725 0.0614
0.6808 0.0531
⑨Degree 0.5563 0.1776
?Bing Search 0.7257 0.0082
?Google Search 0.6255 0.1084
?LODAC Museum 0.681 0.0529
?DBpedia 0.6615 0.0724
?Age 0.6209 0.1130
?Address 0.7233 0.0106
Most influential factors to evaluation price
Extracted variables that have a significant
impact on the coefficient of determination
and measured their importance.
Important elements
②Auction price
③Auction volume
④Alma maters
?Google Search
Variables affecting more than 0.1
5. Discussion
Characteristics of high evaluation price artists.
What are the factors that makes evaluation price increase?
1. Large number of artworks widely distribute in the market.
Artworks of working artists are distributing in the market.
uThis meaning is artistic activities are likely to be active.
In short, there are ongoing production and trading.
uSomeone makes provenance, Exhibition history, and Artist information.
Biographies, reliability, and supporting information of value are on record.
uIt is advantageous to have a lot of artworks distribution.
2. Can search for artist and artwork information on the web.
A lot of information on the web.
Art auction, Exhibition, Gallery, Weblog...etc.
u Information is distributed for some purpose.
u Possibly leading to improved artist reputation and value.
3. Have multiple to connect with artists, alma mater, and associations.
Have a lots of different connections, such as various schools, art
groups, and persons.
uThat helps to get inspired by other disciplines, cultures, and
uIt is considered that a lots of artistic activities and experiences
are factors of increasing value and reputation.
The result of this analysis is possible to predict artists likely to
increase evaluation value in the future.
Thus, The development and utilization of various art-related data
will be able to create new social values.
Artist authorities
Machine Learning
Usable Data
Artists, Artworks
Investment proposal
Buying a piece or
investing in an artist
Personal recommendation, Trend forecasting, Trend analysis
We believe that artist introductions and trend analysis
using machine learning will be possible
when using various art-related data on the web.
The Regional trend of Japanese oil painters
Number of oil painters per 100,000 population
( ) Number of prefectures
Using National Tax Audit and Population data and 4730 Japanese oil painters’ data.
Real number
Prefecture Person
Tokyo 933
Kanagawa 500
Saitama 350
Osaka 345
Chiba 317
Hyogo 216
Aichi 144
Ibaraki 133
Nagano 131
Kyoto 129
TOP10 Density
Per 100,000 person
Prefecture Person
Tokyo 7.05
Nara 6.47
Nagano 6.14
Kanagawa 5.51
Chiba 5.11
Kyoto 4.91
Saitama 4.85
Ibaraki 4.51
Yamanashi 3.99
Totori 3.95
Where is the most artistic
activity city ?
Algorithm: PageRank, Betweenness
Label: Pref Inflow–Outflow
Eccentricity: Green=3, Blue=4, Orange=5
TOKYO is a
center of artistic activity
In Japan
most of popular
Top5 popular cities in
1. Yokohama
2. Kamakura
3. Sagamihara
4. Kawasaki
5. Fujisawa
Using 4730 Japanese oil painters’ data.
We clarified that art-related data have the potential to use for a
variety of applications and their usefulness.
We indicated a need for concrete measures to improve the art
data infrastructure to vitalize Japan's art community.
Especially develop of following data are most important to the
art sector.
- Japanese Art thesaurus and vocabulary.
- Japanese artist authority data.
- Open / Publish artworks by usable data.
6. In conclusion
Thank you for your attention!

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Utilization and possibilities of art information in a data-driven society

  • 1. Utilization and possibilities of art information in a data-driven society -Characteristics of well-known Japanese oil painters CIDOC2020 8 December,2020 Tetsuro KAMURA Art Media Centre, Tokyo University of the Arts
  • 2. Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Generate basis data and relationship indicators 3.Cluster analysis of Japanese oil painters' network 4.Analyze characteristics of well-known Japanese oil painters 5.Discussion 6.Conclusion
  • 4. Background on a global level 1.The art market has been growing worldwide. 2.Open Access is implemented in the art-related field overseas. 3.Develop and using artworks or artists related authority data in overseas museums. 4.Interdisciplinary research and information services using relevant data of art. 5.Attempt to use diverse open data in the art market.
