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Veerapradeep R
To be actively involved in a challenging environment where my skills are utilized and
strengthened and help me contribute to my professional growth/companys growth.
Professional Summary
Results-driven software professional with around 4.10s years of experience and
demonstrated ability as Oracle apps developer in Oracle ERP Application (R12, 11i).
Area of Expertise
 Development, Testing, Debugging of Interface programs using PL/SQL
 Technical skills in Oracle Customizations in RICE components and
 Working with Application object library and APIs
 Experience in Form Customization and Development
 Exposure to PO, INV, OM and Returns management in Oracle Applications.
 Worked in unix codding on Dollar U for creating the uproc
Work Experience
1. Working as an Oracle Applications Technical Consultant for Tech Mahindra as
permanent employee (Dec 2013 to Till date).
2. Working as an Oracle Applications Technical Consultant for WIPRO Technologies as
permanent employee (June 2011 to Dec 2013).
3. Worked as an Oracle Applications Technical Consultant for WIPRO Technologies as
contract employee to Infomatics, Inc. (Oct 2010 May 2011).
Educational Profile
2004-2008  Bachelor in Computer Science Engineering
Achievements and Certifications
 Got MESH Award in achieving extra ordinary results in view of the complexity of the project in
Cisco(Q3 2011-12).
 Got Maverick Award for unconventional performance and new initiatives that have been
taken, leading to the project success in Cisco BU(Q2 2012-13).
Technical Skills
ERP Exposure to Oracle 11i and R12 applications in (PO,OM,INV and AOL)
Operating Systems Unix, Windows
Languages PL/SQL, Unix
Databases Oracle 9i
GUI Forms 6i , Reports 6i and Discoverer 10g, Informatica workflows
Page 1 of 5
Flat no-101 , Sree Venkateswara Heights,
6th phase, back side of K.S bakers, JNTU ,
Pin code -500085
Mobile: +91 9291279433
Tools and Utilities XML Gateway , MS Office, TOAD,SOAP, SOA, Kintana, HP Quality
center,svn ,
Project Profile
Project Description: Cisco Systems, Inc. is the worldwide Leader in Networking for the
Internet. Cisco IP networking solutions are the foundation of the Internet and most corporate,
education and governments around the world. Cisco provides the broadest line of solutions for
transporting data, voice and video within buildings, across campuses or around the world.
The project called Cisco CVCM COVC. Related to Data migration of Oracle RDF to PEGA
Application and monthly release.
Client CISCO Systems, Inc
Platform UNIX, Windows 2000
Languages/Technology Oracle 9i, Oracle Apps R12
Role Team Member
Duration Dec-2013s to till date
 Customization and Personalization of Forms with documentation of the same.
 Writing Concurrent programs and registration, Request Groups assignment, and
Creation of Value sets.
 RDF migration into pega applications
 Developed the new Unix scripting for Dollar U env for auto triggering functionality.
Application Enhancements/Modifications:
Unix Coding:: Worked on Dollar U GUI.
 Maintenance uproc missing for EDI 845 CG1PRD to Ramp up and ramp down the
uprocs as we have in 11i instance.
 Dependency issue for uproc.
 Create a new uproc which checks for unposted scenarios.
 Create a uproc after B2B 810 Outbound program to check for Dist SLA status for
US/CAN and mail the support mailer alias and other stake holds accordingly
 Create a new uproc to send the EDI 845 in R12 report every 6 hours
 This alert should be triggered immediately after all B2B print jobs are complete and
sent to support mailer to start with. AR IT support team will review and forward this
notification to B2B IT team to validate if they received all the transactions that were
transmitted from ERP.
 Create a uproc to launch 27001 recon reports automatically after Midclose completion.
The Uproc needs to scheduled at 6 AM PST and should be dependent on Midclose
completion. It should mail once the recon is started and completed for individual entity
Code Fix:
 Programs (Cisco Update Line Flow Status) was created to update the Line level Flow
Status, if there WF are purged.
 Programs Cisco Employee Load Process from HRPRD in BVPROD has performance
 When Ship set is changed from SOWB form. Immediately it should insert new record
into control Table (xxcca_ote_orders_cntl).
Page 2 of 5
 Programs (Cisco SOM Reprocess) was created to update the SOM status will flip
 Duplicated records are being inserted into control table Table (xxcca_ote_orders_cntl)
for bundle item / ATO items.
