The document summarizes an innovation day event at VIRAC. It includes an agenda for the day which involves an opening speech by the CEO, imagining VIRAC's future in 2023, discussing what growth is and key factors for sustainable growth, setting objectives and key results (OKRs), and a question and answer session. Attendees are instructed to actively contribute ideas and share their thoughts, feelings, and visions for VIRAC's future without judgment of ideas.
2. Keep your phone in silient mode
No use mobile phone during our session
Actively contribute ideas
Raise your voice to the topic
No Right or Wrong Ideas
No Judge. We respect
all your new & crazy ideas
Our Rules
3. Agenda for today
Open speech by the CEO
Lets imagine VIRAC picture
What is growth and why?
Key Factors to Substainable Growth
Set our OKRs (Objectives & Key Results)
Question & Answers
Thank you!
4. Were seated on the Time Machine Plane.
It will bring us to the future:
Whatll we see
VIRAC in 2023?
5. What do you have seen?
Use pencils and sticknotes
to write down what
youve seen?
6. Lets create our future together...
Share your
and imagine of our future
to create it together....