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Social Engagement Guidelines
Online collaboration platforms are fundamentally changing the way
Veredus employees work and engage with each other, consultants and
associated companies.
Veredus Employee Contribution

    To learn: As an technology-based company, we believe in
     the importance of open exchange-between Veredus and
     its clients, and among the many constituents of the
     emerging business and societal ecosystemfor learning.
     Social media usage is an important arena for
     organizational and individual development.

    To contribute: Veredusas a business, as an innovator
     and as a corporate citizenmakes important
     contributions to the world, to the future of business and
     technology, and to public dialogue on a broad range of
     societal issues. Because our business activities provide
     transformational insight and high-value involvement in
     staffing for technology, it is important for Veredus and its
     employees to share with the world the exciting things
     we're learning and doing.
Social Engagement Guidelines
   Know and follow Veredus company-wide policies.           Don't cite or reference clients, consultants or
                                                               employees on business-related matters without
   Veredus employees are personally responsible for           their approval. When you do make a reference, link
    the content they publish on-line, whether in a blog,       back to the source and do not publish content that
                                                               might allow inferences to be drawn which could
    social media site or any other form of user-               damage a client relationship with Veredus.
    generated media. Be mindful that what you publish
    will be public for a long time-protect your privacy       Respect your audience. Don't use ethnic slurs,
                                                               discriminatory remarks, personal insults,
    and take care to understand a site's terms of              obscenity, or engage in any similar conduct that
    service.                                                   would not be appropriate or acceptable in
                                                               Veredus workplace. You should also show proper
   Identify yourself-name and, when relevant, role at         consideration for others' privacy.
    Veredus-when you discuss Veredus-related                  Be aware of your association with Veredus in
    matters such as Veredus services. You must make            online social networks. If you identify yourself as a
    it clear that you are speaking for yourself and not        Veredus employee, ensure your profile and related
    on behalf of Veredus.                                      content is consistent with how you wish to present
                                                               yourself with colleagues and clients.
   If you publish content online relevant to Veredus         Spirited and passionate discussions and debates
    in your personal capacity it is best to use a              are fine, but you should be respectful of others
    disclaimer such as this: "The postings on this site        and their opinions. Be the first to correct your own
    are my own and don't necessarily represent                 mistakes.
    Veredus positions, strategies or opinions."              Try to add value. Provide worthwhile information
                                                               and perspective. The Veredus brand is best
   Respect copyright, fair use and financial                  represented by its people and what you publish
    disclosure laws.                                           may reflect on Veredus brand.
   Don't provide Veredus or a client's, consultants        Don't misuse Veredus logos or trademarks and
    or employees confidential or other proprietary             only use them if you have the authority to do so.
                                                               For example, you shouldn't use Veredus in your
    information and never discuss Veredus business             screen name or other social media ID.
    performance or other sensitive matters about
    business results or plans publicly.
Employee Handbook

   The Veredus employee handbook and laws provide the
    foundation for Veredus policies and guidelines for blogs
    and social media.
   The same principles and guidelines that apply to
    Veredus activities in general, as found in the Veredus
    company handbook, apply to Veredus activities online.
    This includes forms of online publishing and discussion,
    including blogs, wikis, file-sharing, user-generated video
    and audio, virtual worlds and social networks.
   As outlined in the employee handbook, Veredus fully
    respects the legal rights of our employees in all
    countries in which we operate. In general, what you do
    on your own time is your affair. However, activities in or
    outside of work that adversely affect your Veredus job
    performance, the performance of others, or Veredus
    legitimate business interests are a proper focus for
    company policy.
Consideration & Disclaimers

   Be thoughtful about how you present yourself in online social
    networks. The lines between public and private, personal and
    professional are blurred in online social networks. By virtue of
    identifying yourself as a Veredus employee within a social network,
    you are now connected to your colleagues, managers and even
    Veredus clients. You should ensure that content associated with
    you is consistent with your work at Veredus. If you have joined
    Veredus recently, be sure to update your social profiles to reflect
    Veredus guidelines.

