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Declarative Data Modeling 
in Python 
by Joshua Forman
Introducing valid_model 
It includes: 
- base class - Object 
- basic descriptors - Integer, Float, DateTime, String, ... 
- nesting descriptors - Dict, List, Set, EmbeddedObject
Most similar libraries are tightly integrated to a persistence layer: 
SQLAlchemy, Django ORM, mongokit, etc. 
Or are targeted at web forms: 
Formencode, colander, deform 
So the goal was to build a highly flexible unopinionated data modeling 
Some Use Cases 
 Database data model 
 Form validation 
 Test fixtures 
 API request/response objects 
 Scrubbing and normalizing data 
 Data migration
car = { 
'make': None, 
'model': None, 
'doors': None, 
'horsepower': None, 
class Car(object): 
def __init__(self, make=None, model=None, doors=None, 
self.make = make 
self.model = model 
self.doors = doors 
self.horsepower = horsepower 
It is valid python to arbitrarily add new instance attributes in other methods, which can lead to 
headaches (and pylint complaints)
At least I know the fields ahead of time but what datatypes are these attributes? 
def horse_check(value): 
if value == 1: 
raise ValidationError('Is this powered by an actual horse?') 
elif value <= 0: 
raise ValidationError('Phantom horses?') 
return True 
class Car(Object): 
make = String(nullable=False) 
model = String() 
doors = Integer(validator=lambda x: x<=5) 
horsepower = Integer(validator=horse_check)
Nested Schemas is Easy 
class Person(Object): 
name = String(nullable=False) 
homepage = String() 
class BlogPost(Object): 
title = String(nullable=False, mutator=lambda x: x.title()) 
updated = DateTime(nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow) 
published = DateTime() 
author = EmbeddedObject(Person) 
contributors = List(value=EmbeddedObject(Person), nullable=False) 
tags = List(value=String(nullable=False), nullable=False) 
def validate(self): 
super(BlogPost, self).validate() 
if self.published is not None and self.published > self.updated: 
raise ValidationError('a post cannot be published at a later date 
than it was updated') 
post = BlogPost(title='example post', author={'name': 'Josh'}, tags=['tag1', 'tag2']) 
>>> print post 
{'updated': datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 7, 13, 43, 1, 960174), 
'author': {'homepage': None, 'name': u'Josh'}, 
'contributors': [], 'title': u'Example Post', 'tags': [u'tag1', u'tag2'], 'published': None}
valid_model also provides something closer to strict typing 
class Car(Object): 
make = String(nullable=False) 
model = String() 
doors = Integer(validator=lambda x: x<=5) 
horsepower = Integer(validator=horse_check) 
>>> Car(doors='five') 
valid_model.exc.ValidationError: 'five' is not an int 
>>> Car(doors=10) 
valid_model.exc.ValidationError: doors 
>>> Car(horsepower=1) 
valid_model.exc.ValidationError: Is this powered by an actual horse? 
>>> Car(make=None) 
valid_model.exc.ValidationError: make is not nullable
Normalize your data when it gets set 
class HTTPAccessLog(Object): 
code = Integer(nullable=False) 
status = String(nullable=False, mutator=lambda x: x.upper()) 
timestamp = DateTime(default=datetime.utcnow) 
def validate(self): 
super(HTTPAccessLog, self).validate() 
if not self.status.startswith(unicode(self.code)): 
raise ValidationError('code and status do not match') 
>>> ping = HTTPAccessLog() 
>>> ping.code = 404 
>>> ping.status = '404 not found' 
>>> print ping 
{'status': u'404 NOT FOUND', 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 7, 13, 36, 15, 217678), 
'code': 404}
Descriptors Tangent 
Python descriptors are fancy attributes. 
class SomeDescriptor(object): 
def __get__(self, instance, klass=None): 
def __set__(self, instance, value): 
def __del__(self, instance): 
class Foo(object): 
b = SomeDescriptor()
@property Descriptors 
@property is the most common 
class Foo(object): 
def a(self): 
return self._a 
def a(self, value): 
self._a = value 
# Make an attribute readonly by not defining the setter. 
def readonly(self): 
return self._private_var 
#Lazily initialize or cache expensive calculations 
def expensive_func(self): 
if self._result is None: 
self._result = expensive_func() 
return self._result
Customizing Descriptors is Easy 
Extending existing descriptors works like subclassing anything else in python 
class SuperDateTime(DateTime): 
def __set__(self, instance, value): 
if isinstance(value, basestring): 
value = dateutils.parse(value) 
elif isinstance(value, (int, float)): 
value = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(value) 
super(SuperDateTime, self).__set__(instance, value) 
class Decimal(Generic): 
def __set__(self, instance, value): 
if not isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): 
raise ValidationError('{} is not a decimal'.format(self.name)) 
super(Decimal, self).__set__(instance, value)
Simple wrappers for persistence 
An example of using MongoDB with Redis as a cache 
class PersistBlogPost(object): 
def __init__(self, mongo_collection, redis_conn): 
def insert(self, post): 
def find(self, title): 
post = self.redis_conn.get(title) 
if post: 
return pickle.loads(post) 
post = self.mongo_collection.find_one({'title': title}) 
if post: 
post = BlogPost(**post) 
self.redis_conn.set(title, pickle.dumps(post)) 
return post
Thank You 
Joshua Forman 

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Declarative Data Modeling in Python

  • 1. Declarative Data Modeling in Python by Joshua Forman
  • 2. Introducing valid_model It includes: - base class - Object - basic descriptors - Integer, Float, DateTime, String, ... - nesting descriptors - Dict, List, Set, EmbeddedObject
  • 3. Most similar libraries are tightly integrated to a persistence layer: SQLAlchemy, Django ORM, mongokit, etc. Or are targeted at web forms: Formencode, colander, deform So the goal was to build a highly flexible unopinionated data modeling library.
