The document provides an adjective vocabulary exercise with 10 multiple choice questions to test understanding of different adjectives and their meanings. It asks the reader to circle the correct answer to fill in gaps or find words with similar meanings. It then asks to translate the listed adjectives. The exercise tests comprehension of commonly used adjectives in English and their antonyms or closest matching words.
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1. AdjectivesVocabularyExercise
ACirclethecorrectanswertofillthegaporfindawordorphrasewithasimilar meaning.
1 verysmall 6 Theweatherwasnotnice.
A brief A unsuitable
B tiny B unreliable
C short C disagreeable
2 theoppositeofdeep 7 Mycarstartseverytime.It's................
A short A reliable
B shingle B suitable
C shallow C annoying
3 Theirofficeisdisastrous. 8 Healwaysarriveslate.It'sreally................
A neat A disappointing
B messy B ruthless
C inruins C annoying
4 Theplacewasfullofpeople. 9 Thefilmwasrubbish.Imeanreally...............
A Theplacewaspacked.
B Theplacewasdeserted. A disappointing
C Theplacewasempty. B disappointed
C suitable
5 Thereportwasverydetailedandclosetothe 10 Thefilmwasgreat.Imeanreally................
A lazy
A accurate B amazing
B succinct C annoying
C concise
Adjective Translation Adjective Translation
accurate .................................. messy ..................................
amazing .................................. neat ..................................
annoying .................................. ruthless ..................................
brief .................................. unreliable ..................................
disappointing .................................. unsuitable .................................. 安姻庄岳岳艶稼油恢霞油京看恢油安庄鉛壊看稼油息檎看恢艶姻岳油遺鉛庄韓韓看姻糸油珂界鰻温庄姻油安庄鉛壊看稼油2007油