   Use a disclaimer. Whenever you publish content to any form of
    digital media, make it clear that what you say there is representative
    of personal views and opinions and not necessarily the views and
    opinions of Veredus. For instance, in your own blog, the following
    standard disclaimer should be prominently displayed: "The postings
    on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent Veredus
    positions, strategies or opinions." If a site does not afford you
    enough space to include this full disclaimer, you should use your
    best judgment to position your comments appropriately.
Copyrights & Confidential Info

   Respect copyright and fair use laws. For Veredus protection and
    well as your own, it is critical that you show proper respect for the
    laws governing copyright and fair use of copyrighted material owned
    by others, including Veredus own copyrights and brands. You
    should never quote more than short excerpts of someone else's
    copyrighted work. And it is good general blogging practice to link to
    others' work. Keep in mind that laws will be different depending on
    where you live and work.
   Protecting confidential and proprietary information. Social media
    blurs many of the traditional boundaries between internal and
    external communications. Be thoughtful about what you publish-
    particularly on external platforms. You must make sure you do not
    disclose or use Veredus confidential or proprietary information in
    any online social computing platform. Additionally, internal reports,
    policies, procedures or other internal business-related confidential
    communications should not be posted.
   Also, don't post information about a person or another company
    unless you have the right to do so, taking into account intellectual
    property and privacy concerns. For example, ask permission before
    posting someone's picture in a social network or publishing in a blog
Inside Information

   Veredus business performance and other sensitive "inside information".
    Some topics relating to Veredus are sensitive and should never be
    discussed, even if you're expressing your own opinion and using a
    disclaimer. For example, you must not comment on, or speculate about
    things like Veredus future business performance (including upcoming
    quarters or future periods), Veredus business plans, unannounced
    strategies or prospects (including information about alliances), potential
    acquisitions or divestitures, similar matters involving Veredus competitors.
    This applies to anyone including conversations with financial analysts, the
    press or other third parties (including friends). If you're unsure of the
    sensitivity of a particular subject, seek advice from your manager or legal
    team before talking about it or simply refrain from the conversation. Do not
    to comment on rumors in any way about these issues. You should merely
    say, "No comment" to rumors. Do not deny or affirm (or suggest the same
    in subtle ways), speculate about them or propagate them by participating in
    "what if"-type conversations.
   Info that employees should never share: numbers, internal communication
    & performance & data.
   Protect Veredus clients, employees and consultants. Clients, employees or
    consultants should not be cited or obviously referenced without their
    approval. Externally, never identify a client, employee or consultant by
    name without permission and never discuss confidential details of a client

   Respect your audience and your coworkers. Remember that
    Veredus is a national organization whose employees and
    clients reflect a diverse set of customs, values and points of
    view. Don't be afraid to be yourself, but do so respectfully.
    This includes not only the obvious (no ethnic slurs, personal
    insults, obscenity, etc.) but also proper consideration of
    privacy. For example, if your blog is hosted on a Veredus-
    owned property, avoid these topics and focus on subjects that
    are business-related. If your blog is self-hosted, use your best
    judgment and be sure to make it clear that the views and
    opinions expressed are yours alone and do not represent the
    official views of Veredus. Further, be thoughtful when using
    tools hosted outside of Veredus protected Intranet
    environment to communicate among fellow employees about
    Veredus or Veredus related matters.

   Use your best judgment. Remember to always
    use good judgment and common sense in
    deciding what you publish. If you're about to
    publish something that makes you even the
    slightest bit uncomfortable, review the
    suggestions above and think about why that is.
    If you're still unsure, and it is related to
    Veredus business, feel free to discuss it with
    your manager. Ultimately, however, you have
    sole responsibility for what you post to your
    blog or publish in any form of online social
Social Media Council

