The document appears to be a collection of random thoughts and comments from a 14-year-old individual. It mentions the person's interests in being patriotic for India, having crushes in the past and currently on someone from Bengal, and planning future honeymoons with their beloved who they met while interviewing at the same business school. Interspersed are some immature comments about undergarments.
2. Oh Yes, I’m only 14 now but trust me,
Nanha Munna Rahi hoon Desh ka sipahi hoon :P
They wouldn’t let me watch Gone Girl because it was
A rated
So I came back to my room and watched Teletubbies
3. You see I’m anti corrupt and a die hard team India fan
And I attach badges to my pics
You too can….
Go to “” :P
4. My crushes back at Mesra before I met
the true love of my life
Now, my current crush is zero figured,
manicured, pedicured hottie from
Can’t wait to see her?
Have Patience…
It’s gonna be legen----dary
6. Here she he is
Journey so far with my beloved:
• Met her him at IIMB interview at Kolkata:
• Same interview panel
• Same B school
• Same section
• Same wing
• Same Marketing and Operations group
7. Par har kisi ko nai milta yahaan pyar zindagi mein :’( :’(
8. Chori chori chupke
chupke….dekhta hoon main
tujhe :P :P
Plans for a 3 day honeymoon
during Sangram spoilt due to
other friends on Etop who
were jealous of my love.
Next Honeymoon plan during
exchange at Paris…..beat
that losers :D :D
9. Today is my Happy Budday…..
You can hoosh me anytime at E-Top
……I’ll wear 4 undies (or nothing at all) to protect my BUM…..