V-One Healthcare provides non-invasive and painless full-body health screenings using Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer (QRMA) technology. QRMA can analyze over 100 health conditions in 60 seconds without requiring blood or urine samples. It works by measuring the electromagnetic waves emitted from cells to determine and analyze a person's health conditions related to organs like heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, bones and more. V-One Healthcare uses this technology to conduct health checkup camps for employees at their workplaces or for brand promotions in societies and parks.
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V one Healthcare
1. V-One Healthcare
14, Street No -1, Roshan Vihar,
Karawal Nagar, Delhi 110094
Mob : 8076446184
email: vonehealth@gmail.com
2. V-One healthcare is 1st Health Check-up Camp Service Provider, to introduce
After mastering the technique Health Check-up without scare and without blood,
Its our aim to Prevention is Better Than Cure thatswhy with our machine we do
more than 100 parameters of test including Heart, Kidney, Liver, Bones etc
without blood or urine.
With our new technology, we do checkups in your premises with instant report
Over the last 2 years, Instruments and Equipments have been regularly upgraded
& updated with the latest technology available and the new ones added in order
the keep pace with the latest advancements worldwide.
About V-One Healthcare
3. Health Checkup @ V-One Healthcare
Using QRMA Technology For Full Body Checkup
The Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer is an
Epochal 21st Century health instrument to determine
measure and analyze health condition through the
signal of electromagnetic waves emitted from the
cells of human body.
Providing Non Invasive & Painless Full Body Screening
The Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer is
an Epochal 21st Century health instrument to
determine measure and analyze health
condition through the signal of electromagnetic
waves emitted from the cells of human body.
4. Prediction Without Symptoms
With only 10 or so cells of pathological
change, the analyzer can capture the
pathological changes of cells and predict the
precursor of disease. By taking health-care
actions at this moment, you will be
empowered to effectively prevent the various
chronic diseases
Speedy & Accuracy
In 60 Seconds, multiple indicators of your
health can be obtained. The QRMA method
is designed to save time, money and energy.
The database of the analysis system has been
established with scientific methods.
5. Simple & Convenient
It is simple in its operation. Health Checks
can be performed in any place and at any
time, saving the time of patients. The cost
for analysis is reasonable and affordable
6. 100+ Health Conditions That Can Be Analyzed
The following health conditions can be provided by analysis of QRMA system in 60
seconds. (Note: Blood & Urine samples not required)
Cardiovascular and Cerebro-vascular system - (elasticity & health of the
veins inside &around the heart, health of heart chambers, blood viscosity(thickness)
& blood crystal. Oxygen absorption etc.)
Brain Nerve - (elasticity & health of veins inside brain & brainstem, oxygen
supply, memory index)
Blood Lipids - (Blood Viscosity, Total Cholesterol (CT), Triglycerides (TG), High-
Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), etc.)
Gastrointestinal Function (proper acid levels for digestion, stomach valve
movement, sufficient absorption of nutrients in small intestine)
7. Liver Function (Correct metabolism of protein & sugar, Bile secretion, Liver fat
content etc)
Kidney Function -(Uric Acids, Kidney stones, Urine Protein, etc.)
Lung Function - (Vital Capacity, Lung Capacity, Physical Lung Health, Proper
Oxygen intake, etc)
Bone Mineral Density - (Calcium Loss, Degree of Bone Hyperplasia and
Osteoporosis, etc) Basic Physical Quality - (Body Acid Level, Water Shortage,
Mental Power, Hypoxia)
Skin - (Moisture Loss, Collagen Production, Immunity, Melanin Index, etc)
Immune System - (Lymph Nodes, Tonsils, Bone Marrow, Immunoglobulin,
Respiratory Immune, Digestive Tract Immune system, etc.)
Vitamins - (Bs, Es, D, C and K(determines blood thickness)
8. Our Services
Indoor Employees Health Checkup Camp
We provide health checkups for employees or
clients of companies in there premises.
Brand Promotion Activities
We do health checkup camps in societies,
Parks, communities etc for Brand
Promotions of our clients