   The duties of the Social Media Council are to:
       Create & update social media policies & guidelines
       Provide clear direction on how employees should
        integrate their personal social media activities into
        their professional life.
       Approve the creation of new social media channels.
       Ensure consistent branding & messaging across all
       Coordinate the adoption of social media tools with
        other systems.
       Work with all departments to integrate social media
        policies with existing company policies.
       Create core materials for social media presence &
        campaigns that can modified & localized for reuse by
        other parts of the organization.
Members of the Social Media Council

   David Hull-dhull@vereduscorp.com
   Alex Wright-alexw@vereduscorp.com
   Michele Klinges-mklinges@vereduscorp.com

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  • 2. Online collaboration platforms are fundamentally changing the way Veredus employees work and engage with each other, consultants and associated companies.
  • 3. Veredus Employee Contribution To learn: As an technology-based company, we believe in the importance of open exchange-between Veredus and its clients, and among the many constituents of the emerging business and societal ecosystemfor learning. Social media usage is an important arena for organizational and individual development. To contribute: Veredusas a business, as an innovator and as a corporate citizenmakes important contributions to the world, to the future of business and technology, and to public dialogue on a broad range of societal issues. Because our business activities provide transformational insight and high-value involvement in staffing for technology, it is important for Veredus and its employees to share with the world the exciting things we're learning and doing.
  • 4. Social Engagement Guidelines Know and follow Veredus company-wide policies. Don't cite or reference clients, consultants or employees on business-related matters without Veredus employees are personally responsible for their approval. When you do make a reference, link the content they publish on-line, whether in a blog, back to the source and do not publish content that might allow inferences to be drawn which could social media site or any other form of user- damage a client relationship with Veredus. generated media. Be mindful that what you publish will be public for a long time-protect your privacy Respect your audience. Don't use ethnic slurs, discriminatory remarks, personal insults, and take care to understand a site's terms of obscenity, or engage in any similar conduct that service. would not be appropriate or acceptable in Veredus workplace. You should also show proper Identify yourself-name and, when relevant, role at consideration for others' privacy. Veredus-when you discuss Veredus-related Be aware of your association with Veredus in matters such as Veredus services. You must make online social networks. If you identify yourself as a it clear that you are speaking for yourself and not Veredus employee, ensure your profile and related on behalf of Veredus. content is consistent with how you wish to present yourself with colleagues and clients. If you publish content online relevant to Veredus Spirited and passionate discussions and debates in your personal capacity it is best to use a are fine, but you should be respectful of others disclaimer such as this: "The postings on this site and their opinions. Be the first to correct your own are my own and don't necessarily represent mistakes. Veredus positions, strategies or opinions." Try to add value. Provide worthwhile information and perspective. The Veredus brand is best Respect copyright, fair use and financial represented by its people and what you publish disclosure laws. may reflect on Veredus brand. Don't provide Veredus or a client's, consultants Don't misuse Veredus logos or trademarks and or employees confidential or other proprietary only use them if you have the authority to do so. For example, you shouldn't use Veredus in your information and never discuss Veredus business screen name or other social media ID. performance or other sensitive matters about business results or plans publicly.
  • 5. Employee Handbook The Veredus employee handbook and laws provide the foundation for Veredus policies and guidelines for blogs and social media. The same principles and guidelines that apply to Veredus activities in general, as found in the Veredus company handbook, apply to Veredus activities online. This includes forms of online publishing and discussion, including blogs, wikis, file-sharing, user-generated video and audio, virtual worlds and social networks. As outlined in the employee handbook, Veredus fully respects the legal rights of our employees in all countries in which we operate. In general, what you do on your own time is your affair. However, activities in or outside of work that adversely affect your Veredus job performance, the performance of others, or Veredus legitimate business interests are a proper focus for company policy.
