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 The longest river in the
Republic of Macedonia!!!
Geographical facts

   TheVardarorAxiosis the longest and
    major river in theRepublic of
    Macedoniaand also a major river
    ofGreece. It is 388km long, and drains an
    area of around 25,000km2.The maximum
    depth of river is 4m.
   The river rises atVrutok(montain Sar
    Planina), a few kilometers north
    ofGostivarin the Republic of Macedonia.
   It flowing northeast then southeast in a
    fertile valley, past Skopje , through Greece
    to the Aegean Sea near Thessalon鱈ki . The
    Vardar valley forms part of the principal
    corridor of the Balkan Peninsula .
   The Vardar basin includes two-thirds of the
    territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The area
    is sometimes called "Vardar Macedonia.
   The river is surrounded by mountains
    anywhere. The river is depicted on the coat of
    arms of Skopje, which in turn is incorporated in
    the city's flag.
The Vardars tributaries and
 cities that it goes through
    Vardar has really composite river valley for lining gorges and valleys one
     after the other along its flow.The river rises in Vrutok, a few miles southwest
     of Gostivar in the northwestern part of Macedonia.Continues to flow
     through the valley town of Gostivar and nest where several tributaries flow:
     Lakavica, Mazdracha, Pena, Bistrica brandy.Then through Dervenskata
     ravine entangled in Skopje where the valley receives water from Lepenec,
     fever, and Pchinja Markova River and passes through Skopje.Passing
     through the gorge where Taorskata flows Kadino River Vardar Veles getting
     into the small valley and passes through Veles.There are flowing rivers and
     Topolka Babuna.After getting through the gorge in Veles Tikvesh flowing
     valley where two of its largest tributaries of Black River Bregalnica right and
     the left side.Demir getting into the famous gorge, and through her in-
     Valandovo Gevgelija valley where it crosses the Greek border, passing
     through the gorge Gypsy, and flowing through the Thessaloniki area flows
     into the Aegean Sea in the west of Thessaloniki in the Aegean Macedonia.

   Knownstoryisthatthe rivergotits nameinhonorofthe
    ulatethe flowof theriverandtherebysaved
    Vardarnameis similartothe names
    ofotherriversflowinginto CentralAzija-
    ordol",whichisgiven totheriverwhen theGothswerein
    this region.Vardarwatersoriginatingfromthe same
Folk songs about Vardar
  There aremanyfolksongsthatspeakof
our largestandalsothe longestriverVardar.
仍亳亰 亠从舒舒 舒亟舒
              (Nearthe riverVardar )
   仍亳亰 亠从舒舒 舒亟舒 亳仄舒 仗仍舒仆亳仆舒,
    亳 仆亠舒 仗仂仍舒仆舒, 亳仂从舒 仂仆舒,
     于 舒舒 仗仂仍舒仆舒 从亳亠舒 舒于舒,
    舒 仗仂亟仄舒 亞仂仂于舒  亢亳于亳 仍仂于舒.

    丐舒仄仂, 仂 仄亳仍舒, 于仂 仄舒, 于仂 亞仂舒,
    亳 于亠亠 仗仂仍舒亟亠仆, 于仂 亞仍舒弍仂从舒 亰仂舒,
    舒亟仂仆仂 仍舒于亠 舒 舒亰弍亟于舒 仂 仂仆
     仍舒从仂 亳 仄亳仍仂 仗亠仆亳 仗亠亳 仂仆.

    舒仄仂 仆舒 仂 于亠亠 于亠亳 亳
     从仂从仂 仆亳舒 仆舒 亟于亠舒 仍亳,
    丐舒仄 舒亟仂弍仂 仗舒亳 亠仍亠仆 于亳仂仂亞,
    丐舒仄 舒亟仂仆仂 亳亞舒 从仂 弍亰仂仆仂亞.

   T舒仄 舒仗仆舒仍 亳 亞舒仆从亳 舒于仂 于亳仂从,
    仆 仗但仍仆仂于亠亠仆, 亞但仂仍亳 亳 亳仂从,
     仂 舒于仂 亰亞仂于亳仍 仆舒仄 舒仂 亠仆仍亳于.
    仂亟 仆亠亞仂 舒 亠亟舒仄 仆舒亢舒仍亠仆, 但仍亰仍亳于.
Made by :
   Hristina Trpcevska (2nd-3th slides)
   Darko Boskovski (4-th slide)
   Angela Ivanova (5-th slide)
   Stefanija Bozinovska (6th-7th

