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Vi畛t Anh
6 l動u 箪 kh担ng 動畛c b畛 qua khi tr畛 n叩m b畉ng thi棚n nhi棚n
Nh畛 nh畛ng 動u i畛m v動畛t tr畛i nh動 kh担ng ph畉i lo l畉ng v畛 畛 an ton, ti畉t
ki畛m chi ph鱈.... nh動ng v畉n mang l畉i hi畛u qu畉 cao, tr畛 n叩m b畉ng c叩c
nguy棚n li畛u s畉n c坦 trong thi棚n nhi棚n ang l s畛 l畛a ch畛n c畛a r畉t nhi畛u
ch畛 em ph畛 n畛.
Song, 畛 畉p m畉t n畉 tr畛 n叩m da hi畛u qu畉 v an ton 嘆i h畛i ch炭ng ta c畉n
th畛c hi畛n 炭ng c叩ch v h畛p l箪. D動畛i 但y l m畛t s畛 l動u 箪 b畉n kh担ng n棚n
b畛 qua khi tr畛 n叩m b畉ng thi棚n nhi棚n, c湛ng t狸m hi畛u v th畛c hi畛n b畉n
1. 畉p m畉t n畉 ngay sau khi v畛a ch畉 bi畉n
畉p m畉t n畉 ngay sau khi v畛a ch畉 bi畉n xong
B畉n h達y 畉p m畉t n畉 ngay sau khi v畛a ch畉 bi畉n xong, tr叩nh 畛 qu叩 l但u
ho畉c l動u tr畛 d湛ng d畉n.
B畛i 畛 trong th畛i gian di nh畛ng ch畉t dinh d動畛ng s畉 b畛 m畉t i do qu叩
tr狸nh oxy h坦a n棚n kh担ng mang l畉i hi畛u qu畉 nh動 mong mu畛n. Ch動a k畛,
vi畛c lm ny c嘆n khi畉n m畛t s畛 ch畉t c畛a m畉t n畉 b畛 bi畉n 畛i, nhi畛m
khu畉n, khi s畛 d畛ng r畉t d畛 g但y nhi畛m tr湛ng, vi棚m nhi畛m, g但y 畉nh h動畛ng
n畉ng n畛 畉n ln da.
2. 畛ng qu棚n b動畛c d湛ng th畛
M畉c d湛 lo畉i m畉t n畉 tr畛 n叩m da b畉ng thi棚n nhi棚n r畉t an ton, do 畛u s畛
d畛ng ngu畛n nguy棚n li畛u l tr叩i c但y, rau qu畉b kh担ng ch畛a h坦a ch畉t 畛c
h畉i. Tuy nhi棚n, nguy c董 g但y k鱈ch 畛ng v t畛n th動董ng cho da v畉n c坦 th畛
x畉y ra v狸 c董 畛a c畛a b畉n kh担ng h畛p v畛i nh畛ng ch畉t trong m畉t n畉.
Th畉 n棚n, b畉n 畛ng qu棚n th畛 tr動畛c khi b畉t 畉u s畛 d畛ng m畛t lo畉i m畉t n畉
m畛i. R畉t 董n gi畉n, b畉n l畉y m畛t 鱈t h畛n h畛p thoa l棚n c畛 tay kho畉ng 20
ph炭t v xem ph畉n 畛ng, ch畛 ti畉p t畛c 畉p l棚n m畉t n畉u kh担ng c坦 b畉t k畛
ph畉n 畛ng b畉t th動畛ng no.
3. Ch畛 畉p m畉t n畉 vo bu畛i t畛i
Th畛i i畛m t畛t nh畉t 畛 畉p m畉t n畉 tr畛 n叩m da b畉ng thi棚n nhi棚n 坦 l bu畛i
t畛i. V狸 l炭c ny qu叩 tr狸nh t叩i t畉o da ang di畛n ra m畉nh m畉, ln da ang
6 must-known notes for natural treatment of pigmentation
Based on some outstanding advantages like no worries of safety, saving
cost....but highly effectiveness, pigmentation treatment by some available
materials in nature is the choices of many women.
