What is MAUT? Multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) combines a class of psychological measurement models and scaling procedures which can be applied to the evaluation of alternatives which have multiple value relevant attributes.Von Winterfeldt and Fischer (1975). Some example applications of MAUT in Water Resource Management? Feeny, David, William Furlong, George W. Torrance, Charles H. Goldsmith, Zenglong Zhu, Sonja DePauw, Margaret Denton, and Michael Boyle. "Multiattribute and single-attribute utility functions for the health utilities index mark 3 system." Medical care 40, no. 2 (2002): 113-128. Zheng, Yong, and David Xuejun Wang. "Hybrid Multi-Criteria Preference Ranking by Subsorting." arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.11233 (2023). Lopes, Yuri Gama, and Adiel Teixeira de Almeida. "Assessment of synergies for selecting a project portfolio in the petroleum industry based on a multi-attribute utility function." Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 126 (2015): 131-140. Anand, Adarsh, Mohini Agarwal, Deepti Aggrawal, Laurie Hughes, Parisa Maroufkhani, and Yogesh K. Dwivedi. "Successive generation introduction time for high technological products: an analysis based on different multi-attribute utility functions." Environment, Development and Sustainability (2022): 1-18.