" New Media Cafe (NMC) " is a valuable e-magazine based on the latest new media information, which regularly providing original,useful and creative idea throughout the world, ranging from new media disseminating , internet technology to social-marketing , public relations and brand construction.
Introducing my position on BLT fusion with my SCM SaaS, and also had general story on BTC and BLT, then discuss the business model i planned. finally discussed on FIAT currency and our credentials and legacy IP. stategy on BLT technology
003 Theo Schlossnagle谈监控,统计学与运维的本质 via 51CTO
007 服务器虚拟化:如何选择合适的模式? via 51CTO
009 Hash冲突漏洞需修补 12306.cn引热议 via 51CTO
011 web网站加速之CDN技术原理 via 北方人(@戒日祭)
014 大型网站后台架构的web server与缓存 via 凤凰舞者
016 Squid常用命令总结 via @NetSeek_linuxtone
018 [CDN]动态内容的缓存技术 CSI,SSI,ESI via 扶凯
019 squid/varnish/ats简单测试 via 三斗室
020 使用Nginx代替squid充当代理缓存服务器 via @晓辉201010
023 MySQL性能优化教程之MySQL运维优化 via @caoz
026 建设一个靠谱的火车票网上订购系统 via @林玥煜、邓侃(@邓侃)
029 红帽虚拟桌面SPICE服务概述与安装指南 via 曹江华
031 为什么要尽量避免重启你的Unix服务器 via 51CTO
《Linux运维趋势》是由 51CTO 系统频道策划、针对 Linux/Unix 系统运维人员的一份电子杂志,内容从基础的技巧心得、实际操作案例到中、高端的运维技术趋势与理念等均有覆盖。
The document outlines a presentation about V SYSTEMS, a blockchain platform developed by Sunny King. It introduces V SYSTEMS' technology including Supernode Proof-of-Stake consensus and a modular cloud design. The presentation discusses V SYSTEMS' ecosystem, roadmap, and goals of building applications for finance, games, social networks and more using a high-performance blockchain database. It also provides updates on the VSYS coin and discussions to list it on exchanges.
1) V SYSTEMS offers a blockchain database cloud platform that uses a new Supernode Proof-of-Stake (SPoS) consensus algorithm to achieve high scalability.
2) The platform was created by Sunny King, inventor of Proof-of-Stake (PoS), and aims to support billions of blockchain services through a modular design.
3) Key features include a general purpose decentralized database, non-Turing complete smart contracts for faster development, and cloud infrastructure for easy deployment of application-specific sidechains.
" New Media Cafe (NMC) " is a valuable e-magazine based on the latest new media information, which regularly providing original,useful and creative idea throughout the world, ranging from new media disseminating , internet technology to social-marketing , public relations and brand construction.
Introducing my position on BLT fusion with my SCM SaaS, and also had general story on BTC and BLT, then discuss the business model i planned. finally discussed on FIAT currency and our credentials and legacy IP. stategy on BLT technology
003 Theo Schlossnagle谈监控,统计学与运维的本质 via 51CTO
007 服务器虚拟化:如何选择合适的模式? via 51CTO
009 Hash冲突漏洞需修补 12306.cn引热议 via 51CTO
011 web网站加速之CDN技术原理 via 北方人(@戒日祭)
014 大型网站后台架构的web server与缓存 via 凤凰舞者
016 Squid常用命令总结 via @NetSeek_linuxtone
018 [CDN]动态内容的缓存技术 CSI,SSI,ESI via 扶凯
019 squid/varnish/ats简单测试 via 三斗室
020 使用Nginx代替squid充当代理缓存服务器 via @晓辉201010
023 MySQL性能优化教程之MySQL运维优化 via @caoz
026 建设一个靠谱的火车票网上订购系统 via @林玥煜、邓侃(@邓侃)
029 红帽虚拟桌面SPICE服务概述与安装指南 via 曹江华
031 为什么要尽量避免重启你的Unix服务器 via 51CTO
《Linux运维趋势》是由 51CTO 系统频道策划、针对 Linux/Unix 系统运维人员的一份电子杂志,内容从基础的技巧心得、实际操作案例到中、高端的运维技术趋势与理念等均有覆盖。
The document outlines a presentation about V SYSTEMS, a blockchain platform developed by Sunny King. It introduces V SYSTEMS' technology including Supernode Proof-of-Stake consensus and a modular cloud design. The presentation discusses V SYSTEMS' ecosystem, roadmap, and goals of building applications for finance, games, social networks and more using a high-performance blockchain database. It also provides updates on the VSYS coin and discussions to list it on exchanges.
