Welcome to HEALTHePATH Associates, Inc. Enjoy a "virtual tour" of our offices - we\'ve created a relaxed comfortable environment to make it easier for you to take the first step in counseling.
2. Hi, my name is Dawn. Im the Receptionist here at HEALTHePATH Associates. Chances are, when you call us, you will be talking to me Im here to answer questions you might have about your insurance, our fees, the types of services we offer, or our clinical staff. I can also help you schedule an appointment. If this is your first visit to the Healthepath website, be sure to take your time and browse through all the pages. You can actually take a free confidential online screening by clicking on the Free Screening link you see in bold on our home page Thank-you for taking the time to get to know us, now its our turn to visit with you! Call me today: (417) 626-7900.And I look forward to helping you!
3. Here at HEALTHePATH Associates, we like to provide our Clients with a comfortable environment. Our office is designed to make you feel right at home.
4. Here at our office, we try to meet everybodys needs. We offer many services, in hopes of improving the lives of each and every individual that steps through our doors. Specializing In: *Marriage and Relationship Therapy *Counseling for Depression, Anxiety, and Anger. *Life coaching and Transformational Awakening. *Hypnotherapy for weight loss, stress, tobacco cessation, and self- confidence.
6. We would like to make your experience with us a Pleasant one. The relaxing atmosphere and delightful staff, should be more than enough to please you.
8. All Health Begins With Mental Health -T. Richardson- Our Mission: Provide high quality services in an environment and attitude that helps our clients interpret therapy as a positive healing experience which promotes their personal growth.
9. Thanks for Taking the Time to tour our Office! We are eager to meet with you.