The document shows crime data from 1990 to 2010 for the city of High Point, including the number of murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, and total violent crimes each year. It also shows the city's population for each year. Between 1998 and 2009:
1. High Point averaged 201 fewer violent crimes per year compared to previous years.
2. This represents a total of 2,412 violent crimes prevented during this period.
3. Based on estimates from RAND, the cumulative savings from these prevented crimes is $484,572,000.
2. SOURCE: Heaton, Paul. RAND Economist Offers Evidence That Crime-Fighting Can Pay for Itself.
Violent Crime and the Economic Crisis: Police Chiefs Face A New Challenge. Critical Issues in
Policing Series Part II. Police Executive Research Forum, Washington May 2009: 22-23.
Miller,Cohen &
Weirsema (1996)
Cohen et al. (2004)
French, McCollister,
and Reznik (2007)
Average Cost of
Crime Using all 3
Murder $4,068,866 $11,608,317 $9,347,132 $8,000,000
Rape $117,997 $283,626 $219,933 $200,000
Robbery $17,632 $277,642 $51,134 $100,000
Assault $20, 344 $83,771 $123,162 $75,000
3. VCTF and HPCAV formed 1997
Since 1998 City has averaged 201 fewer violent crimes per year
(murder, rape, robbery, assault)
A total of 2,412 violent crimes prevented between1998-2009
Cumulative total saved $484,572,000 based on RAND economist estimates
per year
Social Cost
per crime
Total Savings
Murder 3 8,300,000 24,900,000
Rape 3 207,000 621,000
Robbery 4 115,000 460,000
Assault 192 75,000 14,400,000
Total for 1 year $40,381,000