  • 5. Issues in Japan 1. No usable artist and vocabulary data. 2. Insufficient data to purchase decisions and evaluations of artwork. 3. A new method of valuing and evaluating artworks or artists is required using digital data. 4. Creating new social value is required using various data in the art field.
  • 6. Objective Reveal the importance of reusable data infrastructure development in the art sector by utilizing information technology and distribution methodology.
  • 7. Integration of arts and academic information Integration of arts information and business 2. Academic Research 3.Art Market Create Innovation and Revitalizing the Art Community Museums Collection Info Image Thumbnail Provenance Info Reference Info Exhibition Info Artist Info R&D Institution Research Data Research method Reference Critics Data from Gallery and Auction House Artist, Art works Price list Provenance Gallery Map Promotion Cataloging Image Thumbnail [Business] Artworks sales and support Information Service Corporate patrons and funds Appreciation of Art Exhibit & Creation Exhibit & Creation Order Statistical Art market data Open Data Art & Culture data from government [Education & Research] Data-driven research Supporting Arts Education Manage reliable art data [Interdisciplinary approach] Data distribution and management Business development of study results Support for museum field Creation Concept Principle Theme Identity Idea Method Activities Exhibit Communication Research SNS?Blog?Vlog Analysis Promotion 1.Artists Data Compare artworks, price, images, and several information. Artists Support Intellectual pursuit Exhibit Planning Art experience Consumption, Investment Sales Services Data Distribution Cycle Infrastructure of Art Information Collect / Archive / Share Acquisition of evaluation and value Publish Research Data Use for art business Reviews from public Acquire new knowledge Meaning in Culture and Society Use for Education 4.Public Art Criticism Market Data Publish Data The image of vitalize of the Japan’s art community Goals Art information has potential use of data in the community. We think that will be needed art- related information pieces, artists, and valuations based on numerical data in the near future. We assume building a system that can objectively use information owned by all organizations and people involved with arts.
  • 8. Today’s research topics 1. Characteristics analysis using Japanese oil painters attribute information and web services data. 2. Reveal a reality of Japanese artist valuation amount used as one of the evaluation indicators. 3. Clarify highly rated artist elements from analysis data.
  • 9. Target genre Japanese oil painters - Oil paintings are always in art museum globally. - Data utilization possibilities with overseas. If Japanese art museums publish open data
  • 10. 2. Generate basis data and relationship indicators 2-1. Generate raw data 2-2. Extract well-known artists 2-3. Create relationship indicators 2-4. Other components of artist value
  • 11. 2-1: Generate raw data A B Use two Japanese art yearbooks Artist Information
  • 12. Attribute Contents Name Name of artist Pronunciation of kanji characters A = Romanization B = Katakana characters Evaluation Price Masterpiece per the size1 (JP yen) Association Name of art association Alma mater University, Art school Birthplace Prefecture Current location Address (Residency) Year of birth Japanese Calendar Basic information of yearbooks A B Number of artists 2,476 2,958 Total(A+B) 5,434 Duplicate artists 704 Number of unique 1,772 2,254 Total Number of unique 4,730 (704 + 1772 + 2254) Describtive information of artist
  • 13. Size (GO) Figure (cm) Paysage (cm) Marine (cm) 0 17.9x13.9 17.9x11.8 17.9x10.0 1 22.1x16.6 22.1x13.9 22.1x11.8 2 24.0x19.0 24.0x16.1 24.0x13.9 3 27.3x22.0 27.3x19.0 27.3x16.1 4 33.4x24.3 33.4x21.2 33.4x19.1 5 35.0x27.3 35.0x24.3 35.0x22.1 6 40.9x21.8 40.9x27.3 40.9x24.3 8 45.5x37.9 45.5x33.3 45.5x27.3 10 53.0x45.5 53.0x40.9 53.0x33.3 12 60.6x50.0 60.6x45.5 60.6x40.9 15 65.2x53.0 65.2x50.0 65.2x45.5 20 72.7x60.6 72.7x53.0 72.7x50.0 25 80.3x65.2 80.3x60.0 80.3x53.0 30 90.9x72.7 90.9x65.2 90.9x60.6 40 100.0x80.3 100.0x72.7 100.0x65.2 50 116.7x90.9 116.7x80.3 116.7x72.7 60 130.3x97.0 130.3x89.4 130.3x80.3 80 145.5x112.1 145.5x97.0 145.5x89.4 100 162.1x130.3 162.1x112.1 162.1x97.0 120 193.9x130.3 193.9x112.1 193.9x97.0 150 227.3x181.8 227.3x162.1 227.3x145.4 200 259.1x193.9 259.1x181.8 259.1x162.1 300 290.9x218.2 290.9x197.0 290.9x181.8 500 333.3x248.5 333.3x128.2 333.3x197.0 Artist Assessment system (Known as GO system) - We have 0 to 500 Japanese sizes standard for paintings. - Mostly art associations or galleries evaluate a size one price to the artist. - Using masterpiece per the size one. Evaluation Price = One of the assessment indicator Example: TANAKA‘s evaluation price = 10,000yen. (Evaluation value = Size one price) If created size five artwork, its price is an estimate 50,000yen.
