Logotherapy focuses on finding meaning and purpose in life rather than pleasure or power. It was developed by Viktor Frankl based on his experiences in Nazi concentration camps. Logotherapy posits that humans' primary motivation is to find meaning and that suffering can be endured when one has a meaning or purpose. It uses techniques like paradoxical intention to help patients overcome issues by learning to laugh at themselves. The theory emphasizes responsibility to achieve self-actualization and meaning is unique to every individual based on their circumstances.
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Viktor Frankl Logotherapy PowerPoint Final
1. Which Personality Theory?
Give me any child and Ill shape him into anything.
--Burrhus Frederic Skinner
Give me a dozen healthy infants ... and my own specified world to bring
them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to
become any type of specialist I might select doctor, lawyer, artist,
merchant-chief and yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his
talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his
--John Broadus Watson
5. Overview
Introduction & Differences from a few other theories
Main Foci & Concepts of Logotherapy
Logotherapy as a technique
Summary & Conclusion
Final Thoughts
9. What do you consider very
important to you right NOW in
your life?
Are you living for these things?
Would you die for them?9
10. Main Foci
Logotherapy focuses on the future and meaning
Patients are confronted and reoriented to meaning in
their lives
Primary motivational force is meaning of existence
Will to meaning more important than will to pleasure
and will to power
This meaning is unique and specific b/c only the
person can achieve it
People are able to live and sometimes die for their ideals
and values
We need something for which to live or die
Surveys show that most people prefer to find
purpose and meaning in life than just to have money
11. Existential Frustration
Will to meaning can be frustrated
(existential frustration)
Existential refers to three things
Existence itself
Meaning of existence
Striving to find tangible,
personal meaning
Existential frustration can lead to
12. Neuroses
Neuroses caused by existential frustration are
called noogenic neuroses
Originates in the mindnot psychological or
from conflicts of drives and instincts
Not all conflicts are neurotic; some are
healthy and normal
Logotherapy rather than psychotherapy is
needed in such cases
Mans concern or sadness due to worthlessness
is existential distressNOT mental disease
Logotherapys job or goal is to help patients find
meaning in life
13. Noo-Dynamics
Search for meaning can cause inner tension instead of
balance, equilibrium, or homeostasis
Man needs noo-dynamics
polar poles: 1 is meaning to be fulfilled and the
other is the man who will fulfill it
Such tension is good (prerequisite) for mental health
Having something to live for can help one endure many
harsh situations
14. Existential Vacuum & Meaning of
Vacuum-void/emptiness within
Manifest itself in boredom
Sunday Neuroses; mask/compensated
Man have to make choices; nothing will tell
them what to do
Can choose for oneself or
Meaning differs from person to person,
day to day, hour to hour
15. Essence of Existence
Essence of life is to live as if one is living for the
second time and wants to improve life
Logotherapy makes patient aware of responsibilities
(eye dr. vs painter)
Man is responsible to achieve self-actualization
True meaning is found in the world and not in
man (self-transcendence)
Actualization is a side effect/resultdont
pursue it
Meaning of life always changes
16. Meaning of Love & Suffering
Loveprimary phenomenon; not side effect of sex
Allows us to fully understand others
Sex is a way to express togetherness, which is love
Suffering can also help us find meaning
Must transform personal tragedies into victories
Suffering is no longer suffering once meaning is found
We must change our attitudesdont seek suffering though
Unhappiness is not a symptom of maladjustment
17. Some Extra Thoughts
Inviting people to think of their last days can motivate them to
live in the now
This helps people to find meaning or get motivation to live
People need to be able to see and understand different views and
癌Having been is the surest kind of being
Lootherapy recognizes the transitoriness of existence
18. Logotherapy as a Technique
Logotherapy established the special technique called Paradoxical
Intention w/ 2 aspects
1. Fear engenders the very thing of which a person is afraid
2. Hyper-tension makes it impossible to get what someone wishes
This technique allows people to be okay with their fears by
Making fun of it or themselves (paradoxical wish and paradoxical intention)
Self-detachment innate in sense of humor
Learning to laugh at oneself leads to self-management
Can also be applied w/ sleep disturbances, obsessive-compulsive disorder
19. Summary
Every age has its own collective neurosis and need its own
Psychotherapy denies that man is free
Freedom is restricted but man can defy and brave the worst conditions
Man is self-determine
Man is more than psyche
Whether neurotic or healthy, there will always be freedom available to
people--even if its small
Psychotherapy needs to re-humanized people
See the person behind the disease
22. References
Atherton J S (2013) Learning and Teaching; Figures in Behaviourism [On-line: UK] retrieved 9 November 2015
from http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/figures_behaviourism.htm
[Between stimulus and response]. Retrieved from http://coachcampus.com/wp-
Existential vacuum. Retrieved from www.critical-theory.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/existential-vacuum.jpg
Existential frustration. Retrieved from http://images.8tracks.com/cover/i/001/993/750/exfr-
LifespanLearning LA. (2009, January 19). Search for meaning in life today with Viktor Frankl [Video file]. Retrieved from
[Meaning of life humor]. Retrieved from https://s-media-cache-
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Steve Ws Channel. (2009, January 9). Viktor Frankl man alive" 1977 1 of 2 [Video file]. Retrieved from
Steve Ws Channel. (2009, January 9). Viktor Frankl man alive" 1977 2 of 2 [Video file]. Retrieved from