17. 200 000 unique visitors 34 000 success phone calls About 15 blog articles in blogosphere 4 clone web-pages Huge buzz all over latvian web ( 89 000 search rezults on keyword varoni.lv in google) RESULTS
18. Blogosphere opinion leaders discussions 24/7 web monitoring Huge noise the hottest topic of the week Audience polarisation draugiem.lv (es m朝lu meteor朝tu) METEORITE Plan B
20. To give an answer who are the superheroes and what is superpower To establish the slogan - It cost nothing to be a hero To introduce people with new Tele2 brand concept. REVEAL TASKS
21. Tele2.lv new web-page Non-traditional banners in portals Varoni.lv natural visits + traditional media + product offers TEASER TOOLS