However, in order to use skin masks of effective and safe pigmentation
treatment, we need to perform properly and reasonably. Here are some notes
that you should not ignore when using natural treatment of pigmentation
Lets find out and take actions!
1. Apply mask immediately after processing
Mask application right now after its processing is complete
We must avoid letting it stay too long or store until using gradually.
Because for a long time, there are some nutrients that are lost due to oxidation
and thus, applying masks cannot bring the desired effects. Besides, this action
also changes some substances of the masks, create infection and thus, we can
be easily in infection, inflammation when using. And then, this status causes
some severe influences to the skin.
2. Remember our compulsory tests
Despite high safety of natural masks for treating pigmentation by using all
non-chemical materials such as fruit, vegetables, the risk of skin irritation
and damage can still occur due to your sensitive body.
Thus, you must try before starting to use a new type of mask. In a simple
way, you rub a little mixture on wrist for 20 minutes and see the reaction.
You just continue to apply on your face skin if there are any unusual
3. Apply mask: only night!
The best time to apply natural mask of pigmentation is at night. At the
moment, the skin is renewaling strongly, resting, relaxing and not affected by
the bad impacts from our environment such as dust, wind, sunlight....
Moreover, applying mask in the evening helps us relax in mind, release stress
ngh畛 ng董i, th動 gi達n v kh担ng 畉nh h動畛ng b畛i t叩c 畛ng x畉u c畛a m担i
tr動畛ng b棚n ngoi nh動: kh坦i b畛i, gi坦, 叩nh n畉ng m畉t tr畛i.
H董n n畛a, 畉p m畉t n畉 vo bu畛i t畛i c滴ng gi炭p ch炭ng ta th動 gi達n tinh th畉n,
gi畉i t畛a m畛i m畛t m畛i sau m畛t ngy di.
4. R畛a m畉t s畉ch tr動畛c l炭c s畛 d畛ng
H達y r畛a m畉t ho畉c t畉y trang s畉ch s畉 tr動畛c l炭c s畛 d畛ng m畉t n畉 thi棚n
Tr動畛c l炭c s畛 d畛ng m畉t n畉 thi棚n nhi棚n b畉n h達y r畛a m畉t ho畉c t畉y trang
s畉ch s畉. Khi ln da th担ng tho叩ng, ch畉t b畉n 達 動畛c lo畉i b畛, thnh ph畉n
c畛a m畉t n畉 s畉 d畛 dng th畉m th畉u vo da v t畛 坦 ph叩t huy t畛i a hi畛u
qu畉 tr畛 n叩m.
B棚n c畉nh 坦, sau m畛i l畉n 畉p m畉t n畉 xong b畉n c滴ng c畉n v畛 sinh da m畉t
l畉i, nh畉m cu畛n tr担i t畉t c畉 c叩c ch畉t c畉n b達 v l動畛ng axit d動 th畛a c嘆n t畛n
畛ng s但u tr棚n l畛 ch但n l担ng.
5. Tr叩nh l畉m d畛ng qu叩 
畛i v畛i m畉t n畉 tr畛 n叩m da b畉ng thi棚n nhi棚n, b畉n n棚n s畛 d畛ng m畛i tu畉n
t畛 2  3 l畉n l 畛. Vi畛c th畛c hi畛n qu叩 nhi畛u khi畉n da m畛ng i, y畉u 畛t
c滴ng nh畉y c畉m h董n do c叩c axit bo m嘆n da v l畉y m畉t l畛p d畉u t畛 nhi棚n.
畛ng th畛i, b畉n c滴ng tr叩nh 畉p qu叩 dy v gi畛 m畉t n畉 tr棚n da qu叩 l但u,
v畛a kh担ng tng hi畛u qu畉 tr畛 n叩m, v畛a d畉n 畉n ph畉n t叩c d畛ng, lm da
lm cho t狸nh tr畉ng n叩m da ngy cng kh坦 tr畛 h董n.
