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Helping To Create A Global Experience:  From Isolation To Integration Audrey Short Carol Ar辿valo Lucia Parsley Keith Boswell 油 English Language Program  VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY
English Program Student Committee Accomplishments Giving students a voice Survey  油 FAQ sheet Buttons for advertising Money for future events Partnering with domestic students
English Program Student Committee Accomplishments  (continued) Events:
English Program Student Committee CHALLENGES Finding dedicated students  (Ss) 油 油 Balancing guidance and autonomy  Losing Ss as they exit Communicating w/all Ss SOLUTIONS  Asking for recommendations Communicating w/Ss individually   Providing step by step instructions in writing  Including former Ss 油  Using Facebook, Blackboard, flyers, posters, word of mouth
English Program Student Committee Next Steps Planning future events    Family friendly events  油油 油油油油     Cultural game nights 油油 油油油油     Talent showcase  油 油 Creating a student guidebook on how to run an organization 油油 油油油油     Leadership expectations  油油 油油油油     How to communicate w/students 油 Collaborating with other student and community organizations 油油 油油油油     Conversation partnerships 油油 油油油油     Service projects (service learning) 油 油
COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE Accomplishments International Sports Night Bowling Ice Skating Movie Night
COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE CHALLENGES Not enough participation Promoting events that students enjoy Transportation Zero budget SOLUTIONS More word-of-mouth Engaging students to think of & lead events  Carpooling w/ other students and/or teachers On-campus events and/or low cost for students
COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE Next Steps Increasing student participation in VCU campus events Partnering with the ELP Student Committee  Volunteering in the Richmond community Continued effort to search for leaders among the students
Co-Class Program Accomplishments  Meaningful Connections with Native English Speakers Solidify Language Acquisition  Co-Class Program    Academic Courses:  Anthropology, Theatre    Cultural  Exchanges  Academic Students: VCU Telegram, Study Abroad, Greek Org
Co-Class Program CHALLENGES Decreasing participation  from Academic instructors 油 Attendance by academic students SOLUTIONS    Raise awareness of available opportunity to Faculty    Courtesy E-mail reminders
Co-Class Program   Next Steps Continue to establish new partnerships 油
Helping To Create A Global Experience:  From Isolation To Integration Audrey Short Carol Ar辿valo Lucia Parsley Keith Boswell 油 English Language Program  VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY Multicultural potluck油 End of session party Active social network presence

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VA TESOL 2010 Global Community

  • 1. Helping To Create A Global Experience: From Isolation To Integration Audrey Short Carol Ar辿valo Lucia Parsley Keith Boswell 油 English Language Program VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY
  • 2. English Program Student Committee Accomplishments Giving students a voice Survey 油 FAQ sheet Buttons for advertising Money for future events Partnering with domestic students
  • 3. English Program Student Committee Accomplishments (continued) Events:
  • 4. English Program Student Committee CHALLENGES Finding dedicated students (Ss) 油 油 Balancing guidance and autonomy Losing Ss as they exit Communicating w/all Ss SOLUTIONS Asking for recommendations Communicating w/Ss individually Providing step by step instructions in writing Including former Ss 油 Using Facebook, Blackboard, flyers, posters, word of mouth
  • 5. English Program Student Committee Next Steps Planning future events Family friendly events 油油 油油油油 Cultural game nights 油油 油油油油 Talent showcase 油 油 Creating a student guidebook on how to run an organization 油油 油油油油 Leadership expectations 油油 油油油油 How to communicate w/students 油 Collaborating with other student and community organizations 油油 油油油油 Conversation partnerships 油油 油油油油 Service projects (service learning) 油 油
  • 6. COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE Accomplishments International Sports Night Bowling Ice Skating Movie Night
  • 7. COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE CHALLENGES Not enough participation Promoting events that students enjoy Transportation Zero budget SOLUTIONS More word-of-mouth Engaging students to think of & lead events Carpooling w/ other students and/or teachers On-campus events and/or low cost for students
  • 8. COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE Next Steps Increasing student participation in VCU campus events Partnering with the ELP Student Committee Volunteering in the Richmond community Continued effort to search for leaders among the students
  • 9. Co-Class Program Accomplishments Meaningful Connections with Native English Speakers Solidify Language Acquisition Co-Class Program Academic Courses: Anthropology, Theatre Cultural Exchanges Academic Students: VCU Telegram, Study Abroad, Greek Org
  • 10. Co-Class Program CHALLENGES Decreasing participation from Academic instructors 油 Attendance by academic students SOLUTIONS Raise awareness of available opportunity to Faculty Courtesy E-mail reminders
  • 11. Co-Class Program Next Steps Continue to establish new partnerships 油
  • 13. Helping To Create A Global Experience: From Isolation To Integration Audrey Short Carol Ar辿valo Lucia Parsley Keith Boswell 油 English Language Program VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY Multicultural potluck油 End of session party Active social network presence