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Roma 11 Marzo 2010
Viral marketing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The buzzwords viral marketing and viral advertising refer to
marketing techniques that use                pre-existing social
networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to
achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through
self-replicating viral processes, analogous                              to the spread of
pathological and computer viruses. It can be word-of-
mouth delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet.
[1] Viral promotions may take the form of video clips, interactive
Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, or
even text messages.

                      Revision as of 20:46, 30 July 2007
                      Viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to
                      produce increases in brand awareness, through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of
                      pathological and computer viruses........ The term "viral marketing" is also sometimes used pejoratively, to refer
                      to stealth marketing campaigns[4]--the use of varied kinds of astrotur鍖ng both online and of鍖ine [5] to create
                      the impression of spontaneous word of mouth enthusiasm.
Se c兵竪 qualcosa che si diffonde alla
 stessa velocit di un virus 竪 la
 paura del virus stesso !!!!

                                                                                trend italia

L兵andamento delle ricerche [Google] sul virus H1N1 durante gli ultimi 12 mesi
is it hot ?

                                                        gli strumenti
                  viral marketing
le piattaforme

                               social media marketing
Come piani鍖care una campagna

                        Ciclo di vita di una campagna Social / Viral / 2.0

                                            Seo Effect
             Buzz-PR                                                                          Conversation



                                                                                       Ghosts of Google

                    A        Response generato da Buzz, dallattrattivit del brand, da azioni viral adhoc
                    B        Engagement genuino dovuto ad interazioni reali con il prodotto/servizio
Dove distribuire una campagna

prima ...
                           Video Repository

oggi ...
                          Content Distribution
Alcuni dati su Facebook
Facebook users are sharing five billion pieces of content a week, or
five times as much as they were in July.

Facebook users are also posting 60 million status updates a day or
50% more than they were in September.
However, the overall percentage of Facebooks user base posting status
updates has actually fallen with 35 of the 400 million users publishing
these per day.

New photo uploads are at 3 billion per month, up from 1 billion in July.
There are 3.5 million new events created each month.
Pages have also seen dramatic growth, with 3.2 million of pages.
A lot of that growth has come from local businesses, which accounted
for 800,000 of those new pages.
Twenty million people become fans of Facebook Pages each day, or
up more than twofold since July.
Un caso concreto

       Sindrome da Calzolaio

Lancio di una nuova metrica sulla misurazione
dell兵engagement sui Social Media.
Engagement Rate (TM)

Interessante innovativa ma poco
                       accattivante, proveniente da una
agenzia giovane, poco conosciuta ed in teoria riservata ad
un   pubblico di addetti ai lavori.

Come renderla Virale ?
La Viral strategy :|

Cosa fare, non potendo aggiungere elementi
crossmediali, sexy, splatter, fanny, shock, misteriosi, di

sorpresa, teaser etc etc
La Viral strategy :|
- farla   passare come una ricerca proveniente dagli US

- farla passare come una ricerca proveniente da una
agenzia americana

- effettuare azioni di pr-online/seeding sui SN e su
alcuni Guru兵s Blog americani

- rivelare che si tratta di una agenzia italiana

- rivelare la metodologia

- effettuare una successiva azione di pr of鍖ine
Alcuni risultati quantitativi
- quasi 8.000 views su 際際滷share
- quasi 2.000 nuove entries su Google

- un Engagement Rate di 7.6 % [583 positive interactions]

- embeddata spontaneamente oltre 40 volte

- traf鍖co da embed > 800

- quasi 500 download

- posizionamento al top

- (5 volte) hot on facebook
Il trend                                        Viral-Buzz-                             Seo Effect

                                                                        A                               B


                                                                                                        Ghosts of Google

              Response goes UP
        driven by Pr online, seeding, ...
                                                                Engagement goes UP
                                                            driven by Real conversations

                                            Revamp generato da
                                               attivit ad hoc                                                   Revamp generato da
                                                                                                                    attivit ad hoc

