Virtual business cards allow users to exchange contact information directly to another person's phone without a physical card. By instructing someone to text their name to a phone number, that person will receive the contact's information and branding directly as a text message while the contact also receives their phone number. This virtual business card system builds a database of potential clients and allows the contact to easily send messages to the entire group.
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Virtual business-cards
1. Virtual Business Card
Never be caught in a situation where you cannot give out a card because you dont have one. Never
give out information to someone and not get theirs in return.
Do you know what happens to most business cards? In the desk or in the trash, but the contact is
lost forever.
Never again.
Hand out your business card direct to their phone.
Step 1: Instruct them to Text (YOUR NAME) to the phone number 55469
Step 2: They get an auto-generated text right back to their phone with all of
your contact information, a link to Your Mobile Website (included in
package) plus a picture message with an image of your business card, logo,
product, etc.
Step 3: You get a text-message on your phone with their phone number.
Step 4: Potential client can now easily save your information directly into
their phone
Step 5: Every person that texts-in for your card is in your personal
database of potential business. Now you can simply log-in to the user-
interface accessible from any computer and send a text blast to every
person in your database reminding them of you and your brand.
Sign-up for yours today and
start building a database that
you can use for years to