The document provides instructions for creating an art installation depicting a train track scene. It specifies the dimensions for different elements including a 4 foot grey area representing the ground, a 2 foot blue sky area, 2 foot tall cutouts of different professions to represent people, and 1 foot square flags or boards. It notes the tracks may need to either be painted directly onto the grey area or created using white tape, testing if the curved tracks look effective.
2. Execution:
• The grey part will be about 4 feet
• Blue sky- 2 feet
• Each profession cut-out will be about 2 feet
• Each flag/ board to be a foot square
• The only difficult part is making the tracks , which we perhaps need to
either paint on top of the grey part
• Or, as Payal suggested , we can use white tapes, though we will need
to try and see whether the curves look nice or no