6. Ch畛ng n畉ng vo ban ngy
Ch畛ng n畉ng l b動畛c c畛c k畛 quan tr畛ng m ch畛 em tuy畛t 畛i c畉n 叩p d畛ng
trong qu叩 tr狸nh i畛u tr畛 n叩m, n畉u mu畛n n叩m da nhanh h畉t v kh担ng bao
gi畛 t叩i ph叩t tr畛 l畉i. V狸 tia t畛 ngo畉i l nguy棚n nh但n hng 畉u g但y ra n叩m,
ti畉p x炭c nhi畛u v畛i 叩nh n畉ng s畉 k鱈ch th鱈ch gia tng s畉c t畛 melanin, khi畉n
da b畛 s畉m mu.
Vo ban ngy b畉n c畛 g畉ng ra ngoi n畉ng cng 鱈t cng t畛t, lu担n che ch畉n
c畉n th畉n v thoa kem ch畛ng n畉ng c坦 ch畛 s畛 SPF 30+ 畛 b畉o v畛 da.
after a long day.
4. Wash your face before use
Wash your face or remove the make-up clean before using natural mask
You must clean up your face and then, use some natural masks. When skin is
clear and dirt has been removed, the components of masks will be easily
absorbed into the skin and thereby maximize the efficiency of treating
Besides, after finishing, you also need to clean your face again in order to
wash away all impurities and excess acid remaining in the pores.
5. Avoid abuse overboard
For natural masks for pigmentation treatment, you should use just from 2-3
times per week. Doing this treatment many times makes skin become thinner,
weaker and more sensitive than before because acids wear skin out and take
its natural oils.
At the same time, you also avoid applying thick masks and keep them on your
skin for a long time. These situations both donot increase the efficiency of
pigmentation treatment and make this disease become harder to treat.
6. Skin protection in daytime
Sun protection is extremely important step that you absolutely need to apply
in the pigmentation treatment process if you want to remove spots fast and
meet them again. Because ultraviolet rays are the leading reason to cause
pigmentation, contacting sunlight will stimulate increasing melanin which
darkens skin.
During the daytime, you can limit to go out or always carefully shield and
apply sunscreen with SPF 30+ to protect skin.

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  • 1. Vi畛t Anh 6 l動u 箪 kh担ng 動畛c b畛 qua khi tr畛 n叩m b畉ng thi棚n nhi棚n Nh畛 nh畛ng 動u i畛m v動畛t tr畛i nh動 kh担ng ph畉i lo l畉ng v畛 畛 an ton, ti畉t ki畛m chi ph鱈.... nh動ng v畉n mang l畉i hi畛u qu畉 cao, tr畛 n叩m b畉ng c叩c nguy棚n li畛u s畉n c坦 trong thi棚n nhi棚n ang l s畛 l畛a ch畛n c畛a r畉t nhi畛u ch畛 em ph畛 n畛. Song, 畛 畉p m畉t n畉 tr畛 n叩m da hi畛u qu畉 v an ton 嘆i h畛i ch炭ng ta c畉n th畛c hi畛n 炭ng c叩ch v h畛p l箪. D動畛i 但y l m畛t s畛 l動u 箪 b畉n kh担ng n棚n b畛 qua khi tr畛 n叩m b畉ng thi棚n nhi棚n, c湛ng t狸m hi畛u v th畛c hi畛n b畉n nh辿! 1. 畉p m畉t n畉 ngay sau khi v畛a ch畉 bi畉n 畉p m畉t n畉 ngay sau khi v畛a ch畉 bi畉n xong B畉n h達y 畉p m畉t n畉 ngay sau khi v畛a ch畉 bi畉n xong, tr叩nh 畛 qu叩 l但u ho畉c l動u tr畛 d湛ng d畉n. B畛i 畛 trong th畛i gian di nh畛ng ch畉t dinh d動畛ng s畉 b畛 m畉t i do qu叩 tr狸nh oxy h坦a n棚n kh担ng mang l畉i hi畛u qu畉 nh動 mong mu畛n. Ch動a k畛, vi畛c lm ny c嘆n khi畉n m畛t s畛 ch畉t c畛a m畉t n畉 b畛 bi畉n 畛i, nhi畛m khu畉n, khi s畛 d畛ng r畉t d畛 g但y nhi畛m tr湛ng, vi棚m nhi畛m, g但y 畉nh h動畛ng n畉ng n畛 畉n ln da. 2. 