VetCloud is developing a cloud-based veterinary management application to address problems with existing expensive and complex solutions. It will offer the first modern web app for vets, with features like sharing animal profiles and health timelines with pet owners via mobile. Currently in private beta, VetCloud plans to launch an open beta in early 2013 and pursue a subscription-based business model selling through online and partnership channels globally.
2. Pet & Veterinary Industry is huge
Americans are spending more on pets then on
movies, music and video games combined
62 % $ 52
U.S. households owns a pet billion are spent on pets
3. Animal health care industry is huge
28.000 Vet Clinics in U.S. on billion revenue
$ 27 combined annual
40,740 Locations
growth in ten years
100% period even during
financial crisis
4. Pet parents are demanding (U.S.)
94% consider pets part of their family
Want access to pets
Expecting the same Health information
evel of healthcare
5. Farmers are demanding (U.S.)
Cattle and calves
Hogs and pigs
Sheep and lambs
Broilers & other meat chickens
Laying hens
13. Where is VetCloud now?
In private beta with early adopters
from Europe and California
14. Moving fast in next three months
Minimum Viable Product
More early adopters
Build-measure-learn, test distribution channels
Exposure on influental vet media and events
Like Vetereriny Practice News and
Western Veterinary Conference
Open beta launch (jan-feb 2013)
15. Plan based business model
Our subscription clients pay less for
superior product with free support
Selling online and through
partnership deals with large
distributors in vet industry
Not focused only on Western markets
17. VetCloud, who?
Vet technician
(pissed off with existing vet management solutions)
PHP Developer
(determined to build best solution on the market)
Project Manager
(addicted to finding disruptive market opportunities)