Clinical And Field Studies Of Human Lactation Methodological ConsiderationsBiblioteca Virtual
and mechanical extraction Urban ward 7 7
Prediction of daytime milk
consumption from feeding
frequency and duration Rural villages 341 341
Effects of time of day and
breast on milk composition Urban ward 24 7
Total 464
Downloaded from by on August 22, 2009
Scheduling resources for greater business efficiencyIFS
The document discusses improving operational efficiency and effectiveness through optimized scheduling. It describes how mobile workforce management solutions can help field technicians by providing scheduling tools, real-time job updates, and dashboard reporting. These solutions aim to optimize scheduling decisions by assigning technicians to jobs at the right time based on real-time data on their location, traffic conditions, skills required and other factors. This helps avoid issues like technicians getting stuck in traffic or jobs overrunning due to late scheduling decisions. The document advocates scheduling tools that use scenario analysis and what-if modeling to help plan for uncertainties and minimize risks from scheduling decisions.
Marcu Iulia graduated from Constantin Brailoiu High School. She studied at the University of West Timisoara, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, Department of Education Sciences, graduating in 2011. She wants to have a career as a psychologist. Her favorite food and contact information are also provided.
Clinical And Field Studies Of Human Lactation Methodological ConsiderationsBiblioteca Virtual
and mechanical extraction Urban ward 7 7
Prediction of daytime milk
consumption from feeding
frequency and duration Rural villages 341 341
Effects of time of day and
breast on milk composition Urban ward 24 7
Total 464
Downloaded from by on August 22, 2009
Scheduling resources for greater business efficiencyIFS
The document discusses improving operational efficiency and effectiveness through optimized scheduling. It describes how mobile workforce management solutions can help field technicians by providing scheduling tools, real-time job updates, and dashboard reporting. These solutions aim to optimize scheduling decisions by assigning technicians to jobs at the right time based on real-time data on their location, traffic conditions, skills required and other factors. This helps avoid issues like technicians getting stuck in traffic or jobs overrunning due to late scheduling decisions. The document advocates scheduling tools that use scenario analysis and what-if modeling to help plan for uncertainties and minimize risks from scheduling decisions.
Marcu Iulia graduated from Constantin Brailoiu High School. She studied at the University of West Timisoara, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, Department of Education Sciences, graduating in 2011. She wants to have a career as a psychologist. Her favorite food and contact information are also provided.
1) In the late 19th century, the town of Sulina in Romania was prosperous due to its role as a port town under the European Danube Commission.
2) Several historic religious buildings from this era still remain in Sulina, including Orthodox, Greek, and Catholic cathedrals built between the mid-19th to early 20th centuries in various architectural styles.
3) The town also once had important infrastructure and institutions provided by the European Danube Commission such as a waterworks, hospital, and shipyard, though many are now deteriorated.
This presentation was created by Sarah Lamansky and Destiny Malone, of Mannix Marketing. They were the featured speakers at the ARCC\'s Young Professionals networking event in May 2009 where attendees learned how to use LinkedIn to grow and market their business.
This document summarizes a review of breastfeeding research conducted by Brazilian nurses over the last 20 years. The review identified 39 relevant articles published in major Brazilian nursing journals between 1983-2002. The articles used a variety of study designs, including surveys, reports of experiences, reviews, and reflections. Most research came from the Southeast region of Brazil. The review aims to analyze theoretical and methodological issues in the studies, provide directions for future nursing research on breastfeeding promotion, and understand the impact of nursing interventions on breastfeeding rates and infant health in Brazil over time.
This document summarizes a study that analyzed retinol (vitamin A) levels in human colostrum and the influence of child, maternal, and socioeconomic variables. The study found that most mothers had low socioeconomic status and education levels. The average retinol level in colostrum was 93.1 μgRE/100 ml. Retinol levels were not significantly associated with income, education, or birth weight, but were associated with maternal nutritional status during pregnancy. The findings suggest the mammary gland maintains adequate retinol levels in colostrum to meet infant needs, regardless of socioeconomic factors.
G. Paul Gregory presents a case study on facilitating ethical change as an employee in the Ohio state government for 25 years. He discusses using his experience and doctoral studies to address issues of toxic leadership, organizational culture, and statutory conflicts. The case study describes addressing budgetary and political paradoxes to return $3 million to the proper account, resulting in system changes to promote more ethical and sustainable practices.
Juggling Work And Breastfeeding Effects Of Maternity Leave And Occupational C...Biblioteca Virtual
1) The study examined the relationship between maternity leave and breastfeeding among 770 full-time working mothers in Southern California.
2) It found that a maternity leave of 6 weeks or 6-12 weeks after delivery was associated with a lower likelihood of establishing breastfeeding compared to mothers who did not return to work.