 Items with shippable flag as N and assigned to MSJ are following shippable workflow
due to incorrect workflow assignment. We noticed that these SKUs are setup as ATOs
and this is causing incorrect workflow assignment.
 Batches got stuck due to unique constraint violation (i.e inserting same records existing
in "aes_so_header" table(TC inbound table) before it is cleared) in a scheduled CP
"Cisco TC Data Push and Pull Program
New Program:
 Items with shippable flag as N and assigned to MSJ are following shippable workflow
due to incorrect workflow assignment. We noticed that these SKUs are setup as ATOs
and this is causing incorrect workflow assignment.
 New program need to update the contract data and cancel the line based on the
parameters selected Cisco Custom Update Program
 Migrated the Oracle RDF report to PEGA application using advance PL/SQL
o Cisco NET AR Report and Cisco Billing and Receipt History Detail
Report has been migrated to Pega side.
 Need to include Reason description into Cisco Holds - Gross Dollars Report.
 Orders should populate in future even though it doesnt have profile assignments into
Cisco Holds - Gross Dollars Report.
 Orders should populate in future even though it doesnt have profile assignments into
Cisco Holds - Gross Dollars Report
 Need to include Reason description into Cisco Holds - Gross Dollars XML Report
 Need to increase Reason code to 30 char into Cisco Holds - Gross Dollars Report
 Enhancements for Cisco Collectors Extended Aging Report (QTC/BV) , removing the
deal id and adding the source code and end customer address
Performance Tuning:
 Orders Cisco Reprocess Order Copy" concurrent Program "Operation Codes Fix'
Parameter running long time
Project Description: Cisco Systems, Inc. is the worldwide Leader in Networking for the
Internet. Cisco IP networking solutions are the foundation of the Internet and most corporate,
education and governments around the world. Cisco provides the broadest line of solutions for
transporting data, voice and video within buildings, across campuses or around the world.
The project called Cisco Customer Care Oracle Inventory, Planning and Repair (IPR) or Global
Service Supply Chain which will be taking care of business critical enhancements to address
enhancements requests raised by business/users from time to time. These enhancements will
be prioritized for resolution in a particular monthly release. This project involves the Oracle
applications modules like Inventory, Planning and Repair modules.
Page 3 of 5
Client CISCO Systems, Inc
Platform UNIX, Windows 2000
Languages/Technology Oracle 9i, Oracle Apps 11i and R12
Role Team Member
Duration Oct-2010s to Dec -2013
Application Enhancements/Modifications:
 Run ART Working Queue Report by Bill to Theater
 Add Bill To Theater as a selection parameter on ART Write-off History Report
 CTS Plan - Service parts Dictionary - Report formatting Issue
 Add report request to the scheduled program "CTS RPR - Report E-
 Commercial Invoice Net and Gross Weight Fields
 Add Ship From Org to ART Working Queue Report v2
 Notification for 'Open' status task from C3 which is eligible for task push
 Performance tuning for CTS Plan - Populate Service Region for Dmd Intf
 Performance Fix for the program :"CTS ART: RMA Status Report"
XML Gateway:
 Additional fields forwarded on 3B18 messaging
 Adding of Ship to inventory org and ship from inventory org to existing XML 3B18 11.11
 Enable FE Instructions on B2B
 View only lookup function - XXCTS_RPR_NSTRIKE_VALUE needs to be created
 Default Date in B2B Query Screen
 Rename Existing C3 Responsibility
 New CTS Repair Partner C3 Responsibilities
 New SVO Hold : HyperCare Customer Hold and HyperCare Contract Hold
 New SVO Hold : HyperCare Product Family
Code Fix:
 Unhandled single quote in the data entered during RMA creation for country
 Umpire Pending Request to stay static
 FA Case Priorities - Cisco 3.0 Automation
 Re-install lbs to kg conversion tables
 Umpire email acknowledgement
 Umpire tool:Request->History tab shows incorrect error message and the scenarios
Page 4 of 5
should be changed
 Planning - Open Order Discrepancy Issue fix - Due date mismatch between C3 and
 Add Time Zones to the timestamps in Audit Details screen
 Target Audit Detail - Date Format
 C3 to OMAR New Buy Interface - QTC/BV location mapping issue
 "Part Not Found" feed errors to be eliminated for B230 and Min Max Interface
 Xelus to CMC planner data interface bug fix
 Developed the All part data report for insight application
 Stop system generated RMA Ship Dates from being pushed out automatically
 Provide RMA originator and additional order details to VISE Command Center tool
 To rectify the on hand quantity corruption in Z05(Patch support given for ERMO
 A510 turning ON the O, Multi Item Optimization Flag
 Stop system generated RMA Ship Dates from being pushed out automatically
 Carry Dispatch Cancellation Notes and Failure Description contents from SORT to
VISE Command Center tool via existing XML Message between C3 and VISE
Command Center Tool
 Data migration from ARCHPROD to CTSPRD.
