Cloud en datacenter security (infosecurity 2013)Motiv
ICT Security is complex en 100 % privacy plus 100 % veiligheid bestaat niet. ICT Security is een specialistisch vakgebied geworden, maar voor u waarschijnlijk geen core business. Daarom helpen de security experts van Motiv u graag de juiste beslissingen te nemen en uw beveiligingsmaatregelen proactief te beheren.
De veel herhaalde boodschap dat 100% veiligheid een utopie is, leidt tot stilstand en daarmee achteruitgang in informatiebeveiliging. Het wordt vaak geroepen als excuus en staat daarmee in de weg om tot resultaten te komen. Om op dit onderwerp te verbeteren, is de mentaliteit nodig om ons op 100% veiligheid in te zetten. En om daar ook nu mee te starten. Stop dus met het herhalen van de 100% boodschap en ga aan de slag.
This document discusses cloud computing security risks and issues. It begins with definitions of cloud computing and discusses deployment models such as public, private, hybrid and community clouds. It then covers security risk assessments and methodologies for assessing threats, vulnerabilities and impacts. Specific security risks related to cloud computing are examined, including issues around identity and access management, data security, and governance. Federated identity management and data classification strategies are presented as ways to help address some of the new security challenges introduced by cloud environments.
* Online course:
Trade shows, conferences, conventions, and other events are excellent places to learn about your competitive environment: market trends, new technologies, market opportunities, competitor plans and products, acquisitions, and much more. Collectively they provide opportunities to gather the most competitive information in the shortest time for the least amount of money. But too few organizations properly leverage this informational opportunity in a systematic, focused way.
For more templates, topics, and war stories - online course:
The document discusses end user security awareness training. It provides an overview of the training, including introducing security awareness challenges, developing awareness initiatives, and best practices. It also discusses using security awareness materials and resources to educate end users on topics like malware, passwords, and data protection. The goal is to change user behaviors and encourage a security-minded culture.
With mega-breaches like Anthem, OPM, IRS, Ashley Madison, UCLA Health and TalkTalk all within the past 12 months, chances are your data has been targeted. What does this mean for 2016?
Review this presentation and learn:
• Why cyber attacks continue to increase in sophistication, magnitude and velocity
• What trends will have the largest and smallest impact on cyber security in 2016
• Why cloud-based apps and the Internet of Things have transformed cyber security
• How you can protect your organization from attacks from the inside
This document discusses cloud computing security risks and issues. It begins with definitions of cloud computing and discusses deployment models such as public, private, hybrid and community clouds. It then covers security risk assessments and methodologies for assessing threats, vulnerabilities and impacts. Specific security risks related to cloud computing are examined, including issues around identity and access management, data security, and governance. Federated identity management and data classification strategies are presented as ways to help address some of the new security challenges introduced by cloud environments.
* Online course:
Trade shows, conferences, conventions, and other events are excellent places to learn about your competitive environment: market trends, new technologies, market opportunities, competitor plans and products, acquisitions, and much more. Collectively they provide opportunities to gather the most competitive information in the shortest time for the least amount of money. But too few organizations properly leverage this informational opportunity in a systematic, focused way.
For more templates, topics, and war stories - online course:
The document discusses end user security awareness training. It provides an overview of the training, including introducing security awareness challenges, developing awareness initiatives, and best practices. It also discusses using security awareness materials and resources to educate end users on topics like malware, passwords, and data protection. The goal is to change user behaviors and encourage a security-minded culture.
With mega-breaches like Anthem, OPM, IRS, Ashley Madison, UCLA Health and TalkTalk all within the past 12 months, chances are your data has been targeted. What does this mean for 2016?
Review this presentation and learn:
• Why cyber attacks continue to increase in sophistication, magnitude and velocity
• What trends will have the largest and smallest impact on cyber security in 2016
• Why cloud-based apps and the Internet of Things have transformed cyber security
• How you can protect your organization from attacks from the inside
2. InleidingTechnische maatregelen alleen niet voldoendeIncidenten door eigen medewerkersDring het risico vanuit de medewerkers terugVest implementeert awareness via S.P.A.R.C. methodiekScope, Preparation, Action, Review, Control12/13/
3. ScopeInventarisatie wensen & eisenFormuleren successfactorenBeknopte inventarisatie voor plan van aanpakBenoemen realistische doelstellingen12/13/
4. PreparationUitwerken communicatie mixIk hoor en ik vergeet. Ik zie en ik onthoud. Ik doe en ik begrijpCreatieve oplossingen toegestaanSerious gaming, mystery guest, clean desk surveys12/13/
5. ActionCommuniceren naar verschillende doelgroepen conform planTerugkoppelen resultaten aan managementMonitoren voortgang en eventueel bijsturenInformeren over voortgang12/13/
7. ControlWerken aan borging organisatieBepalen herhaal activiteitenLaat resultaat niet wegzakkenWerk toe naar een continue bewustwordingsprogramma12/13/
8. Over Vest InformatiebeveiligingVest Business Information Governance Vestis een onafhankelijk, gecertificeerd adviesbureau voor informatiebeveiliging.ÌýVestÌýintegreert informatiebeveiliging in reguliere bedrijfsprocessen en maakt implementatie van benodigde maatregelen effectief.ÌýOpÌýdeze wijze ervaren organisaties informatiebeveiliging niet als lastig, maar als business enabler.Ìý12/13/