The College Classroom Fa15 Meeting 6: Sample Peer Instruction QuestionsPeter NewburyThe document discusses criteria for developing effective peer instruction questions for classroom use. It notes that some sample questions provided may be deliberately bad or unclear. It then lists six criteria for evaluating questions: clarity, context, learning outcomes, distractors, difficulty, and ability to stimulate thoughtful discussion. Blank checkboxes are included under each criteria for evaluation. The document is from a center for engaged teaching at UC San Diego and provides guidance for developing questions to engage students through peer instruction techniques.
Surya pptshareenapr5This PowerPoint presentation summarizes the poem "From a Railway Carriage" by Robert Louis Stevenson. It discusses how the poem describes the speed of a passing train as faster than fairies and witches, charging through the countryside like troops in battle. Key images are analyzed, such as the train rushing past bridges, houses, hedges and ditches with horses and cattle in the meadows. The presentation was submitted by a student as part of their English coursework.
Envision2035draftDavid A. HeinoldThe Envision 2035 Comprehensive Plan for Minnehaha County, South Dakota sets forth a vision and goals to guide land use and development decisions over the next 20 years. Key elements of the plan include supporting agricultural production, balancing rural housing with agriculture, protecting the environment, and coordinating transportation efforts. The plan was created through input from county staff, task forces, and the public to manage growth while preserving rural character as the population increases.
CHRISTMAS SALESpaceSaving Wall BedsThis short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on ݺߣShare. In a single sentence, it pitches presentation creation software.
Asher Zines resumeAsher ZinesAsher Zines is a 15-year-old student currently in year 9 at Moriah College looking for a casual position. He has experience volunteering at JEMS and a long day care center, and was self-employed mowing lawns. Asher is hardworking, motivated, and a dedicated team member who is available most weekends and some school holidays. He has interests in AFL, cycling, touch football, and math.
Ijciet 06 10_004IAEME Publication- The document analyzes the hydrological impacts of land-use and land-cover changes in the Ketar watershed in Ethiopia between 1986 and 2010.
- Land-use classifications using satellite images from 1986 and 2010 showed an expansion of agricultural land and settlements, and a reduction of forest and grassland areas.
- Hydrological modeling with SWAT found that mean monthly wet season flow increased 3.8% from 1986 to 2010, while mean monthly dry season flow decreased 12.3%, indicating changes to the watershed's hydrological processes due to land conversion.
- Continued conversion of marginal lands to agriculture as the population grows could further impact the watershed's hydrology and threaten livelihoods.
Surprising ways alcohol may be good for youDr Kamaljit SinghBefore you start a petition to replace the office water cooler with a beer keg, let's be clear:
Alcohol is only healthy in smaller amounts -- about 1 drink a day for women (5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer, or 1.5 ounces of liquor) and 2 for men
After that, the benefits get hazier and the risks increase
Main task pitchabbywynneThe document outlines a pitch for a psychological thriller film titled "The Escape." It summarizes the plot, which follows a female character, Laura Moore, running away from an unknown danger. As she runs, the audience sees flashbacks revealing she is escaping from a man who had captured and tortured her. She arrives at the train station hoping to flee but misses her train, seeing the man now standing across the platform looking at her. The key themes are listed as conflict, danger, relationships and crime. Locations, character descriptions, influences, and an evaluation of the pitch are also provided in the document.
Restaurant12LidiaGonThis menu lists pasta, soup, and egg dishes ranging in price from €4.50 to €8.50 in the first section. Starters including meats range from €7 to €10. Main courses consist of desserts such as ice cream, tiramisu, and coulant priced between €3 and €5. Drinks including water, soda, and wine are offered from €2 to €4.
Exam skillslorenza861. The document provides tips for exam preparation and success, including how to structure an essay, tackle exam questions, and revise effectively. It recommends reading instructions carefully, using a mind map to plan essay structure, and learning actively through self-testing and explanations to others rather than passive re-reading.
Akuntansi dan kegiatan perusahaanSyafril Djaelani,SE, MMAkuntansi adalah proses identifikasi, pengukuran, dan pelaporan informasi ekonomi perusahaan untuk pengambilan keputusan. Proses akuntansi meliputi identifikasi data keuangan, pencatatan, penyusunan laporan keuangan seperti neraca dan laba rugi, serta komunikasi laporan kepada pemangku kepentingan. Laporan keuangan digunakan untuk menilai kinerja dan memprediksi prospek bisnis.
Short film proposalM1chea1The proposal outlines a short film called "Split Personality" that will follow a protagonist throughout their day, with events on the right side depicting a good day and events on the left depicting a bad day, with a twist ending of something good happening on the bad side. The film will be a comedic, naturalistic reality piece influenced by drama and comedy genres, shot in color with locations at a school, bedroom, and public space. The sole main character will be a teen aged 15-18, requiring a school uniform, bedroom items, and school equipment as props.
Innovation in the Online Music Industry: Past, Present and FutureDianne BonneyThe document discusses the history and evolution of the online music industry from the development of the MP3 format in the 1990s to modern streaming services. It describes how MP3s and platforms like Napster disrupted the industry's traditional business model and forced adaptation to digital distribution. While illegal downloading surged, legal services like iTunes store eventually gained popularity through partnerships with major labels and convenient access on devices like the iPod. Modern streaming platforms like Spotify, YouTube, and Apple Music now dominate the industry through subscription and ad-supported models. The internet has created new opportunities for artists and fans to connect while also introducing new challenges around royalty payments and copyright enforcement.