  • 14. Age Book A Book B Blank 205 257 20 1 7 30 15 45 40 44 88 50 152 248 60 483 764 70 720 970 80 658 503 90 194 76 100 4 0 Total 2476 2958 5434(Include duplicate data) Main layer Evaluation Price Book A Book B Blank 327 228 0 0 0 Under100,000 1345 1323 100,000 668 1320 200,000 66 45 300,000 22 15 400,000 13 7 500,000 5 7 600,000 2 3 700,000 0 2 800,000 11 0 900,000 2 2 1,000,000 9 3 2,000,000 2 3 3,000,000 2 0 4,000,000 2 0 Total 2476 2958 Compare evaluation price and age between two books $1= 105yen, 1= 126yen (5 Dec. 2020)
  • 15. 2-2: Extract well-known artists ? Scraped data from Japanese art auction company’s web. ? Auction terms : 2010 to 2018. ? Auction bidding price data: 22137 records. ? Artist name text matching. ? Defined 248 artists in the marketplace as famous. Generate data Extracted 248 names
  • 16. 2-3: Create relationship indicators - Searched a combination of each artist's names using search engine. - Using the number of search results as a relationship indicator between artists. Fujiwara and Yamada‘s indicator is 62. Indicator value of relation. +”Fujiwara” +”Yamada”
  • 17. 2-4: Other components for artist valuation Took the number of occurrences of an artist name use SPARQL API - LODAC Museum project 130000 artworks, 8800 artists name information collected from 52 muse - Getty ULAN LOD - DBpedia Japanese - Wikidata Web Services Occurrences LODAC Museum 109 Getty ULAN LOD 8 DBpedia Japanese 75 Wikidata 68
  • 18. 3. Cluster analysis of Japanese oil painters' network
  • 19. A statistic of artist network Closeness centrality Betweenness Clustering coefficient Eigenvector centrality Degree Means 0.5684 0.0032 0.7648 0.3948 57.7661 Std Error 0.0054 0.0007 0.0130 0.0190 3.2730 Median 0.5458 0.0001 0.8055 0.3367 43.5 Std Dev 0.0860 0.0112 0.2053 0.3003 51.5441 Variance 0.0074 0.0001 0.0421 0.0901 2656.8033 Min 0.3945 0 0 0.0078 1 Max 0.9047 0.1095 1 1 221 No. of Obs 248 248 248 248 248 Undirected graph, Nodes: 248, Edges: 7163 Nodes use attribute data such as evaluation prices and association. Edges use related indicators.