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  • 1. Vardar- The longest river in the Republic of Macedonia!!!
  • 2. Geographical facts TheVardarorAxiosis the longest and major river in theRepublic of Macedoniaand also a major river ofGreece. It is 388km long, and drains an area of around 25,000km2.The maximum depth of river is 4m. The river rises atVrutok(montain Sar Planina), a few kilometers north ofGostivarin the Republic of Macedonia. It flowing northeast then southeast in a fertile valley, past Skopje , through Greece to the Aegean Sea near Thessalon鱈ki . The Vardar valley forms part of the principal corridor of the Balkan Peninsula .
  • 3. The Vardar basin includes two-thirds of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The area is sometimes called "Vardar Macedonia. The river is surrounded by mountains anywhere. The river is depicted on the coat of arms of Skopje, which in turn is incorporated in the city's flag.
  • 4. The Vardars tributaries and cities that it goes through Vardar has really composite river valley for lining gorges and valleys one after the other along its flow.The river rises in Vrutok, a few miles southwest of Gostivar in the northwestern part of Macedonia.Continues to flow through the valley town of Gostivar and nest where several tributaries flow: Lakavica, Mazdracha, Pena, Bistrica brandy.Then through Dervenskata ravine entangled in Skopje where the valley receives water from Lepenec, fever, and Pchinja Markova River and passes through Skopje.Passing through the gorge where Taorskata flows Kadino River Vardar Veles getting into the small valley and passes through Veles.There are flowing rivers and Topolka Babuna.After getting through the gorge in Veles Tikvesh flowing valley where two of its largest tributaries of Black River Bregalnica right and the left side.Demir getting into the famous gorge, and through her in- Valandovo Gevgelija valley where it crosses the Greek border, passing through the gorge Gypsy, and flowing through the Thessaloniki area flows into the Aegean Sea in the west of Thessaloniki in the Aegean Macedonia.
  • 5. Etymology Knownstoryisthatthe rivergotits nameinhonorofthe RomanprefectofSkupi,namedVardarSklirandwhoreg ulatethe flowof theriverandtherebysaved thecityfromflooding. Vardarnameis similartothe names ofotherriversflowinginto CentralAzija- SyrDarja,AmuDarjaandChebdar.DarjawordisPersian andmeansriver,seaorocean. HidronimotageprobablyoriginatedfromGothicword"V ordol",whichisgiven totheriverwhen theGothswerein this region.Vardarwatersoriginatingfromthe same nameThracianwordmeaning"blackwater".
  • 6. Folk songs about Vardar There aremanyfolksongsthatspeakof our largestandalsothe longestriverVardar.
  • 7. 仍亳亰 亠从舒舒 舒亟舒 (Nearthe riverVardar ) 仍亳亰 亠从舒舒 舒亟舒 亳仄舒 仗仍舒仆亳仆舒, 亳 仆亠舒 仗仂仍舒仆舒, 亳仂从舒 仂仆舒, 于 舒舒 仗仂仍舒仆舒 从亳亠舒 舒于舒, 舒 仗仂亟仄舒 亞仂仂于舒 亢亳于亳 仍仂于舒. 丐舒仄仂, 仂 仄亳仍舒, 于仂 仄舒, 于仂 亞仂舒, 亳 于亠亠 仗仂仍舒亟亠仆, 于仂 亞仍舒弍仂从舒 亰仂舒, 舒亟仂仆仂 仍舒于亠 舒 舒亰弍亟于舒 仂 仂仆 仍舒从仂 亳 仄亳仍仂 仗亠仆亳 仗亠亳 仂仆. 舒仄仂 仆舒 仂 于亠亠 于亠亳 亳 从仂从仂 仆亳舒 仆舒 亟于亠舒 仍亳, 丐舒仄 舒亟仂弍仂 仗舒亳 亠仍亠仆 于亳仂仂亞, 丐舒仄 舒亟仂仆仂 亳亞舒 从仂 弍亰仂仆仂亞. T舒仄 舒仗仆舒仍 亳 亞舒仆从亳 舒于仂 于亳仂从, 仆 仗但仍仆仂于亠亠仆, 亞但仂仍亳 亳 亳仂从, 仂 舒于仂 亰亞仂于亳仍 仆舒仄 舒仂 亠仆仍亳于. 仂亟 仆亠亞仂 舒 亠亟舒仄 仆舒亢舒仍亠仆, 但仍亰仍亳于.
  • 8. Made by : Hristina Trpcevska (2nd-3th slides) Darko Boskovski (4-th slide) Angela Ivanova (5-th slide) Stefanija Bozinovska (6th-7th slides) VII-A.odd