1) V SYSTEMS offers a blockchain database cloud platform that uses a new Supernode Proof-of-Stake (SPoS) consensus algorithm to achieve high scalability.
2) The platform was created by Sunny King, inventor of Proof-of-Stake (PoS), and aims to support billions of blockchain services through a modular design.
3) Key features include a general purpose decentralized database, non-Turing complete smart contracts for faster development, and cloud infrastructure for easy deployment of application-specific sidechains.
V SYSTEMS is a blockchain project that uses a customized version of Proof-of-Stake called SPoS, developed by its founder Sunny King, to achieve consensus on the network. SPoS aims to address issues around centralization of power that can occur with standard PoS protocols. V SYSTEMS has developed its own programming language for decentralized applications and aims to expand its offerings in 2019-2020.
The document discusses the goals and plans of the V SYSTEMS blockchain project, including:
1) Creating a cloud computing platform that allows efficient creation of new blockchains and lowers costs for developers.
2) Enabling decentralized interactions between blockchains for massive scale beyond data storage.
3) Developing a diverse ecosystem with self-governance to support growth of the virtual economy.
1) The document discusses V SYSTEMS, a new blockchain database and apps platform that aims to address scalability issues with existing blockchain technologies and enable widespread blockchain adoption.
2) It proposes a new consensus mechanism called Supernode Proof-of-Stake (SPoS) and a mainchain-sidechain model to improve scalability.
3) The platform will provide tools for deploying blockchains, migrating databases, and developing smart contracts and decentralized apps.
The document discusses the goals and features of the V SYSTEMS blockchain project. It aims to create a cloud computing platform that allows efficient creation of new blockchains and lowers costs for developers. It also aims to enable decentralized interactions between blockchains at massive scale. The project plans to re-architect blockchain technology using a modular structure to simplify upgrades. It will provide a general-purpose blockchain database for developers to focus on business logic rather than data modeling. However, the document notes these are planned features subject to changes in technology and markets.
1. The document discusses the evolution of energy-free consensus mechanisms for blockchain, from Peercoin's proof-of-stake consensus to SPOS consensus with constant block minting.
2. It describes how Peercoin was the first to introduce proof-of-stake consensus without energy consumption, separating the energy component from consensus. However, criticisms of proof-of-stake include nothing-at-stake and stake grinding attacks.
3. More recently, there is a shift toward supernode proof-of-stake (SPOS) consensus with constant block minting intervals and other improvements to address scaling and decentralization.
V SYSTEMS - Smart Contract and Token System_ENV SYSTEMS
1. The document discusses V SYSTEMS' plans to develop smart contract and database storage management functions on its blockchain. It will initially adopt a non-Turing complete smart contract language for security before moving to a Turing complete model.
2. The smart contract development will have three phases - initial token functions, trading/management, and performance optimization. The database storage management will provide secure storage and billing as initial steps.
3. V SYSTEMS aims to industrialize blockchain database functions by linking blockchain characteristics to general databases, avoiding issues with traditional centralized databases.
- Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is a consensus mechanism invented by Sunny King in 2012 that supports distributed consensus without massive energy consumption like Proof-of-Work.
- V SYSTEMS was created by Sunny King in 2016 to build on his PoS invention and solve blockchain scalability issues using a new consensus called Supernode Proof-of-Stake (SPoS).
- SPoS uses "supernodes" with specialized hardware to process transactions faster than one second, making V SYSTEMS highly scalable, stable, and secure compared to other blockchains.
