Using Twitter in an undergraduate classroom (economics) to improve writing, reflection, and community
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VAE 2014 Tweeting your way to improved writing, reflection, and community
1. Tweeting Your Way to Improved
#Writing, #Reflection, and
Alice Louise Kassens
Roanoke College
VAE 2014
Roanoke College
3. What is Twitter?
O Online microblogging
O Post tweets up to
140 characters
O ~200 million active
users, ~400 million
O Free service,
O Accessed through
variety of portals:
cellphone, computer,
O Tweets can include
pictures and videos
O Users twitter page
can be customized
using templates
5. Twitter in the classroom
O Twitter has been
shown to improve:
O Engagement
O Participation
O Writing
O Community
O Learning
O Memory
6. Twitter and writing/reflection
O 140 character limit
forces succinctness
O electronic editor
O Brevity of tweets =
powerful tool for
teaching writing &
other communication
7. Twitter and writing/reflection
O Writing about
economics=vital test
of understanding
O Challenge in 100-
level courses
O A key to good
an argument
8. What we did (2013)
O Social media project
O ~25 student avg.
O 15% of course
O Computer lab
O Screen projecting
Twitter feed
O Unique hashtag
O Ten graded tweets
O Rubric developed
with class
O Assignments both
in and out of class
O Review tweets in
9. Preparation (in class)
O Brief introduction to Twitter (many students
had never used Twitter)
O Set up accounts
O 10-15 minutes to personalize page, follow,
O Develop rubric: What makes a good tweet?
Faculty should
already be
familiar with
11. Sample assignment
O State of the Union
Address 2013
1. Watch address
w/in 24 hours of
2. Tweet several
comments or
3. One tweet graded
O Purpose
O Increase student
awareness of
current issues
O Apply course
material to these
O Communicate in
16. Unintended consequence
O Twitter expands the
classroom beyond
the physical walls
O Global
O guest speakers
O Community can be
developed in typically
isolated experiences
17. Suggestions Benefits
O Hold class in lab
O Establish ground rules
O Allow practice tweets
O Select unique #
O Grade tweets via
student page
O Follow your students
O Assign a significant
weight to assignment
O Expand classroom,
become part of a larger
O Refine reflection &
writing skills w/o a
large written
O Increase engagement
O Demonstrate
responsible use of
social media
18. Difficulties Cautions
O Challenging with
large classes
O Currently are not
reliable applications
to collect tweets for a
O Professor should be
comfortable with the
O Pick a unique
hashtag for all
O Keep tweets to
course material
19. Trial
O Do you have a Twitter account?
O If so, tweet something (clean) to