This document discusses vertigo in psora, including potential causes like indigestion and emotional disturbances. It lists common indications of vertigo in psora such as momentary loss of consciousness when things appear too large or small. It also describes concomitants like temporary loss of vision and nausea/vomiting of mucous. The document notes aggravating and ameliorating factors and provides lists of homeopathic remedies that may help treat vertigo accompanied by eructations, nausea, or vomiting.
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Vertigo in psora
1. Vertigo in Psora
Dr md shahriar kabir, BHMS (DU)
Lecturer, Chronic disease, case taking & repertory
Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College
Mirpur14, Dhaka 1206
Phone: +8801712966190
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3. Indication
1. Vertigo with momentary loss of consciousness when things appear too large or
2. Vertigo as if intoxicated, as if floating on air.
3. Vertigo on Reading or Writing with confusion of the mind.
4. Spots or stars before the eyes or a feeling as if there is a veil before the eyes.
5. Vertigo on Riding in a boat, car or carriage; sometimes with a sensation of
falling, as a result of anemia of the brain.
6. Vertigo on closing the eyes, disappearing on opening eyes (Sycotic ).
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4. Concomitants
1. Temporary loss of vision; nausea & vomiting of mucous only.
2. There is a lightness of the head when stooping.
3. Digestive disturbances may also occur as may frequent eructation & roaring in
the ears.
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5. Modalities
Aggravated by:
Movement; warmth; sun’s ray; looking up suddenly; rising from sitting or laying
position; on closing eyes.
Ameliorated by :
By rest; laying down; when the sun’s ray decreased.
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6. Vertigo; eructations; during:
ACON ANT-C bell bism calc cassi-s cycl gymn HEP kali-c mag-c nat-c nat-m nit-ac
nux-m nux-v op petr phos pimp psor PULS sang sars tab tarent zinc-I
Vertigo; indigestion, from:
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7. Vertigo; lying; amel.:
absin acon adon aegle aegle-f aego-p agar alum alum-p alum-sil alumn AMBR ant-t
apis ARAN ARN asaf ATHA AUR aur-m aur-s BELL bell-p BRY caesal-s camph CARB-
AN carb-v carc cassi-s casta-v cham chel CHIN CHIN-S cic CINA COCA COCC crot-h
cupr diox dys-co ephe-v eryth excr-can ger GRAPH grat HAM hydr-ac iber ipom jab
KALI-C kali-p kali-s kali-sil kalm kreos lac-cpr lac-h lac-m lach lat-h laur LYC mand
mang-acet marm-a med merc morpho-m mosch nat-c nat-m nat-ns NAT-S nat-sal
nico-r NIT-AC olnd OP ozon PETR phel PHOS posit psil-c psor PULS rad-br rhus-t
sabad sabin sec SIL sol SPIG stann stram strep-s succ SUL-AC tax tell THUJ trachy-a
tub uran verat verat-v vesp visc zinc zinc-p
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8. Vertigo; nausea; with:
ACON acon-l adam aesc-g agar AGKI-P ail alch-v ALUM alum-p alum-sil ALUMN AM-C
amet aml-n amyg-am ang anil ANT-C ant-t apis apoc apom aran aran-ix arg ARG-N arge-p
arist-cl ARN ars ars-s-f bamb-a BAPT BAR-C BELL bell-p bism bor bos-s bov brom BRY
cahin CALAD CALC calc-acet CALC-P CALC-S calc-sil calen CAMPH CARB-AN CARB-V carbn-
h cast-eq CAUST CHAM CHEL CHIN chin-ar CHIN-S cimic CINNB citl-l clem coca COCC coff
