4. What can I use a QR code for ?
Scan the QR code on your smartphone to activate the item listed. Scan the QR code on your smartphone to activate the item listed.
View the Youth Activities @ Your Library Suggest a Library Purchase
QR Codes
9. Things to have ready.
1. A Google+ personal account
Aliases are not allowed
2. Your Libraries webpage address.
3. Your Libraries Logo
Google Plus
13. Here is a Google+ trick that you might find useful in your
If you dont have one already. Setup a free Evernote account.
In Google+ create a Evernote Circle and put in one
member, Evernote again. Assign it the upload email from your
Evernote account. You can find it underTools, Account info.
Right click to copy it to the clip board.
Now you can share anything from your Google+ to Evernote.
Just check the box labeled Also email 1 person not yet using
Google Plus
14. Links
Shorten any url - http://goo.gl/
Add a Google +1 button to your site - http://goo.gl/QlCQY
Google+ Pages for business - http://goo.gl/RgChD
Setting up a Google Plus Page for your Library is Easy -
Evernote Remember Everything http://www.evernote.com/
Google Plus
21. melanie@salpublib.org
Salina Public Library: www.salinapubliclibrary.org
Editor's Notes
#3: QR Codes are appearing everywhere! (as you can see on the picture they are used for..) QR Codes (Quick Response Codes) are simply just 2-dimensional barcodes that you can read/scan with a smartphone, ipad or anything with a code reader. They can be created easily and placed on just about anything to provide extra information to customers. They originated from the auto industry, so vehicle parts could be tracked during manufacturing. (The codes can be tiny, or ginormous!)QR Codes have caught on in the real world because they carry a ton of information and they easily are read and that reading provides a ton of information. So, we need to take advantage of these in our libraries to use as a great informational and marketing tool.After all, over 14 million Americans scanned QR Codes on their mobile phone during June of 2011. (http://www.comscore.com/Press_Events/Press_Releases/2011/8/14_Million_Americans_Scanned_QR_or_Bar_Codes_on_their_Mobile_Phones_in_June_2011)And by 2014 mobile internet/smartphone use should take over desktop internet use. (http://www.digitalbuzzblog.com/2011-mobile-statistics-stats-facts-marketing-infographic/)
#4: When scanned, by a smartphone with a QR Code reader the codes can:Take someone to a webpage with additional information or a call to action (like us on facebook). (take you to your library page with maybe the calendar of events; or the book group schedule; video on youtube for an author or summer reading program)Email someone (we use these throughout the library for tech questions; or ask a librarian would be great if those were on all marketing information, people could just scan and email their question in)There are a sooooooooooooooo many things you can do with the codes its amazing!
#5: QR Code ideas for your library are only limited by your imagination! There are tons of uses for QR Codes. (and again, they are SUPER easy to create, which I will show you here shortly, so write down some of these ideas that you want to implement)*register online *wifi login (android only)Provide PDF of all the ideas I have rounded up for QR Codes.
#6: Basically, users scan the code with just an app. (To find an app for your device, go to your store or marketplace and search for either barcode scanner or a QR Code scanner).On their SmartPhone or iPad, they install a QR Code reader app such as:Android: QR DroidBlackberry: QR Code ScanneriPad: All you do then is open the app, you app will say something like scan code, this scan takes a picture of the QR code so it can read it, then it performs an action. (taking you to a website, a youtube video, email someone, generating an SMS message)The only 2 things needed are the QR Code reader and a camera.
#7: Basically, users scan the code with just an app. On their SmartPhone or iPad, they install a QR Code reader app such as:Android: QR DroidBlackberry: QR Code ScanneriPad: All you do then is open the app, you app will say something like scan code, this scan takes a picture of the QR code so it can read it, then it performs an action. (taking you to a website, a youtube video, email someone, generating an SMS message)The only 2 things needed are the QR Code reader and a camera.
#10: Setting up a Google+ account for the library is easy. I just went to the website and set up an account after reading an article. But you can make it even easier on yourself with a little preparation. You need a personal account in order to set up Pages for Google+ . Pages is the term Google is using to distinguish the business side of the site from the personal. Avoid a possible typo or memory hiccup by having your libraries web address available to copy and paste.Have a logo graphic where you can find it. (More on this in a minute).
#11: Ive reduced the url of the sign up website seen here in red. From there just click the big Create your Google+ Page button. It will take you to this page. The button labeled Company, Institution or Organization seems the best match for a Library.
#12: That will bring up a simple form. Which I filled out as you see here. This is where it will be handy to have your website url to paste in. I was in agreement with the article that Institution was the best match. Any Google+ user can see our site, we want to be informed of changes, agree to the terms, and click Create.
#13: You may need to resize your logo. The area reserved for it appeared square to me. So I resized ours to 300 x 300 pixels. It rejected my first attempt to upload. I think I had a .png file. If you prepare it ahead of time save it as a .jpg J-peg. This page gives you some ways to promote your new page. You can make your first post. Get a Google+ badge to place on your website. Copy the link to your page or send out in an email. Add a +1 button to your website, and other ideas and suggestions you may want to explore.Remember for social networking to be successful you need to make it about your patrons as much as it is about you. If you can find a way to get pictures or videos of people on the page they will tell their friends. Treating google+ or facebook only as a bulletin board for library activities is only going to attract current patrons.
#15: Finally here are some useful links for Google+ and more.
#17: Pinterest is an online virtual pinboard. Instead of bookmarking ideas, printing out things to do later or tearing ideas out of magazines, you can just pin them on your pinboard. (you are sharing your images of projects, quotes, tasks, etc. that you want to do or save for later.)Pinterest is a social site very high on the female demographic. Everyone shares their pins with those that they are following (i.e. kind of like their facebook friends) and then people can use those ideas on their pinboards. In October 2011, Pinterest had 3.3 million users! (from ComScore)The cool thing is, you can save ideas without adding clutter to your life. Its all saved online in your account. And you can add/delete anything you want on here at any time.
#18: Pinterest allows you to create a variety of boards, which you can see on my account here on the slide.Basically, I create a variety of boards, organized in my own format, and then I pin items on there.(in the next slide, Im going to show you how to actually get items on your pinboards)*talk about my categories I have and use*explain that you can have a collaborative board, where other people contribute to the board and pin ideas
#19: First I search and find an idea I like on Pinterest. I put my mouse over the top of the picture and I can repin, like or comment on the item.Once I click on repin, then I get the Repin box and it is asking me what pinboard I want to put it on and a description, then I click Pin It.Then I can access that pin on my technology pinboard anytime I want. Its all nicely organized for me.(Those things that you pin can be seen then by followers you have on Pinterest. Kind of like Facebook, how you see certain peoples status updates.)
#20: Staff: get library staff on Pinterest. Share ideas you are doing for the Summer Reading Program.Good Reads. (physical book or an ebook) Good Music. Good Movies.Great Reads for Toddlers, for Tweens.Find early literacy ideasKindle/Ebook holders, ideasBest apps for AndroidTutorials for Library designs / new buildsFavorite authors*share your PIN on facebook or twitter*you can add Pin It buttons on your browsers like in Pinterest*most importantly, follow people on pinterest, thats how you learn see what everyone else is doing; find some other library staff to follow, youll get great ideas