This document provides an overview of coding concepts, IF statements, IIF statements, and Select Case statements in VBA for beginners. It explains how to read code, use operators and characters like concatenation and line continuation, and step through code. It provides examples and syntax for IF statements, IIF statements, and Select Case statements.
2. Class 4 - Overview
Coding Concepts
Reading Code
VB Operators/Characters:
損 Concatenation, Line Continuation, Comments
Stepping through Code
IF Statements
IIF Statements
Select Case Statements
3. Coding Concepts
Reading Code
Reading code can be tricky
損 Statements to the left and right of an equal
sign will not be equal until the code is
executed (and then it can be not equal
Tip 1: Read (evaluate) from the right of
the equal sign to figure it out
Tip 2: Do not worry about past
4. Coding Concepts
Reading Code Example 1
VBA Code Behind the scenes
intValue = 5 + 2 0=5+2
Next Line of Code Next Line of Code
5. Coding Concepts
Reading Code Example 1
VBA Code Behind the scenes
intValue = 5 + 2 7=5+2
Next Line of Code Next Line of Code
6. Coding Concepts
Reading Code Example 2
VBA Code Behind the scenes
intValue = 5 0=5
intValue = intValue + 2 0=0+2
Next Line of Code Next Line of Code
7. Coding Concepts
Reading Code Example 2
VBA Code Behind the scenes
intValue = 5 5=5
intValue = intValue + 2 5=5+2
Next Line of Code Next Line of Code
8. Coding Concepts
Reading Code Example 2
VBA Code Behind the scenes
intValue = 5 7=5
intValue = intValue + 2 7=7+2
Next Line of Code Next Line of Code
9. Coding Concepts
Concatenation character:
& (ampersand)
Used for putting expressions together
strFirstName = John
strLastName = Doe
strFullName = strFirstName & & strLastName
Avoid using + to concatenate, it can
produce unexpected results
10. Coding Concepts
Line continuation character:
_ (underscore)
Msgbox This is important, _
vbOKOnly, My Message
String Example:
strMsg= This is a very important & _
message from me!
Limit is 25 lines, or 24 line continuations
11. Coding Concepts
Making comments
Use (apostrophe) to start a comment
Comments are not executed; used to document
what the code is suppose to do
損 No need to write an essay
Assign a value
Rem Example:
Rem Assign a value
12. Coding Concepts
Stepping through code
Use [F5] in the code window to execute the
Use [F8] in the code window to execute the
code one step at a time
Works in a Standard Module, does not work
in a Form Module.
13. IF Statement
An IF statement evaluates a condition to find
out if it is True or False, then executes the
appropriate statement(s)
Type the word If in the code window and
press [F1] for help on the topic
14. IF Statement
Syntax (Single Line):
If condition Then [statements] [Else elsestatements]
If Sales>100K Then Bonus=10% Else Bonus=1%
Syntax (Multi-Line) Pseudo-code:
If condition Then If Sales>100K Then
[statements] Bonus=10%
[Else Else
[elsestatements]] Bonus=1%
End If End If
15. IF Statement
Syntax (IfThenElseIfThenElse)
If condition Then If Sales>100K Then
[statements] Bonus=10%
[ElseIf condition-n Then ElseIf Sales>50K Then
[elseifstatements] ... Bonus=5%
[Else Else
[elsestatements]] Bonus=1%
End If End If
16. IF Statement
Nested IF Pseudo-Code:
If condition Then If Sales>100K Then
If condition Then If NewClients>5 Then
[statements] Bonus=15%
[Else Else
[elsestatements]] Bonus=10%
End If End If
[Else Else
[elsestatements]] Bonus=1%
End If End If
17. IF Statement
Operators for IF Statement condition
Equal (=)
Not Equal (<>)
Less Than (<)
Less Than Or Equal To (<=)
Greater Than (>)
Greater Than Or Equal To (>=)
18. IF Statement
Logical Operators
And If Sales>100K And NewClients > 5 Then
Or If Sales>100K Or NewClients > 10 Then
Not If Not(Sales>100K) Then
19. Immediate IF
Immediate If is similar to If statements
IIf(expr, truepart, falsepart)
IIf(Sales>100K, Bonus=10%, 1%)
Can be nested
IIf(expr, truepart, IIf(expr, truepart, falsepart))
IIf(Sales>100K, Bonus=10%, IIf(Sales>50K, Bonus=5%, Bonus=1%))
Type the word IIf in the code window and press [F1] for
help on the topic
20. Immediate IF
The drawback is that it always evaluates
both true and false part
It is slower than IF statements
Can give unexpected results
21. Select Case
Select Case is similar to IfThenElseIf
The difference is that it evaluates an
expression once and then compares it to
different values
Makes it more efficient than multiple ElseIf
Type the word Select in the code window
and press [F1] for help on the topic
22. Select Case
Syntax: Pseudo-Code:
Select Case testexpression Select Case Sales
[Case expressionlist1] Case >100K
[statements] Bonus=10%
[Case expressionlist2] Case >50K
[statements] Bonus=5%
[Case Else] Case Else
[statements] Bonus=1%
End Select End Select