Shared memory allows processes to share blocks of memory, allowing for fast inter-process communication and data sharing. It provides benefits over alternatives like storing to disk or duplicating in memory. However, there are challenges like processes attaching segments at different addresses, requiring relative rather than absolute pointers. It also requires manually serializing data to work across processes instead of duplicating Ruby objects. Overall, shared memory can be useful for applications that need to share large read-only data or provide fast interprocess locks and messaging.
This document discusses different mobile operating systems. It provides descriptions of several major operating systems including Symbian, Android, BlackBerry OS, Windows Mobile, and iOS. It also briefly mentions MeeGo and how it was replaced by Tizen. Market share statistics are shown for the different platforms and versions of Symbian, Android, and Windows Phone are outlined.
The letter is a job application from Estelito L. Vertucio for a pipe fitting position. He graduated from a two-year drafting program and received pipe fitting certification from TESDA. He has experience as a pipe fitter helper at a refinery. He emphasizes that pipe fitting is a challenging job that requires training and experience, and promises to work hard and learn if hired.
The document discusses the post office problem, which is also known as the nearest neighbor search problem. It describes how k-d trees can be used to solve this problem more efficiently than a naive linear search approach. It explains how k-d trees are built and then searched to find the nearest neighbor point to a query point. It also discusses how the curse of dimensionality can be addressed using the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma to project the data into a lower dimensional space to speed up searches while largely preserving relative distances between points.
Shared memory allows processes to share blocks of memory, allowing for fast inter-process communication and data sharing. It provides benefits over alternatives like storing to disk or duplicating in memory. However, there are challenges like processes attaching segments at different addresses, requiring relative rather than absolute pointers. It also requires manually serializing data to work across processes instead of duplicating Ruby objects. Overall, shared memory can be useful for applications that need to share large read-only data or provide fast interprocess locks and messaging.
This document discusses different mobile operating systems. It provides descriptions of several major operating systems including Symbian, Android, BlackBerry OS, Windows Mobile, and iOS. It also briefly mentions MeeGo and how it was replaced by Tizen. Market share statistics are shown for the different platforms and versions of Symbian, Android, and Windows Phone are outlined.
The letter is a job application from Estelito L. Vertucio for a pipe fitting position. He graduated from a two-year drafting program and received pipe fitting certification from TESDA. He has experience as a pipe fitter helper at a refinery. He emphasizes that pipe fitting is a challenging job that requires training and experience, and promises to work hard and learn if hired.
The document discusses the post office problem, which is also known as the nearest neighbor search problem. It describes how k-d trees can be used to solve this problem more efficiently than a naive linear search approach. It explains how k-d trees are built and then searched to find the nearest neighbor point to a query point. It also discusses how the curse of dimensionality can be addressed using the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma to project the data into a lower dimensional space to speed up searches while largely preserving relative distances between points.
2. Warszawa jest stolic Polski
Important selected projects
Varsovie est la capitale de la Pologne
3. Symbolem miasta jest Syrenka.
Important selected projects
Symbole de la ville est la Sir竪ne
4. Panorama Wsp坦czesnej Warszawy
Important selected projects
Panorama de Varsovie daujourdhui
Warszawa jest orodkiem naukowym, kulturalnym, politycznym
oraz gospodarczym na skal europejsk.
Varsovie est un centre scientifique, culturel, politique et
辿conomique l辿chelle europ辿enne.
5. Najwiksze polskie miasto
Important selected projects
Varsovie est la plus grande ville polonaise
Warszawa liczy ponad 1,7 mln mieszkac坦w
Elle compte 1,7 mln dhabitants.
7. Zabytki Warszawy Monuments de Varsovie
Important selected projects
Pomimo zniszcze II Wojny wiatowej, w Warszawie mo甜emy podziwia wiele ciekawych
zabytk坦w, jak paace, kocioy, kamienice.
Malgr辿 la destruction de la ville pendant la Deuxi竪me Guerre mondiale, Varsovie on peut admirer plusieurs beaux
monuments, comme palais, 辿glises, 辿difices.
8. Plac Zamkowy i Zamek Kr坦lewski
Important selected projects
Place Royale et Ch但teau Royal
Kolumna Zygmunta III Wazy pochodzi z 1644
i jest najstarszym pomnikiem w Warszawie.
La Colonne de Sigismond III Vasa qui date de 1644 est le plus ancien
monument de Varsovie.
9. Stare Miasto Vieille Ville
Important selected projects
10. Krakowskie Przedmiecie Rue Krakowskie Przedmiecie
Important selected projects
Jedna z najbardziej reprezentacyjnych ulic w Warszawie, stanowica
p坦nocny odcinek Traktu Kr坦lewskiego.
Lune des plus repr辿sentatives rues de Varsovie qui constitue une partie
nord de la Voie Royale.
11. Paac Prezydencki i Belweder
Important selected projects
Palais Pr辿sidentiel
et Belv辿d竪re
12. Paac Kultury i Nauki Palais de la Culture et de la Science
Important selected projects
Najwy甜szy budynek w Polsce (ponad
230 metr坦w).
Poza siedzibami firm mieszcz si tu
kina, teatry, muzea, ksigarnia, kluby
sportowe, wy甜sze uczelnie i sala
Le plus haut b但timent de Varsovie
(plus de 230 m竪tres).
A part les si竪ges des entreprises,
Tekst il abrite cin辿mas, th辿但tres, mus辿es,
cin辿ma s,
librairie, clubs de sport, 辿coles
sup辿rieures et une salle de concerts.
13. Zielona Stolica Capitale verte
Important selected projects
Du甜a ilo zieleni miejskiej, park坦w, ogrod坦w i przestrzeni to atuty
Nombreux espaces vertes, parcs et jardins sont des atouts de Varsovie.
14. azienki Kr坦lewskie azienki Royal azienki
Important selected projects
Zesp坦 paacowo-parkowy z licznymi zabytkami, zao甜ony w XVIII wieku przez kr坦la Stanisawa
Augusta Poniatowskiego. Dzi to jedno z ulubionych miejsc Warszawiak坦w i turyst坦w.
Lensemble palais-jardin avec de nombreux monuments est fond辿 au XVIII 竪me si竪cle par le roi
Stanisaw August Poniatowski. Aujourdhui l'un des endroits pr辿f辿r辿s des habitants de Varsovie
et des touristes.
16. Stadion Narodowy Stade national
Important selected projects
Stadion Narodowy powstaje na Mistrzostwa Europy
w Pice No甜nej i jest najwikszym stadionem
w Polsce (prawie 60 tys. miejsc).
W 2012 roku Warszaw odwiedzi wielu kibic坦w
EURO 2012.
Le stade national est construit pour le Championnat
d'Europe de football et il est le plus grand stade de
Pologne (compte pr竪s de 60 mille places).
En 2012 beaucoup de supporteurs dEuro 2012
viendront Varsovie.
17. Important selected projects
Pour plus dinformations:
Tekst i zdjcia: opracowanie i wykonanie wasne oraz wikimedia commons / wikipedia
(wasno publiczna lub licencja GNU Licencja Wolnej Dokumentacji, autorzy: Jakub J坦添wiak, DocentX, foTOmo,
Mateusz Wodarczyk, Janusz J., nNb, Foma, MatiOmlet, Jan Jaboski, happa, Tomasz Go添dziewicz).
Przygotowanie i wykorzystanie w celach niekomercyjnych.