  • 6. Consideration & Disclaimers Be thoughtful about how you present yourself in online social networks. The lines between public and private, personal and professional are blurred in online social networks. By virtue of identifying yourself as a Veredus employee within a social network, you are now connected to your colleagues, managers and even Veredus clients. You should ensure that content associated with you is consistent with your work at Veredus. If you have joined Veredus recently, be sure to update your social profiles to reflect Veredus guidelines. Use a disclaimer. Whenever you publish content to any form of digital media, make it clear that what you say there is representative of personal views and opinions and not necessarily the views and opinions of Veredus. For instance, in your own blog, the following standard disclaimer should be prominently displayed: "The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent Veredus positions, strategies or opinions." If a site does not afford you enough space to include this full disclaimer, you should use your best judgment to position your comments appropriately.
  • 7. Copyrights & Confidential Info Respect copyright and fair use laws. For Veredus protection and well as your own, it is critical that you show proper respect for the laws governing copyright and fair use of copyrighted material owned by others, including Veredus own copyrights and brands. You should never quote more than short excerpts of someone else's copyrighted work. And it is good general blogging practice to link to others' work. Keep in mind that laws will be different depending on where you live and work. Protecting confidential and proprietary information. Social media blurs many of the traditional boundaries between internal and external communications. Be thoughtful about what you publish- particularly on external platforms. You must make sure you do not disclose or use Veredus confidential or proprietary information in any online social computing platform. Additionally, internal reports, policies, procedures or other internal business-related confidential communications should not be posted. Also, don't post information about a person or another company unless you have the right to do so, taking into account intellectual property and privacy concerns. For example, ask permission before posting someone's picture in a social network or publishing in a blog
  • 8. Inside Information Veredus business performance and other sensitive "inside information". Some topics relating to Veredus are sensitive and should never be discussed, even if you're expressing your own opinion and using a disclaimer. For example, you must not comment on, or speculate about things like Veredus future business performance (including upcoming quarters or future periods), Veredus business plans, unannounced strategies or prospects (including information about alliances), potential acquisitions or divestitures, similar matters involving Veredus competitors. This applies to anyone including conversations with financial analysts, the press or other third parties (including friends). If you're unsure of the sensitivity of a particular subject, seek advice from your manager or legal team before talking about it or simply refrain from the conversation. Do not to comment on rumors in any way about these issues. You should merely say, "No comment" to rumors. Do not deny or affirm (or suggest the same in subtle ways), speculate about them or propagate them by participating in "what if"-type conversations. Info that employees should never share: numbers, internal communication & performance & data. Protect Veredus clients, employees and consultants. Clients, employees or consultants should not be cited or obviously referenced without their approval. Externally, never identify a client, employee or consultant by name without permission and never discuss confidential details of a client engagement.
  • 9. Respect Respect your audience and your coworkers. Remember that Veredus is a national organization whose employees and clients reflect a diverse set of customs, values and points of view. Don't be afraid to be yourself, but do so respectfully. This includes not only the obvious (no ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, etc.) but also proper consideration of privacy. For example, if your blog is hosted on a Veredus- owned property, avoid these topics and focus on subjects that are business-related. If your blog is self-hosted, use your best judgment and be sure to make it clear that the views and opinions expressed are yours alone and do not represent the official views of Veredus. Further, be thoughtful when using tools hosted outside of Veredus protected Intranet environment to communicate among fellow employees about Veredus or Veredus related matters.
  • 10. Judgment Use your best judgment. Remember to always use good judgment and common sense in deciding what you publish. If you're about to publish something that makes you even the slightest bit uncomfortable, review the suggestions above and think about why that is. If you're still unsure, and it is related to Veredus business, feel free to discuss it with your manager. Ultimately, however, you have sole responsibility for what you post to your blog or publish in any form of online social
  • 11. Social Media Council The duties of the Social Media Council are to: Create & update social media policies & guidelines Provide clear direction on how employees should integrate their personal social media activities into their professional life. Approve the creation of new social media channels. Ensure consistent branding & messaging across all channels. Coordinate the adoption of social media tools with other systems. Work with all departments to integrate social media policies with existing company policies. Create core materials for social media presence & campaigns that can modified & localized for reuse by other parts of the organization.
  • 12. Members of the Social Media Council David Hull-dhull@vereduscorp.com Alex Wright-alexw@vereduscorp.com Michele Klinges-mklinges@vereduscorp.com