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In this time of unprecedented change,
you may be faced with a new array of
challenges and opportunities .
The financial crisis has changed the business
blueprint, pushing many successful business
leaders to innovate like never before.
Are you prepared
for what's next?
Think of the results you could you generate
if you had direct, unbiased feedback from
CEOs who are dealing with similar issues
you face every day.
Vistage International is
the worlds leading
chief executive
organization with more
than 14,500 members
in 16 countries.
: Become Better Leaders
Vistage helps executives : Make Better Decisions
                         : Achieve Better Results
Peer Advisory Board
Work On Your Business, Not In Your Business
1-to-1 Coaching
Hold Your Feet to the Fire Through
 Assessment and Accountability.
Expert Workshops
Continuing Education for You and Your Staff
Global Network
Diverse Perspectives From More Than 14,000 Leaders
Value of Vistage membership for New Mexico CEOs
Vistage is a gold mine of information and expertise. Last year, we grew 15
percent by utilizing borrowing opportunities we had never considered before
I joined.
Jill Talve, Principal
Franklin Stainless Corp.
Port Washington, N.Y.

Since I joined Vistage, about 25% of our profits
can be attributed to the knowledge and insights
I've gained. In a company our size, that's a
major impact.
Peter McNabb, President & CEO
PBC Companies, Inc.
Brea, CA
My company has grown almost 400% since
joining Vistage only 3 years ago. It was the
best business decision I ever made. My only
regret: I didn't do it sooner.
Laura Herring, President & CEO
Impact Group
St. Louis, MO

Since I became a member, weve grown 50% each
year, mostly because of the accountability and support
Vistage provides me. Thanks to Vistage, Ive increased
my financial and business acumen quite a bit.
Randy Emelo, President & CEO
Triple Creek Associates
Greenwood Village, Calif.
Results. Impact. Growth.
 Vistage-member companies grow faster

 Member companies generate more than
 $300 billion in annual revenue and
 represent more than two million employees
 around the world.

                                             For internal use only. 息2009 Vistage International. All rights reserved.   14
Learn more at www.vistage.com

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Value of Vistage membership for New Mexico CEOs

  • 1. In this time of unprecedented change, you may be faced with a new array of challenges and opportunities .
  • 2. The financial crisis has changed the business blueprint, pushing many successful business leaders to innovate like never before.
  • 3. Are you prepared for what's next?
  • 4. Think of the results you could you generate if you had direct, unbiased feedback from CEOs who are dealing with similar issues you face every day.
  • 5. Vistage International is the worlds leading chief executive organization with more than 14,500 members in 16 countries.
  • 6. : Become Better Leaders Vistage helps executives : Make Better Decisions : Achieve Better Results
  • 7. Peer Advisory Board Work On Your Business, Not In Your Business
  • 8. 1-to-1 Coaching Hold Your Feet to the Fire Through Assessment and Accountability.
  • 9. Expert Workshops Continuing Education for You and Your Staff
  • 10. Global Network Diverse Perspectives From More Than 14,000 Leaders
  • 12. Vistage is a gold mine of information and expertise. Last year, we grew 15 percent by utilizing borrowing opportunities we had never considered before I joined. Jill Talve, Principal Franklin Stainless Corp. Port Washington, N.Y. Since I joined Vistage, about 25% of our profits can be attributed to the knowledge and insights I've gained. In a company our size, that's a major impact. Peter McNabb, President & CEO PBC Companies, Inc. Brea, CA
  • 13. My company has grown almost 400% since joining Vistage only 3 years ago. It was the best business decision I ever made. My only regret: I didn't do it sooner. Laura Herring, President & CEO Impact Group St. Louis, MO Since I became a member, weve grown 50% each year, mostly because of the accountability and support Vistage provides me. Thanks to Vistage, Ive increased my financial and business acumen quite a bit. Randy Emelo, President & CEO Triple Creek Associates Greenwood Village, Calif.
  • 14. Results. Impact. Growth. Vistage-member companies grow faster Member companies generate more than $300 billion in annual revenue and represent more than two million employees around the world. For internal use only. 息2009 Vistage International. All rights reserved. 14
  • 15. Learn more at www.vistage.com