 RequestSubmit(9Z8)document sent from Cisco to TPM gets failed
Data Migration :
 ARCHPROD(Oracle ERP system ) data migration into CTSPRD DB (Oracle ERP
 Requisition Upload - Add notes
 Bulk upload feature for item org assignments in R12 implementation
Page 5 of 5
should be changed
 Planning - Open Order Discrepancy Issue fix - Due date mismatch between C3 and
 Add Time Zones to the timestamps in Audit Details screen
 Target Audit Detail - Date Format
 C3 to OMAR New Buy Interface - QTC/BV location mapping issue
 "Part Not Found" feed errors to be eliminated for B230 and Min Max Interface
 Xelus to CMC planner data interface bug fix
 Developed the All part data report for insight application
 Stop system generated RMA Ship Dates from being pushed out automatically
 Provide RMA originator and additional order details to VISE Command Center tool
 To rectify the on hand quantity corruption in Z05(Patch support given for ERMO
 A510 turning ON the O, Multi Item Optimization Flag
 Stop system generated RMA Ship Dates from being pushed out automatically
 Carry Dispatch Cancellation Notes and Failure Description contents from SORT to
VISE Command Center tool via existing XML Message between C3 and VISE
Command Center Tool
 Data migration from ARCHPROD to CTSPRD.
 RequestSubmit(9Z8)document sent from Cisco to TPM gets failed
Data Migration :
 ARCHPROD(Oracle ERP system ) data migration into CTSPRD DB (Oracle ERP
 Requisition Upload - Add notes
 Bulk upload feature for item org assignments in R12 implementation
Page 5 of 5

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  • 1. Veerapradeep R Objective To be actively involved in a challenging environment where my skills are utilized and strengthened and help me contribute to my professional growth/companys growth. Professional Summary Results-driven software professional with around 4.10s years of experience and demonstrated ability as Oracle apps developer in Oracle ERP Application (R12, 11i). Area of Expertise Development, Testing, Debugging of Interface programs using PL/SQL Programming Technical skills in Oracle Customizations in RICE components and Personalization Working with Application object library and APIs Experience in Form Customization and Development Exposure to PO, INV, OM and Returns management in Oracle Applications. Worked in unix codding on Dollar U for creating the uproc Work Experience 1. Working as an Oracle Applications Technical Consultant for Tech Mahindra as permanent employee (Dec 2013 to Till date). 2. Working as an Oracle Applications Technical Consultant for WIPRO Technologies as permanent employee (June 2011 to Dec 2013). 3. Worked as an Oracle Applications Technical Consultant for WIPRO Technologies as contract employee to Infomatics, Inc. (Oct 2010 May 2011). Educational Profile 2004-2008 Bachelor in Computer Science Engineering Achievements and Certifications Got MESH Award in achieving extra ordinary results in view of the complexity of the project in Cisco(Q3 2011-12). Got Maverick Award for unconventional performance and new initiatives that have been taken, leading to the project success in Cisco BU(Q2 2012-13). Technical Skills ERP Exposure to Oracle 11i and R12 applications in (PO,OM,INV and AOL) Operating Systems Unix, Windows Languages PL/SQL, Unix Databases Oracle 9i GUI Forms 6i , Reports 6i and Discoverer 10g, Informatica workflows Page 1 of 5 Address: Flat no-101 , Sree Venkateswara Heights, 6th phase, back side of K.S bakers, JNTU , Pin code -500085 Mobile: +91 9291279433 vproracleapps@yahoo.in
  • 2. Tools and Utilities XML Gateway , MS Office, TOAD,SOAP, SOA, Kintana, HP Quality center,svn , Project Profile Project Description: Cisco Systems, Inc. is the worldwide Leader in Networking for the Internet. Cisco IP networking solutions are the foundation of the Internet and most corporate, education and governments around the world. Cisco provides the broadest line of solutions for transporting data, voice and video within buildings, across campuses or around the world. The project called Cisco CVCM COVC. Related to Data migration of Oracle RDF to PEGA Application and monthly release. Client CISCO Systems, Inc Platform UNIX, Windows 2000 Languages/Technology Oracle 9i, Oracle Apps R12 Role Team Member Duration Dec-2013s to till date Contribution: Customization and