This document provides information about Venezuela in the form of questions. It asks about the meaning of the country's name, the importance of Lake Maracaibo and the year it became important. It also asks about the type of government, the percentage living in cities, the type of economy, climates in different areas, bodies of water bordering the country, population distribution, natural influences, natural resources on Margarita Island, the most livable part of the country, mandatory school attendance age, literacy rates, largest city, who liberated Venezuela and South America, the ethnic groups and their percentages, the major religion, and where most population centers are located.
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1. Venezuela
1. What is the meaning of the word Venezuela?
2. Why is Lake Maracaibo important? In what year did it become important to
the country?
3. What type of government does this country have? When did it go into
4. What percentages of people live in cities?
5. What type of economy does it have
6. What type of climate can be found in the lowlands?___________________
In the mountains?_________________________________
7. Which bodies of water touch the shores of Venezuela?_________________
8. Where does most of the population live ?___________________________
9. What influenced the countrys character?____________________________
10.What natural resources are found at Margarita Island?_________________
11.What area is called the most livable part of the country?_______________
12.Students must attend school until what age?_______________ What
natural resource helps to fund education in Venezuela?_______________
13. What percentage of the country is literate?__________________________
14.What is the largest city in the country?_________________
2. 15.Who is called The Liberator of Venezuela and most of South
16.What are the vast majority of people in the country are
17. Black %__________ White %______________ Indigenous %___________
18.What is the major religion of Venezuela_____________________________
19. Where are most of the population center of Venezuela