Securing Data and Databases, Inside and Outside Your Networkdigitallibrary
Data thieves like to plunder Web servers and laptops, use phishing messages, and podslurp to reach your databases. These repositories hold the identity and financial data about your employees, customers and business partners. Learn how to secure your data repositories using encryption, as well as device and port control tools. Also learn to monitor when and how sensitive data leaves your network and how to fuse security onto the data itself.
Complying Across Continents: Electronic Discovery and Privacy Issuesdigitallibrary
One country demands you destroy a piece of data, while another demands you retain it. One requires you monitor certain traffic while one forbids it. When your customers, your contractors, your office and your servers are all in different nations, how do you balance the laws of them all? There are no easy answers, so learn what the questions are and get a clue for how to begin answering them.
The document discusses preparing students for the future job market and the need for 21st century learning experiences. It notes that most new jobs will require skills currently possessed by only 20% of the workforce. It also discusses how schools can use tools like wikis, blogs, podcasts and video conferencing to create collaborative and engaged learning environments that will better prepare students. It encourages the reader to access additional resources on a provided wikispace.
Private Data Mining and Citizens� Rightsdigitallibrary
It is widely believed that homeland security agencies infringe on innocent citizens' privacy in order to carry out the war on terror. Advanced cryptographic techniques can enable complex data mining tasks, while preserving citizens' privacy by revealing the minimum information necessary. Understand the social and tecnhological battle between national security and Constitutional rights.
Visualization: Transforming How We View Securitydigitallibrary
Secure Decisions creates security visualization products and custom solutions to improve situational awareness of vulnerabilities and threats, based on over 10 years of research and work with military, government, and commercial clients. The presentation discusses the value of visualization for security, the psychology behind effective visualizations, current uses of visualization in the security lifecycle, and issues to consider when implementing security visualizations in an enterprise.
Security-related policy isn't just Sarbanes�Oxley and PCI. Security also includes data breach disclosure laws, bills that are being reviewed by Congress and by state legislatures, precedent-setting court cases and actions by the Federal Trade Commission and other agencies. Get an overview of recent security and privacy legal developments, including: promulgation by Federal agencies of rules pertaining to security, new and recent updates to Federal legislation, proposed Federal legislation, state legislative activities, and agency enforcement actions and private and security litigation.
El documento es una oración dirigida a Dios donde el autor agradece a Dios por darle la vida y la capacidad de contemplar Su grandeza. El autor expresa dudas sobre el origen y fin del universo creado por Dios. Reconoce que muchos niegan la existencia de Dios pero que los tiempos son decididos por Él. El autor ve la presencia de Dios en la naturaleza y en logros cientÃficos como el alunizaje. Pide a Dios ayuda para seguir adelante en este mundo difÃcil y poder estar con Él alg
How I Hacked Your Wireless LAN � And How to Stop Medigitallibrary
This document discusses how to hack wireless networks and how to prevent it. It begins with a disclaimer from the speaker that he works for Aruba Networks and has no time to actually hack networks. It then asks if people see wireless as less secure than wired, pointing out that wireless can be more secure if implemented correctly. Finally, it questions if wired networks authenticate all users, encrypt all traffic, and control access based on identity, implying wireless can do all these things too if set up properly.
Fuzz testing or fuzzing is a software testing technique that provides random data ("fuzz") to the inputs of a program. If the program fails (for example, by crashing, or by failing built-in code assertions) the defects can be noted. By simulating real attacks coming from the Internet, fuzzers can be used to test the effectiveness and security of your perimeter defenses as well as other security solutions. Fuzzing takes penetration testing to a new level. It is already used by finance and government sectors in assessing their critical networks. Find out the potential value of fuzzing test results and learn how realistic and usable these results are in environments where detecting all imaginable attacks would be impossible.
Hacking the Invisible Network: What You Don�t See Can Kill Youdigitallibrary
Wireless networks are about convenience�security tends to be an afterthought. And it's not just WiFi: these security issues extend to Bluetooth, RFID and other wireless technologies. Find out about the basic tools and attacks that anyone with a laptop and a wireless card can use to take you down.
Un sistema de información es un conjunto de componentes interrelacionados que recopila, procesa, almacena y distribuye información para apoyar la toma de decisiones y el control de una organización. Los sistemas de información incluyen entrada, procesamiento, salida y actividades, y existen para apoyar diferentes niveles de una organización, como las operaciones, los conocimientos, la administración y la estrategia. Los principales tipos de sistemas de información son los sistemas de procesamiento de transacciones, los sistemas de trabajo de conocimiento
Securing Web Applications provides guidance on integrating the OWASP Top 10 framework to mitigate common web application security vulnerabilities. It defines an application as user software made up of configuration files, programs, and data files that run on an operating system. Applications use the operating system for functionality and security, while also containing their own security features beyond the operating system. The document aims to teach best practices for securing web applications against vulnerabilities.