... la pi湛 grande soddisfazione
Thank you!   Gianluca Arnesano
             Managing Director

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Viral Marketing

  • 2. Viral marketing From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The buzzwords viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of pathological and computer viruses. It can be word-of- mouth delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet. [1] Viral promotions may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, or even text messages. Revision as of 20:46, 30 July 2007 Viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness, through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of pathological and computer viruses........ The term "viral marketing" is also sometimes used pejoratively, to refer to stealth marketing campaigns[4]--the use of varied kinds of astrotur鍖ng both online and of鍖ine [5] to create the impression of spontaneous word of mouth enthusiasm.
  • 3. Se c兵竪 qualcosa che si diffonde alla stessa velocit di un virus 竪 la paura del virus stesso !!!! trend italia L兵andamento delle ricerche [Google] sul virus H1N1 durante gli ultimi 12 mesi
  • 4. is it hot ? gli strumenti viral marketing le piattaforme social media marketing
  • 5. Come piani鍖care una campagna Ciclo di vita di una campagna Social / Viral / 2.0 Viral- Seo Effect Buzz-PR Conversation ENGAGEMENT A RESPONSE B Launch Ghosts of Google A Response generato da Buzz, dallattrattivit del brand, da azioni viral adhoc B Engagement genuino dovuto ad interazioni reali con il prodotto/servizio
  • 6. Dove distribuire una campagna prima ... Video Repository oggi ... Content Distribution
  • 7. Alcuni dati su Facebook Facebook users are sharing five billion pieces of content a week, or five times as much as they were in July. Facebook users are also posting 60 million status updates a day or 50% more than they were in September. However, the overall percentage of Facebooks user base posting status updates has actually fallen with 35 of the 400 million users publishing these per day. New photo uploads are at 3 billion per month, up from 1 billion in July. There are 3.5 million new events created each month. Pages have also seen dramatic growth, with 3.2 million of pages. A lot of that growth has come from local businesses, which accounted for 800,000 of those new pages. Twenty million people become fans of Facebook Pages each day, or up more than twofold since July.
  • 8. Un caso concreto Sindrome da Calzolaio
  • 9. Progetto Lancio di una nuova metrica sulla misurazione dell兵engagement sui Social Media. Engagement Rate (TM) Interessante innovativa ma poco accattivante, proveniente da una agenzia giovane, poco conosciuta ed in teoria riservata ad un pubblico di addetti ai lavori. Come renderla Virale ?
  • 10. La Viral strategy :| Cosa fare, non potendo aggiungere elementi crossmediali, sexy, splatter, fanny, shock, misteriosi, di ? sorpresa, teaser etc etc
  • 11. La Viral strategy :| - farla passare come una ricerca proveniente dagli US - farla passare come una ricerca proveniente da una agenzia americana - effettuare azioni di pr-online/seeding sui SN e su alcuni Guru兵s Blog americani - rivelare che si tratta di una agenzia italiana - rivelare la metodologia - effettuare una successiva azione di pr of鍖ine
  • 12. Alcuni risultati quantitativi - quasi 8.000 views su 際際滷share - quasi 2.000 nuove entries su Google - un Engagement Rate di 7.6 % [583 positive interactions] - embeddata spontaneamente oltre 40 volte - traf鍖co da embed > 800 - quasi 500 download - posizionamento al top - (5 volte) hot on facebook
  • 13. Il trend Viral-Buzz- Seo Effect Conversation PR ENGAGEMENT A B RESPONSE Launch Ghosts of Google Response goes UP driven by Pr online, seeding, ... Engagement goes UP driven by Real conversations ..... Revamp generato da attivit ad hoc Revamp generato da attivit ad hoc .....
  • 14. ... la pi湛 grande soddisfazione
  • 15. Thank you! Gianluca Arnesano Managing Director gianluca@frozenfrogs.it