V SYSTEMS is a blockchain database cloud project led by Sunny King, creator of Proof-of-Stake consensus. The project aims to create infrastructure to support millions of blockchains and a healthy ecosystem through its Supernode Proof of Stake algorithm. The mainnet has been operating stably since late 2018, processing transactions within one second. V SYSTEMS also offers a general purpose blockchain database and developing tools to make blockchain development easy.
9. !
当然还有其他共识机制。随着项?目推进,V SYSTEMS 平台也将评估其他共识机制的可
具有创新性与可靠性的共识算法都将是 V SYSTEMS 平台可能实现的候选者。
V SYSTEMS 平台引?入了了独特的主链与侧链模型。
区块链 S 被称为另?一区块链 M 的?一条侧链,如果 S 满?足:
? 感知性(Awareness):S 的全节点同时也是 M 的全节点,并对 M 的所有交易易进?行行
? 同步性(Synchronization):S 遵守与 M 的抽象时钟同步
相应地,M 被称为 S 的主链。
(mainchain parent)。允许多个相继产?生的侧链区块共享同?一主链?父区块。这种主链
Blockstream 的?方案不不同,我们的模型不不需要侧链锚定,从?而给侧链项?目更更多可以创新
10. !
V SYSTEMS 平台计划提供为应?用建?立区块链所需的?工具包。区块链模板制备
(template preparation)允许?用户从不不同协议参数及可插拔组件(如共识模型)中进
?一旦定下模板及选项,V SYSTEMS 平台提供的?工具包甚?至可能在应?用所需具体业务逻
智能合约 [Szabo 1996] 允许各?方在没有可信第三?方的情况下创建具有约束?力力的协议。
?比特币在验证交易易时使?用了了简单的脚本系统。 但是由于担?心潜在的问题,这个脚本系统
有很强的限制性,只能进?行行标准化交易易。 后来,以太坊 [Buterin 2014] 重新设计了了?一
个智能合约系统,拥有称为 Solidity 的图灵完备的编程语?言。 这是区块链技术的?一个重
EOS 最近提出使?用 WebAssembly 来实现另?一个被称为 Wasm 的智能合约系统。
Wasm 是浏览器?内部客户端低级脚本语?言的新兴 Web 标准。 Wasm 通常通过 C 或
C++ 开发后编译得到。
V SYSTEMS 平台计划以兼容?方式同时?支持以太坊和 EOS 类型的智能合约。 虚拟机将
以模块化?方式实现,以便便应?用程序可以选择启?用其偏好的智能合约类型。 V SYSTEMS
许多团队针对单个区块链上的可扩展性限制花费了了?大量量的精?力力。 虽然其中?一些可能是值
得注意的,但我们相信可扩展性的最终解决在于?无限数量量的区块链?生态系统。 如前所
述,我们的愿景是?一个可能同时运?行行着数?十亿块区块链的世界。V SYSTEMS 平台允许
11. !
系统的完全可扩展性隔离(scalability isolation)。
可?用性?一直是限制加密货币被?广泛接受的?一个瓶颈。V SYSTEMS 平台计划开发基于浏
览器?的钱包以及智能?手机上具有现代?用户体验和?高安全性的移动轻节点钱包。 冷钱包会
V SYSTEMS 平台旨在?大幅度降低区块链技术的成本,增加区块链作为数据库平台相对
传统数据库系统的竞争?力力。 我们的愿景是,区块链的未来不不仅在于某些数?十亿美元区块
[Back 2014] Enabling Blockchain Innovations with Pegged Sidechains,
[Buterin 2014] Ethereum: A Next-Generation Smart Contract and
Decentralized application
[King 2012] PPCoin: Peer-to-Peer Crypto-Currency with Proof-of-Stake,
[King 2013] Primecoin: Cryptocurrency with Prime Number Proof-of-Work,
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[Lamport 1982] The Byzantine Generals Problem,
[Nakamoto 2008] Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,
[Poon 2017] Plasma: Scalable Autonomous Smart Contracts,
[Silver 2016] Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree
[Szabo 1996] Smart Contracts: Building Blocks for Digital Markets,
ersc hool2006/szabo.best.vwh.net/smartcontracts2.html