Apra Infotech provides customizable intelligent video solutions for security, safety, investigation, and operations. Their solutions include real-time perimeter intrusion detection, unattended object detection, suspicious activity identification, post-event analysis, emergency access monitoring, crowd counting, traffic monitoring, and toll collection. They offer consulting services including solution architecture, hardware selection, system integration, installation, commissioning, maintenance, and support.
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Video analytics
1. Apra Infotech provides customizable intelligent video solutions for various end-user
requirements. We feature the technology components and our custom solutions into different
problem areas -
Type of
Category Surveillance Possible Use
Real-time Detection Detect breaches of a secure perimeter
of Perimeter
Intrusion & Secure
Zone Breaches
Detect motion in restricted / sensitive zones
Detect entry into sensitive areas during non-
operational hours
Detect unauthorized (tailgating) entry into
secure zones
Detect Unattended Detect objects left unattended for a pre-defined
Objects period of time in sensitive areas, such as
entrances, halls, sport facilities
Detect objects left unattended for a pre-defined
period of time in sensitive areas such as high
pedestrian traffic thoroughfares, traffic
Detect objects left unattended for a pre-defined
period of time in sensitive areas such as
platforms, waiting hall
Identify Suspicious Detect motion counter to the general traffic flow
Detect loitering in areas of interest
Detect stopped vehicles in no stopping zones
Detect camera blocking or tampering
Automatically track the movement of suspicious
people and vehicles using PTZ cameras
Detect grouping in sensitive areas to avoid
potential attacks or threats
Post-Event Analysis Enable rapid and automated back-tracking in
stored video to pinpoint events / behaviors to
their origin and thereby better inform law
enforcement operations and tactical responses
Enable an automated search for events /
behaviors / targets to obtain forensic evidence
2. Real-time Detection Detect blockages to fire and other emergency
of Blocked exits
Passages / Exits
Detect vehicles blocking emergency lanes or
stopped in restricted zones
Movement in Detect people walking in unauthorized areas
Restricted Areas such as construction zones, allowing
Safety intervention before catastrophes occur
Crowding Count people entering enclosed areas used for
events to ensure that the number of people
present does not exceed the recommended
Traffic Congestion Measure traffic activity (parking lot, adjacent
paths) to enable better planning to avoid
congestion, improve traffic flow and maintain
clear access points
Measuring Traffic Count the traffic flow (people / vehicles) in
defined areas or entering / exiting certain
facilities to make appropriate staffing and
resource allocation decisions
Analyze movement of people / vehicles across
different time periods to better manage traffic
Traffic Congestion / Analyze traffic paths to better understand traffic
Violations flow and adjust procedures accordingly, such as
Operation parking availability
Analyze the times and days in which most traffic
violations occur, including parking in no-stopping
zones and illegal u-turns, to more effectively
allocate staff
Count vehicles in order to analyze traffic flow at
different hours and days, and make plans for
opening and closing of exits
Toll Collection Detect tailgating of vehicles through toll gates /
We offer a wide range to consultancy services in video surveillance. Our experts provide you the best
solution on time and within budget. Our consulting services include the following:
Solution Architecture
3. Hardware and Camera selection according budget
System Integration
Video Management System Installation
Site Commissioning
Trouble shooting and Maintenance
Customer Support
Our consultancy services adopt several measures which are very crucial factors in implementing the
high-end technology. These measures include the following:
1. Scalability: Supports changes in future requirements and includes expandable
architecture to accommodate more cameras.
2. Cost: Includes cost of hardware, camera and system integration.
3. Ease of Installation, configuration and operation: Includes easy user interfacing and is a
server based system.
4. Advanced search: Incorporates powerful search functionality for forensic and real time
5. Bandwidth Consideration: Optimally uses bandwidth and architects the solution to
consume low bandwidth.
6. Deployment: Positioning of the surveillance system for effective use.