畛ng qu棚n b動畛c d湛ng th畛 M畉c d湛 lo畉i m畉t n畉 tr畛 n叩m da b畉ng thi棚n nhi棚n r畉t an ton, do 畛u s畛 d畛ng ngu畛n nguy棚n li畛u l tr叩i c但y, rau qu畉b kh担ng ch畛a h坦a ch畉t 畛c h畉i. Tuy nhi棚n, nguy c董 g但y k鱈ch 畛ng v t畛n th動董ng cho da v畉n c坦 th畛 x畉y ra v狸 c董 畛a c畛a b畉n kh担ng h畛p v畛i nh畛ng ch畉t trong m畉t n畉. Th畉 n棚n, b畉n 畛ng qu棚n th畛 tr動畛c khi b畉t 畉u s畛 d畛ng m畛t lo畉i m畉t n畉 m畛i. R畉t 董n gi畉n, b畉n l畉y m畛t 鱈t h畛n h畛p thoa l棚n c畛 tay kho畉ng 20 ph炭t v xem ph畉n 畛ng, ch畛 ti畉p t畛c 畉p l棚n m畉t n畉u kh担ng c坦 b畉t k畛 ph畉n 畛ng b畉t th動畛ng no. 3. Ch畛 畉p m畉t n畉 vo bu畛i t畛i Th畛i i畛m t畛t nh畉t 畛 畉p m畉t n畉 tr畛 n叩m da b畉ng thi棚n nhi棚n 坦 l bu畛i t畛i. V狸 l炭c ny qu叩 tr狸nh t叩i t畉o da ang di畛n ra m畉nh m畉, ln da ang 6 must-known notes for natural treatment of pigmentation Based on some outstanding advantages like no worries of safety, saving cost....but highly effectiveness, pigmentation treatment by some available materials in nature is the choices of many women. However, in order to use skin masks of effective and safe pigmentation treatment, we need to perform properly and reasonably. Here are some notes that you should not ignore when using natural treatment of pigmentation Lets find out and take actions! 1. Apply mask immediately after processing Mask application right now after its processing is complete We must avoid letting it stay too long or store until using gradually. Because for a long time, there are some nutrients that are lost due to oxidation and thus, applying masks cannot bring the desired effects. Besides, this action also changes some substances of the masks, create infection and thus, we can be easily in infection, inflammation when using. And then, this status causes some severe influences to the skin. 2. Remember our compulsory tests Despite high safety of natural masks for treating pigmentation by using all non-chemical materials such as fruit, vegetables, the risk of skin irritation and damage can still occur due to your sensitive body. Thus, you must try before starting to use a new type of mask. In a simple way, you rub a little mixture on wrist for 20 minutes and see the reaction. You just continue to apply on your face skin if there are any unusual responses. 3. Apply mask: only night! The best time to apply natural mask of pigmentation is at night. At the moment, the skin is renewaling strongly, resting, relaxing and not affected by the bad impacts from our environment such as dust, wind, sunlight.... Moreover, applying mask in the evening helps us relax in mind, release stress