Personalization of Forms with documentation of the same. Writing Concurrent programs and registration, Request Groups assignment, and Creation of Value sets. RDF migration into pega applications Developed the new Unix scripting for Dollar U env for auto triggering functionality. Application Enhancements/Modifications: Unix Coding:: Worked on Dollar U GUI. Maintenance uproc missing for EDI 845 CG1PRD to Ramp up and ramp down the uprocs as we have in 11i instance. Dependency issue for uproc. Create a new uproc which checks for unposted scenarios. Create a uproc after B2B 810 Outbound program to check for Dist SLA status for US/CAN and mail the support mailer alias and other stake holds accordingly Create a new uproc to send the EDI 845 in R12 report every 6 hours This alert should be triggered immediately after all B2B print jobs are complete and sent to support mailer to start with. AR IT support team will review and forward this notification to B2B IT team to validate if they received all the transactions that were transmitted from ERP. Create a uproc to launch 27001 recon reports automatically after Midclose completion. The Uproc needs to scheduled at 6 AM PST and should be dependent on Midclose completion. It should mail once the recon is started and completed for individual entity Code Fix: Programs (Cisco Update Line Flow Status) was created to update the Line level Flow Status, if there WF are purged. Programs Cisco Employee Load Process from HRPRD in BVPROD has performance issue. When Ship set is changed from SOWB form. Immediately it should insert new record into control Table (xxcca_ote_orders_cntl). Page 2 of 5
  • 3. Programs (Cisco SOM Reprocess) was created to update the SOM status will flip status of SOM from ELIGIBLE /REELIGIBLE to TRANSFERRED. Duplicated records are being inserted into control table Table (xxcca_ote_orders_cntl) for bundle item / ATO items. Items with shippable flag as N and assigned to MSJ are following shippable workflow due to incorrect workflow assignment. We noticed that these SKUs are setup as ATOs and this is causing incorrect workflow assignment. Batches got stuck due to unique constraint violation (i.e inserting same records existing in "aes_so_header" table(TC inbound table) before it is cleared) in a scheduled CP "Cisco TC Data Push and Pull Program New Program: Items with shippable flag as N and assigned to MSJ are following shippable workflow due to incorrect workflow assignment. We noticed that these SKUs are setup as ATOs and this is causing incorrect workflow assignment. New program need to update the contract data and cancel the line based on the parameters selected Cisco Custom Update Program Report: Migrated the Oracle RDF report to PEGA application using advance PL/SQL o Cisco NET AR Report and Cisco Billing and Receipt History Detail Report has been migrated to Pega side. Need to include Reason description into Cisco Holds - Gross Dollars Report. Orders should populate in future even though it doesnt have profile assignments into Cisco Holds - Gross Dollars Report. Orders should populate in future even though it doesnt have profile assignments into Cisco Holds - Gross Dollars Report Need to include Reason description into Cisco Holds - Gross Dollars XML Report Need to increase Reason code to 30 char into Cisco Holds - Gross Dollars Report Enhancements for Cisco Collectors Extended Aging Report (QTC/BV) , removing the deal id and adding the source code and end customer address Performance Tuning: Orders Cisco Reprocess Order Copy" concurrent Program "Operation Codes Fix' Parameter running long time Project Description: Cisco Systems, Inc. is the worldwide Leader in Networking for the Internet. Cisco IP networking solutions are the foundation of the Internet and most corporate, education and governments around the world. Cisco provides the broadest line of solutions for transporting data, voice and video within buildings, across campuses or around the world. The project called Cisco Customer Care Oracle Inventory, Planning and Repair (IPR) or Global Service Supply Chain which will be taking care of business critical enhancements to address enhancements requests raised by business/users from time to time. These enhancements will be prioritized for resolution in a particular monthly release. This project involves the Oracle applications modules like Inventory, Planning and Repair modules. Page 3 of 5