  • 20. Details \ Cluster A B C D E Nodes 90 57 44 36 21 Edges 597 807 492 418 127 Degree(Avg.) 13 28 22 23 12 Graph Density 0.149 0.506 0.52 0.663 0.605 Evaluation(Avg.) ?250,000 ?310,000 ?200,000 ?240,000 ?600,000 Evaluation(Median) ?110,000 ?160,000 ?120,000 ?160,000 ?120,000 A B C D E Evaluation price and Japanese oil painters' network ? Using the Louvain algorithm ? Colour : Cluster ? Node Size: Betweenness centrality ? Label: Name – Evaluation price
  • 21. Characteristics of cluster A ? The most number of nodes among the five. ? The number of edges and the average degree are smaller than others. ? The lowest graph density value. ? Less in communication with each other. Number of Nodes 90 Edges 597 Degree(Avg.) 13 Graph Density 0.149 Evaluation Price(Avg.) ?250,000 Evaluation Price(Median) ?110,000
  • 22. Characteristics of cluster B Number of Nodes 57 Edges 807 Degree(Avg.) 28 Graph Density 0.506 Evaluation Price(Avg.) ?310,000 Evaluation Price(Median)? ?160,000 ? The highest number of edges among the five. ? A high value of the average degree. ? The highest median evaluation price. ? A lively communication with each other.
  • 23. Characteristics of cluster C Number of Nodes 44 Edges 492 Degree(Avg.) 22 Graph Density 0.52 Evaluation Price(Avg.) ?200,000 Evaluation Price(Median)? ?120,000 ? Number of nodes, edges and degree are third out of all clusters. ? A lot of artists are widely scattered. ? The lowest evaluation price of median of the five.
  • 24. Characteristics of cluster D Number of Nodes 35 Edges 417 Degree(Avg.) 23 Graph Density 0.663 Evaluation Price(Avg.) ?240,000 Evaluation Price(Median)? ?160,000 ? Edges and Degree are high value. ? The highest graph density of the five. ? A dense activity each other. ? The highest median evaluation price. (Same as cluster B)
  • 25. Characteristics of cluster E ? Node, Edges and Degree are lowest of all. ? Located far from the center of artist network. ? The highest average evaluation price. ? 3 and 4million yen artists in the cluster. Number of Nodes 21 Edges 127 Degree(Avg.) 12 Graph Density 0.605 Evaluation Price(Avg.) ?600,000 Evaluation Price(Median)? ?120,000
  • 26. 4. Analyze characteristics of well-known Japanese oil painters Revealed elements of the evaluation price and built a model explaining characteristics.
  • 27. Categories Explanatory variables Artworks ①Evaluation price ②Auction price ③Auction volume Personal connection ④Alma maters ⑤Associations Relationship indicators ⑥Closeness Centrality ⑦Betweenness ⑧Eigenvector centrality ⑨Degree ⑩Weighted degree Web search ?Bing ?Google Academic components ?LODAC Museum ?Getty ULAN ?DBpedia Personal data ?Age ?Address Build a model of evaluation price
  • 28. Variable Coefficient SD t p<2.2e-16 Intercept -0.1529 0.0612 -2.496 0.013344 * ?Age × ?DBpedia 0.011 0.0033 3.46 0.000654*** ?Age × ⑨Degree 7.36E-05 1.66E-05 4.443 1.43E-05*** ?DBpedia × ?Address -0.0105 3.60E-03 -2.888 0.004284** ?DBpedia × ?LODAC Museum 1.408 0.2221 6.341 1.37E-09*** ?DBpedia × ⑨Degree -0.0073 0.0019 -3.866 0.000147*** ?LODAC Museum × ?Google search result -2.96E-05 6.54E-06 -4.526 1.00E-05*** ?Google search result × ②Auction Price -1.43E-05 2.10E-06 -6.821 9.38E-11*** ⑦Betweenness × ⑧Eigenvector centrality 3.28E+02 5.05E+01 6.487 6.12E-10*** ⑦Betweenness × ④Alma mater -12.34 1.774 -6.955 4.34E-11*** ④Alma mater × ②Auction Price 0.042 0.0038 10.927 <2.00E-16*** ③Auction volume × ?Age 0.0023 0.0003 7.64 7.50E-13*** ③Auction volume × ?Google 9.96E-07 4.22E-07 2.359 0.019231* ③Auction volume × ?Bing 1.59E-06 6.28E-07 2.538 0.011878* ③Auction volume × ⑨Degree 0.0023 0.0003 8.696 9.73E-16*** ③Auction volume × ⑦Betweenness -2.643 0.6465 -4.089 6.17E-05*** ③Auction volume × ④Association -0.0162 0.0013 -12.014 <2.00E-16*** 0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? R2 : 0.7339, Adjust R2 : 0.7137 Create characteristics of well-known artists model using multiple regression analysis.
