This document provides examples of verbs being used to describe the state or location of different subjects in Portuguese. It introduces common verbs like "to be" and provides sample sentences showing the verb being used with "I", "you", "he", "she", "we", "they" both in the affirmative and with questioning. It also gives the English translations for each example sentence.
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Verb be
I am a nice guy
( Sou um cara legal)
You are a student.
(Voc棚 辿 um aluno).
He is my neighbor.
(Ele 辿 meu vizinho).
She is at the supermarket.
(Ela est叩 no supermercado).
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The dog is outside.
(O c達o est叩 l叩 fora).
We are friends.
(N坦s somos amigas).
You are my enemies.
(Voc棚s s達o meus inimigos).
They are upstairs.
(Eles est達o l叩 em cima).
He is my brother.
Is he my brother?
Yes, He is.
No, He isnt.
You are my teacher.
Are you my teacher?
Yes, you are.
No, You arent