2015 xinghuo cri 97 led light catalogueJohn Zuo TUV GS LED light john.zuo88@gmail.comThe document is a catalogue from CRI97 LED Light that provides information about their LED lighting products. It includes specifications for their downlight, track light, and gimbal downlight series. The lights use CITIZEN COB LEDs from Japan with a CRI of 97 or higher, aluminum alloy housing, and a 3-5 year warranty. It also provides contact information for CRI97 LED Light and answers common questions about CRI, LED brands, and lumen output.
Pitch with feedback and improvements Steph_21The group's film opening will be a thriller about a serial killer who leaves clues at crime scenes. It will show the forensic team investigating a murder at a house. The team notices a suspicious man watching them. When they chase him, he drops a black book with crossed-out names, suggesting it is a hit list. The opening will introduce the characters - the victim, murderer and detectives - through their roles in the crime scene investigation and clues about their personalities. Camerawork and mise-en-scene will aim to create realism and tension. Research from other forensic thrillers informed decisions about elements like sound, camera angles, and props.
Ijciet 06 10_004IAEME Publication- The document analyzes the hydrological impacts of land-use and land-cover changes in the Ketar watershed in Ethiopia between 1986 and 2010.
- Land-use classifications using satellite images from 1986 and 2010 showed an expansion of agricultural land and settlements, and a reduction of forest and grassland areas.
- Hydrological modeling with SWAT found that mean monthly wet season flow increased 3.8% from 1986 to 2010, while mean monthly dry season flow decreased 12.3%, indicating changes to the watershed's hydrological processes due to land conversion.
- Continued conversion of marginal lands to agriculture as the population grows could further impact the watershed's hydrology and threaten livelihoods.
Surprising ways alcohol may be good for youDr Kamaljit SinghBefore you start a petition to replace the office water cooler with a beer keg, let's be clear:
Alcohol is only healthy in smaller amounts -- about 1 drink a day for women (5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer, or 1.5 ounces of liquor) and 2 for men
After that, the benefits get hazier and the risks increase
Main task pitchabbywynneThe document outlines a pitch for a psychological thriller film titled "The Escape." It summarizes the plot, which follows a female character, Laura Moore, running away from an unknown danger. As she runs, the audience sees flashbacks revealing she is escaping from a man who had captured and tortured her. She arrives at the train station hoping to flee but misses her train, seeing the man now standing across the platform looking at her. The key themes are listed as conflict, danger, relationships and crime. Locations, character descriptions, influences, and an evaluation of the pitch are also provided in the document.
Restaurant12LidiaGonThis menu lists pasta, soup, and egg dishes ranging in price from €4.50 to €8.50 in the first section. Starters including meats range from €7 to €10. Main courses consist of desserts such as ice cream, tiramisu, and coulant priced between €3 and €5. Drinks including water, soda, and wine are offered from €2 to €4.
Exam skillslorenza861. The document provides tips for exam preparation and success, including how to structure an essay, tackle exam questions, and revise effectively. It recommends reading instructions carefully, using a mind map to plan essay structure, and learning actively through self-testing and explanations to others rather than passive re-reading.
Akuntansi dan kegiatan perusahaanSyafril Djaelani,SE, MMAkuntansi adalah proses identifikasi, pengukuran, dan pelaporan informasi ekonomi perusahaan untuk pengambilan keputusan. Proses akuntansi meliputi identifikasi data keuangan, pencatatan, penyusunan laporan keuangan seperti neraca dan laba rugi, serta komunikasi laporan kepada pemangku kepentingan. Laporan keuangan digunakan untuk menilai kinerja dan memprediksi prospek bisnis.
Short film proposalM1chea1The proposal outlines a short film called "Split Personality" that will follow a protagonist throughout their day, with events on the right side depicting a good day and events on the left depicting a bad day, with a twist ending of something good happening on the bad side. The film will be a comedic, naturalistic reality piece influenced by drama and comedy genres, shot in color with locations at a school, bedroom, and public space. The sole main character will be a teen aged 15-18, requiring a school uniform, bedroom items, and school equipment as props.
Innovation in the Online Music Industry: Past, Present and FutureDianne BonneyThe document discusses the history and evolution of the online music industry from the development of the MP3 format in the 1990s to modern streaming services. It describes how MP3s and platforms like Napster disrupted the industry's traditional business model and forced adaptation to digital distribution. While illegal downloading surged, legal services like iTunes store eventually gained popularity through partnerships with major labels and convenient access on devices like the iPod. Modern streaming platforms like Spotify, YouTube, and Apple Music now dominate the industry through subscription and ad-supported models. The internet has created new opportunities for artists and fans to connect while also introducing new challenges around royalty payments and copyright enforcement.
2015 xinghuo cri 97 led light catalogueJohn Zuo TUV GS LED light john.zuo88@gmail.comThe document is a catalogue from CRI97 LED Light that provides information about their LED lighting products. It includes specifications for their downlight, track light, and gimbal downlight series. The lights use CITIZEN COB LEDs from Japan with a CRI of 97 or higher, aluminum alloy housing, and a 3-5 year warranty. It also provides contact information for CRI97 LED Light and answers common questions about CRI, LED brands, and lumen output.
Pitch with feedback and improvements Steph_21The group's film opening will be a thriller about a serial killer who leaves clues at crime scenes. It will show the forensic team investigating a murder at a house. The team notices a suspicious man watching them. When they chase him, he drops a black book with crossed-out names, suggesting it is a hit list. The opening will introduce the characters - the victim, murderer and detectives - through their roles in the crime scene investigation and clues about their personalities. Camerawork and mise-en-scene will aim to create realism and tension. Research from other forensic thrillers informed decisions about elements like sound, camera angles, and props.
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