Information Protection & Privacy: Cooperative Education & Awarenessdigitallibrary
Cooperation and collaboration make security projects successful. Whether you are adding on a privacy or security module or developing new privacy and information protection education and awareness initiatives, you must work with multiple groups tasked with security. Learn the cooperative steps you can take to assure optimum results for both missions. A sample awareness communications shows how to incorporate both privacy and information protection.
Tough Target: Awareness for Application Developersdigitallibrary
The document outlines a presentation on teaching application developers about security awareness. The presentation agenda includes discussing the requirements for developer awareness, options for training developers internally or externally, and strategies for staying within budget. The presentation will also cover how traditional security awareness differs from developer awareness by teaching safe browsing and passwords, while developer awareness aims to avoid security pitfalls in application development.
Technical forensics can only recover so much data about a security incident�more can be gathered through effective interviews of those with valuable information. Learn about social engineering, neuro-linguistic programming and interviewing techniques that will help you get the most information and most accurate information out of interviewees. And know when the information you're given is false.
GK (Gawad Kalinga) is a community development program in the Philippines that aims to transform slums into clean, beautiful homes and communities through integrated shelter, livelihood, health, and education programs. It involves building 700,000 homes in 7,000 communities over 7 years. A GK home costs $1,500 CAD to build and provides residents with a modest living space as well as a renewed sense of dignity and hope. The program is funded through donations to ANCOP, a Canadian nonprofit, with minimal overhead such that $1,500 CAD results in a home valued at $2,500 CAD.
Quatro homens casados saem para pescar e conversam sobre as promessas que tiveram de fazer às suas esposas para poder ir. Um deles teve de prometer pintar a casa, outro construir uma cobertura para a piscina, e outro remodelar a cozinha. Quando perguntam ao quarto o que prometeu, ele conta que acordou a esposa de madrugada e perguntou "pesca ou sexo", ao que ela respondeu apenas para se agasalhar bem.
Visualization: Transforming How We View Securitydigitallibrary
Secure Decisions creates security visualization products and custom solutions to improve situational awareness of vulnerabilities and threats, based on over 10 years of research and work with military, government, and commercial clients. The presentation discusses the value of visualization for security, the psychology behind effective visualizations, current uses of visualization in the security lifecycle, and issues to consider when implementing security visualizations in an enterprise.
Security-related policy isn't just Sarbanes�Oxley and PCI. Security also includes data breach disclosure laws, bills that are being reviewed by Congress and by state legislatures, precedent-setting court cases and actions by the Federal Trade Commission and other agencies. Get an overview of recent security and privacy legal developments, including: promulgation by Federal agencies of rules pertaining to security, new and recent updates to Federal legislation, proposed Federal legislation, state legislative activities, and agency enforcement actions and private and security litigation.
El documento es una oración dirigida a Dios donde el autor agradece a Dios por darle la vida y la capacidad de contemplar Su grandeza. El autor expresa dudas sobre el origen y fin del universo creado por Dios. Reconoce que muchos niegan la existencia de Dios pero que los tiempos son decididos por Él. El autor ve la presencia de Dios en la naturaleza y en logros cientÃficos como el alunizaje. Pide a Dios ayuda para seguir adelante en este mundo difÃcil y poder estar con Él alg
How I Hacked Your Wireless LAN � And How to Stop Medigitallibrary
This document discusses how to hack wireless networks and how to prevent it. It begins with a disclaimer from the speaker that he works for Aruba Networks and has no time to actually hack networks. It then asks if people see wireless as less secure than wired, pointing out that wireless can be more secure if implemented correctly. Finally, it questions if wired networks authenticate all users, encrypt all traffic, and control access based on identity, implying wireless can do all these things too if set up properly.
Fuzz testing or fuzzing is a software testing technique that provides random data ("fuzz") to the inputs of a program. If the program fails (for example, by crashing, or by failing built-in code assertions) the defects can be noted. By simulating real attacks coming from the Internet, fuzzers can be used to test the effectiveness and security of your perimeter defenses as well as other security solutions. Fuzzing takes penetration testing to a new level. It is already used by finance and government sectors in assessing their critical networks. Find out the potential value of fuzzing test results and learn how realistic and usable these results are in environments where detecting all imaginable attacks would be impossible.
