The document outlines a viral marketing rollout plan consisting of several phases from April to October. It includes developing email campaigns, social media presence, and gamer community outreach to drive awareness of new niche computer equipment. The goal is to leverage existing customers and partners to generate buzz and referrals through contests, special offers and ongoing communications across multiple online channels.
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Viral Rollout Ex Li
1. Ex. US Viral Marketing Rollout for Niche CE SKUII 5/27III 7/1IV 9/1V 9/15I - By 4/1VI 10/1E-mail Co. tagsCo. staff to use tagsOn-going marcomSuggestionsFocus groupsInteractionsE-cardsXMAS, specials,On-going awarenessCommunicate to opt-in DBase1st hit: Refer 3x friends: Enter to win new products - setup2nd hit: Sweeps win brand design contest (leverage new SKUs) 3nd hit: Announce retail partnersWhere to buyRevised & Optimized websiteGamers/teams list Co. & associatedEnlist top CS, WoW, Quake, etc. players & leagues, developer partners, leagues, etc. to endorse & discuss new SKUsU.S. Games retail opt-in list DBase1st hit: Win Co. retail center setup (share opt-in list)Public sites: gotfrag, overclockers, facebook, twitter, modders, etc.New banners, ad buys, tradeinformOffer customers Guide to Gaming IRCs in/out sitesLeverage 1-3 hits as needed on all marcomBlogs, discussion boards, user groupsOngoingPR media listSales contactsFeedback - improvements