  • 2. ngh畛 ng董i, th動 gi達n v kh担ng 畉nh h動畛ng b畛i t叩c 畛ng x畉u c畛a m担i tr動畛ng b棚n ngoi nh動: kh坦i b畛i, gi坦, 叩nh n畉ng m畉t tr畛i. H董n n畛a, 畉p m畉t n畉 vo bu畛i t畛i c滴ng gi炭p ch炭ng ta th動 gi達n tinh th畉n, gi畉i t畛a m畛i m畛t m畛i sau m畛t ngy di. 4. R畛a m畉t s畉ch tr動畛c l炭c s畛 d畛ng H達y r畛a m畉t ho畉c t畉y trang s畉ch s畉 tr動畛c l炭c s畛 d畛ng m畉t n畉 thi棚n nhi棚n Tr動畛c l炭c s畛 d畛ng m畉t n畉 thi棚n nhi棚n b畉n h達y r畛a m畉t ho畉c t畉y trang s畉ch s畉. Khi ln da th担ng tho叩ng, ch畉t b畉n 達 動畛c lo畉i b畛, thnh ph畉n c畛a m畉t n畉 s畉 d畛 dng th畉m th畉u vo da v t畛 坦 ph叩t huy t畛i a hi畛u qu畉 tr畛 n叩m. B棚n c畉nh 坦, sau m畛i l畉n 畉p m畉t n畉 xong b畉n c滴ng c畉n v畛 sinh da m畉t l畉i, nh畉m cu畛n tr担i t畉t c畉 c叩c ch畉t c畉n b達 v l動畛ng axit d動 th畛a c嘆n t畛n 畛ng s但u tr棚n l畛 ch但n l担ng. 5. Tr叩nh l畉m d畛ng qu叩 畛i v畛i m畉t n畉 tr畛 n叩m da b畉ng thi棚n nhi棚n, b畉n n棚n s畛 d畛ng m畛i tu畉n t畛 2 3 l畉n l 畛. Vi畛c th畛c hi畛n qu叩 nhi畛u khi畉n da m畛ng i, y畉u 畛t c滴ng nh畉y c畉m h董n do c叩c axit bo m嘆n da v l畉y m畉t l畛p d畉u t畛 nhi棚n. 畛ng th畛i, b畉n c滴ng tr叩nh 畉p qu叩 dy v gi畛 m畉t n畉 tr棚n da qu叩 l但u, v畛a kh担ng tng hi畛u qu畉 tr畛 n叩m, v畛a d畉n 畉n ph畉n t叩c d畛ng, lm da lm cho t狸nh tr畉ng n叩m da ngy cng kh坦 tr畛 h董n. 6. Ch畛ng n畉ng vo ban ngy Ch畛ng n畉ng l b動畛c c畛c k畛 quan tr畛ng m ch畛 em tuy畛t 畛i c畉n 叩p d畛ng trong qu叩 tr狸nh i畛u tr畛 n叩m, n畉u mu畛n n叩m da nhanh h畉t v kh担ng bao gi畛 t叩i ph叩t tr畛 l畉i. V狸 tia t畛 ngo畉i l nguy棚n nh但n hng 畉u g但y ra n叩m, ti畉p x炭c nhi畛u v畛i 叩nh n畉ng s畉 k鱈ch th鱈ch gia tng s畉c t畛 melanin, khi畉n da b畛 s畉m mu. Vo ban ngy b畉n c畛 g畉ng ra ngoi n畉ng cng 鱈t cng t畛t, lu担n che ch畉n c畉n th畉n v thoa kem ch畛ng n畉ng c坦 ch畛 s畛 SPF 30+ 畛 b畉o v畛 da. after a long day. 4. Wash your face before use Wash your face or remove the make-up clean before using natural mask You must clean up your face and then, use some natural masks. When skin is clear and dirt has been removed, the components of masks will be easily absorbed into the skin and thereby maximize the efficiency of treating pigmentation. Besides, after finishing, you also need to clean your face again in order to wash away all impurities and excess acid remaining in the pores. 5. Avoid abuse overboard For natural masks for pigmentation treatment, you should use just from 2-3 times per week. Doing this treatment many times makes skin become thinner, weaker and more sensitive than before because acids wear skin out and take its natural oils. At the same time, you also avoid applying thick masks and keep them on your skin for a long time. These situations both donot increase the efficiency of pigmentation treatment and make this disease become harder to treat. 6. Skin protection in daytime Sun protection is extremely important step that you absolutely need to apply in the pigmentation treatment process if you want to remove spots fast and meet them again. Because ultraviolet rays are the leading reason to cause pigmentation, contacting sunlight will stimulate increasing melanin which darkens skin. During the daytime, you can limit to go out or always carefully shield and apply sunscreen with SPF 30+ to protect skin.