Hacking the Invisible Network: What You Don�t See Can Kill Youdigitallibrary
Wireless networks are about convenience�security tends to be an afterthought. And it's not just WiFi: these security issues extend to Bluetooth, RFID and other wireless technologies. Find out about the basic tools and attacks that anyone with a laptop and a wireless card can use to take you down.
Un sistema de información es un conjunto de componentes interrelacionados que recopila, procesa, almacena y distribuye información para apoyar la toma de decisiones y el control de una organización. Los sistemas de información incluyen entrada, procesamiento, salida y actividades, y existen para apoyar diferentes niveles de una organización, como las operaciones, los conocimientos, la administración y la estrategia. Los principales tipos de sistemas de información son los sistemas de procesamiento de transacciones, los sistemas de trabajo de conocimiento
Securing Web Applications provides guidance on integrating the OWASP Top 10 framework to mitigate common web application security vulnerabilities. It defines an application as user software made up of configuration files, programs, and data files that run on an operating system. Applications use the operating system for functionality and security, while also containing their own security features beyond the operating system. The document aims to teach best practices for securing web applications against vulnerabilities.
Information Protection & Privacy: Cooperative Education & Awarenessdigitallibrary
Cooperation and collaboration make security projects successful. Whether you are adding on a privacy or security module or developing new privacy and information protection education and awareness initiatives, you must work with multiple groups tasked with security. Learn the cooperative steps you can take to assure optimum results for both missions. A sample awareness communications shows how to incorporate both privacy and information protection.
Tough Target: Awareness for Application Developersdigitallibrary
The document outlines a presentation on teaching application developers about security awareness. The presentation agenda includes discussing the requirements for developer awareness, options for training developers internally or externally, and strategies for staying within budget. The presentation will also cover how traditional security awareness differs from developer awareness by teaching safe browsing and passwords, while developer awareness aims to avoid security pitfalls in application development.
Technical forensics can only recover so much data about a security incident�more can be gathered through effective interviews of those with valuable information. Learn about social engineering, neuro-linguistic programming and interviewing techniques that will help you get the most information and most accurate information out of interviewees. And know when the information you're given is false.
GK (Gawad Kalinga) is a community development program in the Philippines that aims to transform slums into clean, beautiful homes and communities through integrated shelter, livelihood, health, and education programs. It involves building 700,000 homes in 7,000 communities over 7 years. A GK home costs $1,500 CAD to build and provides residents with a modest living space as well as a renewed sense of dignity and hope. The program is funded through donations to ANCOP, a Canadian nonprofit, with minimal overhead such that $1,500 CAD results in a home valued at $2,500 CAD.
Quatro homens casados saem para pescar e conversam sobre as promessas que tiveram de fazer às suas esposas para poder ir. Um deles teve de prometer pintar a casa, outro construir uma cobertura para a piscina, e outro remodelar a cozinha. Quando perguntam ao quarto o que prometeu, ele conta que acordou a esposa de madrugada e perguntou "pesca ou sexo", ao que ela respondeu apenas para se agasalhar bem.
O álcool pode prejudicar gravemente a saúde e levar a pessoa a fazer coisas de que se arrependerá mais tarde. O consumo excessivo de álcool traz riscos à saúde fÃsica e mental. É importante evitar abusos e beber com moderação.
The article discusses the best pictures taken in the past year according to various publications and photo agencies. National Geographic magazine selected a photo of a Syrian refugee camp as the best picture of the year. Getty Images chose a photo of migrants in the Mediterranean sea as their top image from 2015. The Pulitzer Prize awarded first prize to a photojournalist documenting the Ebola crisis in Liberia.
Vlad K. is a photographer who takes excellent pictures. His photos capture beautiful scenery and moments in a way that is visually pleasing to look at. Anyone interested in photography should check out Vlad K.'s work to see high quality examples.
Sua casa pode ser vista de diferentes perspectivas: como proprietário você tem uma visão pessoal, bancos analisam seu valor de garantia, compradores avaliam o preço de compra, avaliadores estimam o valor de mercado e o municÃpio calcula impostos com base nas caracterÃsticas da propriedade.
O sistema de controle laboral registrou que às 00:14h do dia 4 de junho de 2009, o funcionário não estava fazendo nada, como de costume àquela hora.
Uma campanha foi iniciada para incentivar o consumo moderado de álcool, limitando cada pessoa a um copo de cerveja, a fim de prevenir acidentes causados por excesso de álcool em festas e fins de semana. O email pede que seja reenviado a amigos para apoiar a iniciativa.