Poster from CHI 2008 Work-In-Progress paper:
Karapanos, E., Hassenzahl, M. & Martens, J.-B. (2008) User experience over time. CHI08 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. Florence, ACM Press. DOI: 10.1145/1358628.1358891 - See more at:
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1. Evangelos Karapanos, Marc Hassenzahl, Jean-Bernard Martens
User Experience over Time
Overview The study
The way we experience and evaluate interactive products develops 10 subjects (4 female)
over time. An exploratory study aimed at understanding how users uWand, a novel pointing device for Interactive TV context
form evaluative judgments during the first experiences with a prod-
uct as well as after four weeks of use. Goodness, an evaluative judg- 4 weeks of use
st th
ment related to the overall satisfaction with the product, was largely 2 measurements, 1 week4 week
formed on the basis of pragmatic aspects (i.e. utility and usability) Attrakdiff 2 Questionnaire
during the first experiences; after four weeks of use identification
- Pragmatic (e.g. simple, clear, predictable)
(i.e. what the products expresses about its owner) became a domi-
nant aspect of how good a product is. Surprisingly, beauty judg- - Stimulation (e.g. exciting, original, innovative)
ments were largely affected by stimulation (e.g. novelty) during the - Identification (e.g. presentable, classy, professional)
first experiences. Over time stimulation lost its power to make the
product beautiful in the users eyes.
st th
1 week 4 week new innovative
Predictable Good
Manageable creative
Integrating courageous
Presentable original
Direct Practical
Direct valuable
closertopeople Human inclusive
Valuable exciting
Good Brings me
Challenging Exciting closer to people
Professional Predictable
simple simple Beautiful
Inclusive Practical
New Original challenging classy
Classy Clear
Beautiful Pragmatic Pragmatic
Stimulation Stimulation
Identification presentable
Figure 1 2D view on the 3-dimensional visualization of distances between quality attributes, beauty and goodness.
Users perceptions during the 1 week of use (left) and after 4 weeks of use (right).
Analysis Distances Dij = 1 - |Rij| between the individual attrib- ity problems; at the same time they restrain themselves only to part
utes i and j was derived from the correlation Rij between the ratings of the products functionality that is most attractive to them. The
on the two attributes. The obtained distances were subsequently value of the product is now derived on a different basis, being own-
st ership-based rather than usage-based. Social aspects (i.e. identifi-
visualized in three dimensions (Stress value S=0.19 1 week;
th cation) became more prominent here.
S=0.15 4 week) using the Multidimensional Scaling tool XGms. Hi-
erarchical clustering (with minimum variance) was applied to the pre- For beauty judgments however, the results seemed more divergent.
dicted distances in the three-dimensional space. While Hassenzahl (2004) found identification to be the major deter-
minant of beauty judgments, we found stimulation to be even more
Conclusion As far as goodness judgments are concerned, we prominent than identification in the first experiences.
partially replicated Hassenzahls (2004) results. During the first ex- The question remains: is beauty solely an appearance-based judg-
periences pragmatic aspects were the most prominent determinants ment, largely affected by the products ability to communicate a fa-
of goodness. Here, users are still exploring the functionality of the vorable image about its owner, as Hassenzahl (2004) suggested, or
product, trying out new things and experiencing usability problems. does it encompass other aspects of the products, e.g. its perceived
As people get used to using the product they learn to handle usabil- novelty or a stimulating interaction?