These slides contain the basics of starting a simple yoga routine for yourself. I always felt the need for someone to simplify yoga for better uptake. Have these slides on your desktop / tablet / phone and use them everyday anywhere.
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Very Simple Yoga - For ones curious to learn on their own
2. You should look at these slides if
?You have heard about the
goodness of yoga
?You are interested in Yoga
?Haven¨t found the time or
motivation to learn with a group
or a teacher
?Would like to make small
3. Disclaimer
?These slides are personal learning
from the web and friends, from
which I have benefitted
?These are not prescriptive or
medically accurate, do consult
your doctor or coaches if you
have special cases of medical
4. What do you need to start
?A quiet motivation and curiosity
?A peaceful corner in your house
or outdoors
?Yoga mat / water bottle / towel
6. Surya Namaskar
?Mini yoga module, great for
?Warms up the body and integrates
the body, mind and breath.
?Builds flexibility, balance and good
?Includes stretches, compresses and
muscle use
?Good for digestive and respiratory
10. Surya Darshan
Source C
With a deep inhalation, take
your right leg away from your
body, in a big backward step.
Both your hands should be
firmly planted on your mat, your
left foot between your hands,
head tilted towards the ceiling.
11. Purvottanasana
Source C
With a deep inhalation, take
your right leg away from your
body, in a big backward step.
Both your hands should be
firmly planted on your mat, your
left foot between your hands,
head tilted towards the ceiling.
12. Adho Mukha Svanasana
Source C
With a deep exhalation, shove
your hips and butt up towards
the ceiling, forming an upward
Your arms should be straight
and aligned with your head.
13. Sashtang Dandawat
Source C
With a deep exhalation, lower
your body down till your,
forehead, chest, knees, hands
and feet are touching the mat,
your butt tilted
Take a normal breath in this
15. Surya Darshan
Source C
Inhaling deeply, bring your right
foot in towards your body, in a
big forward step
Both your hands should planted
firmly on your mat, right foot
between your hands, head tilted
towards the ceiling
19. Notes
? You can start very slow even doing
one Surya Namaskar a day
? Try and do it everyday or a couple
of times a week
? Don¨t be guilty when you don¨t do it
? You can graduate to whatever
number works for you
? Let it grow on you, nice and slow