  • 29. Relationships between the measured and predicted values of evaluation price of artis
  • 30. Excluded from the expression R2 Difference ②Auction price 0.5832 0.1507 ③Auction volume 0.4118 0.3221 ④Alma maters 0.5827 0.1512 ⑤Associations 0.5518 0.1821 ⑦Betweenness 0.6725 0.0614 ⑧Eigenvector centrality 0.6808 0.0531 ⑨Degree 0.5563 0.1776 ?Bing Search 0.7257 0.0082 ?Google Search 0.6255 0.1084 ?LODAC Museum 0.681 0.0529 ?DBpedia 0.6615 0.0724 ?Age 0.6209 0.1130 ?Address 0.7233 0.0106 Most influential factors to evaluation price Extracted variables that have a significant impact on the coefficient of determination and measured their importance. Important elements ②Auction price ③Auction volume ④Alma maters ⑤Associations ⑨Degree ?Google Search ?Age Variables affecting more than 0.1
  • 32. Characteristics of high evaluation price artists. What are the factors that makes evaluation price increase?
  • 33. 1. Large number of artworks widely distribute in the market. Artworks of working artists are distributing in the market. uThis meaning is artistic activities are likely to be active. In short, there are ongoing production and trading. uSomeone makes provenance, Exhibition history, and Artist information. Biographies, reliability, and supporting information of value are on record. uIt is advantageous to have a lot of artworks distribution.
  • 34. 2. Can search for artist and artwork information on the web. A lot of information on the web. Art auction, Exhibition, Gallery, Weblog...etc. u Information is distributed for some purpose. u Possibly leading to improved artist reputation and value.
  • 35. 3. Have multiple to connect with artists, alma mater, and associations. Have a lots of different connections, such as various schools, art groups, and persons. uThat helps to get inspired by other disciplines, cultures, and thoughts. uIt is considered that a lots of artistic activities and experiences are factors of increasing value and reputation.
  • 36. The result of this analysis is possible to predict artists likely to increase evaluation value in the future. Thus, The development and utilization of various art-related data will be able to create new social values.
  • 37. Artworks, Artist authorities Machine Learning Usable Data Artists, Artworks Recommendation Investment proposal Buying a piece or investing in an artist Personal recommendation, Trend forecasting, Trend analysis We believe that artist introductions and trend analysis using machine learning will be possible when using various art-related data on the web.
  • 38. The Regional trend of Japanese oil painters Number of oil painters per 100,000 population ( ) Number of prefectures Using National Tax Audit and Population data and 4730 Japanese oil painters’ data. TOP10 Real number Prefecture Person Tokyo 933 Kanagawa 500 Saitama 350 Osaka 345 Chiba 317 Hyogo 216 Aichi 144 Ibaraki 133 Nagano 131 Kyoto 129 TOP10 Density Per 100,000 person Prefecture Person Tokyo 7.05 Nara 6.47 Nagano 6.14 Kanagawa 5.51 Chiba 5.11 Kyoto 4.91 Saitama 4.85 Ibaraki 4.51 Yamanashi 3.99 Totori 3.95
  • 39. Where is the most artistic activity city ? Algorithm: PageRank, Betweenness Label: Pref Inflow–Outflow Eccentricity: Green=3, Blue=4, Orange=5 TOKYO is a center of artistic activity In Japan KANAGAWA is the most of popular residence Top5 popular cities in Kanagawa 1. Yokohama 2. Kamakura 3. Sagamihara 4. Kawasaki 5. Fujisawa Using 4730 Japanese oil painters’ data.
  • 40. We clarified that art-related data have the potential to use for a variety of applications and their usefulness. We indicated a need for concrete measures to improve the art data infrastructure to vitalize Japan's art community. Especially develop of following data are most important to the art sector. - Japanese Art thesaurus and vocabulary. - Japanese artist authority data. - Open / Publish artworks by usable data. 6. In conclusion
  • 41. Thank you for your attention! kamura@noc.geidai.ac.jp