  • 4. Some Use Cases Database data model Form validation Test fixtures API request/response objects Scrubbing and normalizing data Data migration
  • 5. car = { 'make': None, 'model': None, 'doors': None, 'horsepower': None, } class Car(object): def __init__(self, make=None, model=None, doors=None, horsepower=None): self.make = make self.model = model self.doors = doors self.horsepower = horsepower It is valid python to arbitrarily add new instance attributes in other methods, which can lead to headaches (and pylint complaints)
  • 6. At least I know the fields ahead of time but what datatypes are these attributes? def horse_check(value): if value == 1: raise ValidationError('Is this powered by an actual horse?') elif value <= 0: raise ValidationError('Phantom horses?') return True class Car(Object): make = String(nullable=False) model = String() doors = Integer(validator=lambda x: x<=5) horsepower = Integer(validator=horse_check)
  • 7. Nested Schemas is Easy class Person(Object): name = String(nullable=False) homepage = String() class BlogPost(Object): title = String(nullable=False, mutator=lambda x: x.title()) updated = DateTime(nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow) published = DateTime() author = EmbeddedObject(Person) contributors = List(value=EmbeddedObject(Person), nullable=False) tags = List(value=String(nullable=False), nullable=False) def validate(self): super(BlogPost, self).validate() if self.published is not None and self.published > self.updated: raise ValidationError('a post cannot be published at a later date than it was updated') post = BlogPost(title='example post', author={'name': 'Josh'}, tags=['tag1', 'tag2']) >>> print post {'updated': datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 7, 13, 43, 1, 960174), 'author': {'homepage': None, 'name': u'Josh'}, 'contributors': [], 'title': u'Example Post', 'tags': [u'tag1', u'tag2'], 'published': None}
  • 8. valid_model also provides something closer to strict typing class Car(Object): make = String(nullable=False) model = String() doors = Integer(validator=lambda x: x<=5) horsepower = Integer(validator=horse_check) >>> Car(doors='five') valid_model.exc.ValidationError: 'five' is not an int >>> Car(doors=10) valid_model.exc.ValidationError: doors >>> Car(horsepower=1) valid_model.exc.ValidationError: Is this powered by an actual horse? >>> Car(make=None) valid_model.exc.ValidationError: make is not nullable
  • 9. Normalize your data when it gets set class HTTPAccessLog(Object): code = Integer(nullable=False) status = String(nullable=False, mutator=lambda x: x.upper()) timestamp = DateTime(default=datetime.utcnow) def validate(self): super(HTTPAccessLog, self).validate() if not self.status.startswith(unicode(self.code)): raise ValidationError('code and status do not match') >>> ping = HTTPAccessLog() >>> ping.code = 404 >>> ping.status = '404 not found' >>> print ping {'status': u'404 NOT FOUND', 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 7, 13, 36, 15, 217678), 'code': 404}
  • 10. Descriptors Tangent Python descriptors are fancy attributes. class SomeDescriptor(object): def __get__(self, instance, klass=None): . def __set__(self, instance, value): . def __del__(self, instance): . class Foo(object): b = SomeDescriptor()
  • 11. @property Descriptors @property is the most common class Foo(object): @property def a(self): return self._a @a.setter def a(self, value): self._a = value # Make an attribute readonly by not defining the setter. @property def readonly(self): return self._private_var #Lazily initialize or cache expensive calculations @property def expensive_func(self): if self._result is None: self._result = expensive_func() return self._result
  • 12. Customizing Descriptors is Easy Extending existing descriptors works like subclassing anything else in python class SuperDateTime(DateTime): def __set__(self, instance, value): if isinstance(value, basestring): value = dateutils.parse(value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float)): value = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(value) super(SuperDateTime, self).__set__(instance, value) class Decimal(Generic): def __set__(self, instance, value): if not isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): raise ValidationError('{} is not a decimal'.format(self.name)) super(Decimal, self).__set__(instance, value)
  • 13. Simple wrappers for persistence An example of using MongoDB with Redis as a cache class PersistBlogPost(object): def __init__(self, mongo_collection, redis_conn): ... def insert(self, post): self.mongo_collection.insert(post.__json__()) def find(self, title): post = self.redis_conn.get(title) if post: return pickle.loads(post) else: post = self.mongo_collection.find_one({'title': title}) if post: post = BlogPost(**post) self.redis_conn.set(title, pickle.dumps(post)) return post
  • 14. Thank You http://github.com/outbrain/valid_model Joshua Forman jforman@outbrain.com