3) Antenatal leave before delivery was not associated with breastfeeding establishment or duration. The impact of short postpartum leave on breastfeeding cessation was stronger among nonmanagers, women with inflexible jobs, and women experiencing high psychosocial distress.
Delayed Breastfeeding Initiation Increases Risk Of Neonatal MortalityBiblioteca Virtual
This document summarizes a study that investigated the relationship between the timing of breastfeeding initiation and neonatal mortality in Ghana. The study found that initiating breastfeeding within the first day of life reduced the risk of neonatal death, with even earlier initiation (within the first hour) further reducing risk. Delaying breastfeeding initiation beyond 1 day increased the risk of neonatal death. The study suggests that promoting early breastfeeding initiation could significantly reduce neonatal mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa.
Racial segregation has negatively impacted African Americans throughout history by treating them unfairly and wrongly due to the color of their skin. The document discusses how racism was carried out through segregation of public facilities like buses and discrimination in the workplace and healthcare. It concludes that as humans of one race, we must unite, put aside hatred based on race, and strive to stop racism by living together in peace.
- A study in rural Senegal found that prolonged breastfeeding actually increased infant length gain in the second and third years of life. The negative correlation between height and breastfeeding duration was likely due to mothers weaning healthier children earlier.
- Two reviews concluded that the timing of introducing complementary foods between 4-6 months had little impact on infant growth, as long as children were breastfed and living in environments without major economic constraints.
- Breastfeeding was associated with a lower risk of childhood overweight and obesity in several studies from the US and UK. However, a mother's weight appeared to be a stronger predictor of her child's weight.
Some slides from a Bioenergetic Psychology ProgamWalty1970
This document introduces BioEnergetic Psychology and discusses how beliefs affect various aspects of life. It notes that beliefs manifest throughout the body according to research. Changing beliefs can alter thought patterns and behaviors. The document discusses how the subconscious mind, which processes information much faster than the conscious mind, stores beliefs and has enormous capacity. Muscle testing is presented as an effective way to access and change subconscious beliefs by determining if the body agrees or disagrees with statements at the subconscious level. Myths about difficulty and time needed to change beliefs are debunked, stating that like changing a computer document, beliefs can change quickly once the underlying energy field is altered.
Success Of Strategies For Combining Employment And BreastfeedingBiblioteca Virtual
1) The study examined strategies that mothers use to combine breastfeeding and paid employment, and the impact of these strategies on breastfeeding intensity and duration.
2) The strategies included: directly breastfeeding from the breast, pumping milk, a combination of pumping and direct breastfeeding, and neither pumping nor direct breastfeeding during work.
3) Pumping milk only and directly breastfeeding only were the most common strategies. These strategies as well as a combination of pumping and direct breastfeeding were associated with smaller decreases in breastfeeding intensity compared to neither pumping nor direct breastfeeding.
4) Directly breastfeeding from the breast, with or without pumping, was associated with longer breastfeeding duration compared to pumping only.
The document discusses different ways that organizations can group their activities and structure their divisions. It describes common functional areas like sales, marketing, HR, and finance. It also explains that organizations may divide according to product type, geographic regions, customer types, or production processes. Larger businesses often use a combination of these grouping methods.
Breastfeeding Training For Health Professionals And Resultant Changes In Brea...Biblioteca Virtual
This study aimed to quantify changes in breastfeeding duration among mothers served by hospitals exposed to the Wellstart-SLC breastfeeding promotion course, compared to control hospitals not exposed. The study randomly assigned 8 Brazilian hospitals to an exposed group (staff attended the course) or control group. For each hospital, cohorts of 50 children born before and after the course were followed up at 1 and 6 months. Results showed increases in exclusive (29%) and full (20%) breastfeeding rates in exposed hospitals, but no changes in control hospitals. The study supports training health professionals to promote longer breastfeeding duration.
Breast Volume And Milk Production During Extended Lactation In WomenBiblioteca Virtual
The study measured breast volume and milk production in women from 1 month of lactation until 3 months after weaning. It found that breast volume and milk production remained relatively constant for the first 6 months of lactation but then decreased after 6 months as lactation continued. At 15 months of lactation, milk production was still substantial even though breast volume had returned to pre-conception size, indicating an increased efficiency of milk production. The decrease in breast volume after 6 months may have been due to redistribution of tissues within the breast in response to decreasing infant demand for milk over time.
1. Breastfeeding provides numerous health benefits for both infants and mothers. It reduces the risk of breast cancer in mothers and lowers the risk of HIV transmission from mother to child.
2. Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 3-6 months of life protects infants from common illnesses like diarrhea and pneumonia. It also supports optimal infant nutrition and development.
3. For HIV-positive mothers, exclusive breastfeeding or replacement feeding with formula can be appropriate depending on individual circumstances. Proper support is crucial to help mothers make informed choices about infant feeding.