  • 4. Client CISCO Systems, Inc Platform UNIX, Windows 2000 Languages/Technology Oracle 9i, Oracle Apps 11i and R12 Role Team Member Duration Oct-2010s to Dec -2013 Contribution: Application Enhancements/Modifications: Report: Run ART Working Queue Report by Bill to Theater Add Bill To Theater as a selection parameter on ART Write-off History Report CTS Plan - Service parts Dictionary - Report formatting Issue Add report request to the scheduled program "CTS RPR - Report E- Mail"(XXCTS_IA_CONTACT) Commercial Invoice Net and Gross Weight Fields Add Ship From Org to ART Working Queue Report v2 Notification for 'Open' status task from C3 which is eligible for task push Tuning: Performance tuning for CTS Plan - Populate Service Region for Dmd Intf Performance Fix for the program :"CTS ART: RMA Status Report" XML Gateway: Additional fields forwarded on 3B18 messaging Adding of Ship to inventory org and ship from inventory org to existing XML 3B18 11.11 Enable FE Instructions on B2B Forms: View only lookup function - XXCTS_RPR_NSTRIKE_VALUE needs to be created Default Date in B2B Query Screen APPS: Rename Existing C3 Responsibility New CTS Repair Partner C3 Responsibilities RMA HOLDS: New SVO Hold : HyperCare Customer Hold and HyperCare Contract Hold New SVO Hold : HyperCare Product Family Code Fix: Unhandled single quote in the data entered during RMA creation for country COTE DIVOIRE. Umpire Pending Request to stay static FA Case Priorities - Cisco 3.0 Automation Re-install lbs to kg conversion tables Umpire email acknowledgement Umpire tool:Request->History tab shows incorrect error message and the scenarios Page 4 of 5
  • 5. should be changed Planning - Open Order Discrepancy Issue fix - Due date mismatch between C3 and Xelus Add Time Zones to the timestamps in Audit Details screen Target Audit Detail - Date Format C3 to OMAR New Buy Interface - QTC/BV location mapping issue "Part Not Found" feed errors to be eliminated for B230 and Min Max Interface Xelus to CMC planner data interface bug fix Developed the All part data report for insight application Stop system generated RMA Ship Dates from being pushed out automatically Provide RMA originator and additional order details to VISE Command Center tool To rectify the on hand quantity corruption in Z05(Patch support given for ERMO process) A510 turning ON the O, Multi Item Optimization Flag Stop system generated RMA Ship Dates from being pushed out automatically Carry Dispatch Cancellation Notes and Failure Description contents from SORT to VISE Command Center tool via existing XML Message between C3 and VISE Command Center Tool Data migration from ARCHPROD to CTSPRD. RequestSubmit(9Z8)document sent from Cisco to TPM gets failed Data Migration : ARCHPROD(Oracle ERP system ) data migration into CTSPRD DB (Oracle ERP System) Interface: Requisition Upload - Add notes Bulk upload feature for item org assignments in R12 implementation Page 5 of 5
  • 6. should be changed Planning - Open Order Discrepancy Issue fix - Due date mismatch between C3 and Xelus Add Time Zones to the timestamps in Audit Details screen Target Audit Detail - Date Format C3 to OMAR New Buy Interface - QTC/BV location mapping issue "Part Not Found" feed errors to be eliminated for B230 and Min Max Interface Xelus to CMC planner data interface bug fix Developed the All part data report for insight application Stop system generated RMA Ship Dates from being pushed out automatically Provide RMA originator and additional order details to VISE Command Center tool To rectify the on hand quantity corruption in Z05(Patch support given for ERMO process) A510 turning ON the O, Multi Item Optimization Flag Stop system generated RMA Ship Dates from being pushed out automatically Carry Dispatch Cancellation Notes and Failure Description contents from SORT to VISE Command Center tool via existing XML Message between C3 and VISE Command Center Tool Data migration from ARCHPROD to CTSPRD. RequestSubmit(9Z8)document sent from Cisco to TPM gets failed Data Migration : ARCHPROD(Oracle ERP system ) data migration into CTSPRD DB (Oracle ERP System) Interface: Requisition Upload - Add notes Bulk upload feature for item org assignments in R12 implementation Page 5 of 5