This is the presentation which was showed at Microsoft Tier1 event de:code 2019. In this presentation, I showed that there is a lot of option for Java Developer to use the Microsoft Azure.
This is the explanation of Azure Spring Cloud.
In the explanation, I showed the demo of Azure Spring Cloud.
You can see my demo on following URL.
This presentation was used for Japan Container Days 2018.
I explained the important point to use the k8s on Production environment for Japanese Audience.
AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Serverの準備と監視 _ Preparing and monitoring AKS on...Norio Sashizaki
- ウィルス対策における、AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server の除外パス
- Kubernetes クラスターの追加準備 – AD との SSO
- Get-AksHciCredential と kubectl.exe
Kubernetes クラスターのリソース確認
- サービス アカウント ベアラー トークン/サービス アカウント トークン認証 で Azure Arc の Kubernetes クラスター を確認
- AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Kubernetes クラスターのモニター
- AKS on Azure Stack HCI 内でログを表示して、データを収集、確認する
AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server のアップグレード
- Exclusion path for AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server in antivirus
- Prepare to add Kubernetes cluster - SSO with AD
- Get-AksHciCredential and kubectl.exe
Check Kubernetes cluster resources
- Check Kubernetes cluster in Azure Arc with Service Account Bearer Token / Service Account Token Authentication
- Monitor AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Kubernetes clusters
- View logs, collect and review data within AKS on Azure Stack HCI
Upgrade AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server
Reference material
A02_Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI 、オンプレ?エッジで動く AKS とは? [Microso...日本マイクロソフト株式会社
Azure ビジネス本部 プロダクトマネージャー/Azure SME
佐藤 壮一
GitOps やオンプレ?エッジ側も含めた開発体制の統制を検討されているのであれば、誰しもが気になるだろう、AKS on Azure Stack HCI。 この AKS on Azure Stack HCI について、概要説明から始め、展開方法の説明、実動作環境を利用したデモ等、じっくり説明させていただきます。
【Microsoft Japan Digital Daysについて】
Microsoft Japan Digital Days は、お客様が競争力を高め、市場の変化に迅速に対応し、より多くのことを達成することを目的とした、日本マイクロソフトがお届けする最大級のデジタル イベントです。4 日間にわたる本イベントでは、一人一人の生産性や想像力を高め、クラウド時代の組織をデザインするモダンワークの最新事例や、変化の波をうまく乗り切り、企業の持続的な発展に必要なビジネスレジリエンス経営を支えるテクノロジの最新機能および、企業の競争優位性に欠かせないクラウド戦略のビジョンなどデジタル時代に必要な情報をお届けいたしました。(2021年10月11日~14日開催)
Introduction of Azure Container Apps for Java DevelopersYoshio Terada
This is the introduction for Java user to use the Azure Container Apps.
Azure Container Apps can be used for the runtime of Cloud Native or Microservices. It is very easy to create and deploy the environment and also it implemented the Java Functionality. It means that Java developer can deploy their application from Java source code or artifact.
Jakarta EE Microproile Update JJUG 2020 MayYoshio Terada
This is an explanation of Jakarta EE & MicroProfile update for Japanese Java Users Group at Java 25th Anniversary event.
In this session, I explained about the history of J2EE/Java EE/Jakarta EE as well as MicroProfile.
In order to understand the current situation of Jakarta EE and MicroProfile, this explanation may be useful.
Azure RedHat OpenShift - Red Hat Forum 2019Yoshio Terada
This is an explanation at RedHat Forum 2019 in Japan.
The actual demonstration of "Azure RedHat OpenShift" is existing on the following URL.
The Experience of Java on Kubernetes with Microservices from HackFestYoshio Terada
Yoshio Terada is a Senior Cloud Developer Advocate and Java Champion at Microsoft. He has previously worked as a GlassFish Evangelist at Sun Microsystems and Java Evangelist at Oracle Japan. In his presentation, he covers topics like Java basics, Docker basics, his experience with Kubernetes, DevOps, and provides a Java demo. He emphasizes overcoming problems when learning new technologies to help build a better future.
Payara Scale (Hazelcast Enterprise) on AzureYoshio Terada
This is the HoL to create the Paraya Scale on Azure.
In fact, if use got the license from Payara or Hazelcast, you can create multi region cluster or On premiss and public Hybrid cluster. For mission critical environment, the solution is very useful.
Cloud Native Application on DEIS by using 12 factorYoshio Terada
This presentation explain how to create the cloud native scalable application by using 12 factor app of Heroku. In the presentation, I use the DEIS Workflow for kubernetes on Azure Container Services on Azure.
If you are interested in this, I created Hands on Lab as follows. Please try following?
Engineer can change the world with DrewYoshio Terada
Based on our experience of technology evangelists and Java Champion, we shared the information of global company's working style and communication with foreign engineers to grow up their motivation. Finally we said that "Engineer can change the world".
Microsoft LUIS meet Java (NAVITIME also used LUIS on production)Yoshio Terada
Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS) offers a fast and effective way of adding language understanding to applications. It is not only C# but also Java can available. In this article, I explained the basic of LUIS and the adoption story by NAVITIME. NAVITIME already use the LUIS on their production environment. And he explained the best practice to use the LUIS.
Preparation to Start the Microservice for Java EE developersYoshio Terada
This presentation explain how to start the Microservices for Java EE developers. From monolithic application to micro services, not only separate the services but also must consider some point in this article.
Azure Container Services and Microservices design patternYoshio Terada
This presentation explain the design pattern of Microservices architecture and also Microsoft Azure Web App(Linux Preview) and Azure Container Services.
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Virtual Kubelet and Virtual Node
1. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Fully managed Kubernetes orchestration service
Auto patching, auto scaling, auto updates
Use the full Kubernetes ecosystem
23. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Fully managed Kubernetes orchestration service
Auto patching, auto scaling, auto updates
Use the full Kubernetes ecosystem