The document outlines a vision, values, methods, obstacles, and measures for a product or company. It describes a bold and inspiring vision, lists three values that are most important to pursuing the vision, three methods that will be taken to achieve the vision, three challenges that must be overcome, and how success will be measured with at least one measure for each method.
3. Values
Value 1 Title
Description of the principle or belief that is
most important to you in pursuing your vision
Value 2 Title
Description of the principle or belief that is
most important to you in pursuing your vision
Value 3 Title
Description of the principle or belief that is
most important to you in pursuing your vision
4. Methods
Method 1 Title
Description of the actions you will take to
achieve your vision.
Method 2 Title
Description of the actions you will take to
achieve your vision.
Method 3 Title
Description of the actions you will take to
achieve your vision.
5. Obstacles
Obstacle 1 Title
Description of the challenges you will have to
overcome to achieve your vision.
Obstacle 2 Title
Description of the challenges you will have to
overcome to achieve your vision.
Obstacle 3 Title
Description of the challenges you will have to
overcome to achieve your vision.
6. Measures
Measure 1 Title
How will you know when you are successful?
Include at least one measure for each method.
Measure 1 Title
How will you know when you are successful?
Include at least one measure for each method.
Measure 1 Title
How will you know when you are successful?
Include at least one measure for each method.