coloc CON conch convo-s coriand corv-c crot-c CROT-H croto-t CYCL CYT-L digox dor dys-
co echi-a erech eug euon eup-per fago falco-p FERR FERR-AR ferr-p fic fl-ac form gall
galph gels gent-l gink gins GLON gran GRAPH grat gymn HAM HELL helo helon helx-t HEP
herin hura hydr-ac hydrog hyos hyosin IBER IND indg ipom irid IRIS jatr kali-ar KALI-BI
KALI-BR KALI-C kali-p kali-s kali-sil KALM kola lac-as LAC-C lac-h lac-m LACH LAPPA lat-m
latex lath lepro LOB lob-p lol LYC LYSS m-aust mag-c melal-a MERC mill morpho-m
MOSCH MUR-AC myric narcot nat-glt NAT-M nat-ox NAT-S nelu nept-m nicc nico-r nicot
NIT-AC NUX-M NUX-V oena ol-j onc-t oplo-h ozon PAEON PETR PHOS phyt pic-ac piloc
pip-n plat PODO por-m posit psor ptel pter-a PULS RHUS-T rob rumx sabad sal-ac SANG
sanic sapin sars SEL senec SEP ser-ang sia-c SIL SOL sol-n SPIG SPONG squil STAPH stram
strep-s stront-c succ sulfa SULPH TAB tanac tarent tax tell TER THER thuj torul trachy-a
tub typho uran vani-p vario VERAT VERAT-V vesp vib vip xan ZINC zinc-p
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9. Vertigo; stomach complaints, in:
ACON acon-l adam ADON aegle-f aesc-g agar agki-p ail alch-v alet aloe ALUM alum-p alum-sil
alumn AM-C ambr amet aml-n amyg-am ang anil ANT-C ant-t apis apoc apom aran aran-ix arg
ARG-N arge-p arist-cl ARN ARS ars-s-f asaf bamb-a BAPT BAR-C BELL bell-p BISM bor bos-s bov
brom BRY bufo cadm-s cahin CALAD CALC calc-acet CALC-P CALC-S calc-sil calen calo CAMPH
cand-a CANTH CARB-AN CARB-V carbn-h cassi-s cast-eq CAUL CAUST CHAM CHEL CHIN chin-ar
chin-b CHIN-S cic cimic CINNB citl-l clem coca COCC coff coff-t coll coloc CON conch convo-s
coriand corv-c crot-c crot-h croto-t CYCL cyt-l digox dios dor dys-co echi-a erech eug euon eup-
per euph-ip fago falco-p FERR FERR-AR ferr-p fic fl-ac form gall galph gels gent-l gink gins GLON
gran GRAPH grat gymn HAM HELL helo helon helx-t HEP herin hura hydr hydr-ac hydrog hyos
hyosin iber IGN IND indg IP ipom irid IRIS jatr kali-ar KALI-BI KALI-BR KALI-C kali-p kali-s kali-sil
KALM kola lac-as LAC-C lac-h lac-m LACH LAPPA lat-m latex lath lepi lepro lept LOB lob-p lol LYC
LYSS m-aust mag-c magn-gr melal-a MERC mill morpho-m MOSCH MUR-AC myric narcot nat-glt
NAT-M nat-ox nat-p NAT-S nelu nept-m nicc nicc-s nico-r nicot NIT-AC NUX-M NUX-V oena ol-j
onc-t oplo-h ozon PAEON PETR PHOS phyt pic-ac piloc pip-n plat PODO por-m posit psor ptel
pter-a PULS pyrus-c rham-cal RHUS-T rob rumx sabad sac-alb sal-ac SANG sanic santin sapin sars
SEL senec SEP ser-ang sia-c SIL SOL sol-n SPIG SPONG squil STAPH stram strep-s stront-c succ
sulfa SULPH TAB tama tanac tarent tax tell TER THER thuj torul trachy-a tub typho uran vani-p
vario VERAT VERAT-V vesp vib viol-o vip xan ZINC zinc-p
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10. Vertigo; vomiting; with:
ACON acon-l aegle-f aesc-g ail alet aloe ANT-C apom arn ARS bell BISM bry cahin
calc calo CAMPH CANTH CAUL CHEL chin chin-ar CHIN-S cimic COCC con crot-h
croto-t cycl cyt-l dor dys-co eup-per euph-ip FERR GLON gran GRAPH HELL hydr-ac
hyos ign IP IRIS KALI-BI KALI-BR KALI-C lac-m LACH LAPPA lath lepi LOB lyc mag-c
MERC mosch NAT-S NUX-V oena PETR phos piloc pip-n PODO ptel PULS pyrus-c
sabad sal-ac SANG santin sars SEL SEP strep-s stront-c TAB tama tarent tell THER
thuj VERAT VERAT-V viol-o vip ZINC
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