Vincent M. Material is a nurse who needs to discuss treatment options for his patient, Mr. Brylle Zaffiro. Mr. Zaffiro is experiencing increased breathlessness, palpitations, and chest pain. His blood test results show his blood count is lower than normal. The nurse believes these symptoms are due to his low blood count and pre-existing heart condition. The nurse recommends a blood transfusion as the strongest option to address his anemia and risk of worsening condition, along with potential future iron treatment.
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Vincent m. material (sbar referral system)
1. My Name isVincentM.Material and I workas a nurse inOspital ngLipa
I needtotalk to youabout an urgentqualityof care regardingMr. Brylle
I needabout10 minutes todiscuss the possibletreatmentoptionswith
youfollowingthe recentbloodtestsandthe examination thatthe
specialistsmade earliertoday.
WhenI examinedthe patient,Inoticedthathe wasmore breathlesstoday
than yesterday,hisheartrate isquite fast,andhe had beenhavingsome
He has a historyof anginaand a heart attack 3 years ago.His bloodresults
came back andshow that hisbloodcountis lowerthanitshouldbe.I would
normallyexpectittobe above 90, butit isonly78 now.
We are out of bloodsuppliesinthishospital sothisnurse isrequestingfor
an urgentbloodtransfusion.
I believethathisbreathlessness,palpitationsandchestpainare due tohis
lowbloodcountand hisunderlyingheartcondition.Mr.Zaffiroshearthasto
workharder thanusual because of hislow bloodcount.In otherwordshe is
anaemicandhis bloodcannotcarry the oxygenaroundhisbodyas well asit
should.There isa riskthat hissituationwill getworse if itisleftuntreated.
There are differentoptionsforthe treatmentthatI can suggest.
First,Mr. Zaffirocanreceive treatmentwithironthatisgiventhrougha
dripintohisarm, or withirontablets.
Second,whichIstronglyrecommendisabloodtransfusionof one unit
todayand thensee how hissituationwill improve bytomorrow.If he stopped
havingpalpitationsandhisbreathlessnessimproves,Icanthenprescribe some
ironto bringhisbloodcount back up,or I can give himanotherbag of blood.
Are you okwiththisplan?