Mykola Kornylovych Pymonenko (Ukrainian: 亳从仂仍舒 仂仆亳仍仂于亳 亳仄仂仆亠仆从仂), sometimes spelled Pimonenko (Russian: 亳从仂仍舒亶 仂仆亳仍仂于亳 亳仄仂仆亠仆从仂, Nikolay Kornilovich Pimonenko ) (March 9, 1862, Kiev March 26, 1912, Kiev) was a Ukrainian painter. One of the most eminent Ukrainian genre painters Pymonenko was widely acclaimed in the Russian Empire; A member of the Imperial Academy of Arts since 1904 and of a progressive Peredvizhniki artistic movement and the turn of the century.
Mykola Kornylovych Pymonenko (Ukrainian: 亳从仂仍舒 仂仆亳仍仂于亳 亳仄仂仆亠仆从仂), sometimes spelled Pimonenko (Russian: 亳从仂仍舒亶 仂仆亳仍仂于亳 亳仄仂仆亠仆从仂, Nikolay Kornilovich Pimonenko ) (March 9, 1862, Kiev March 26, 1912, Kiev) was a Ukrainian painter. One of the most eminent Ukrainian genre painters Pymonenko was widely acclaimed in the Russian Empire; A member of the Imperial Academy of Arts since 1904 and of a progressive Peredvizhniki artistic movement and the turn of the century.